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Posts posted by Plotron


    If this is a problem that's more appropriate for the GitHub, someone please post it there. I don't have an account and I don't want to make one just for this.

    All bug reports go there.

    Make an account because you will be able to comment on actual PRs and implemented (not)suggestions.

    Lots of other things clip, for instance certain robotic limbs.



    Only losers (or people playing on small screens) have their tasers on their armor slot. It's too far away for me from the center of the game area, and it's clearly visible upon examination.

    Having my bag open makes for better quickdrawing and accuracy as I don't have to move my cursor sideways [to the left and right].


    Security holsters. Hm.




    Remove NT Rep's authority to swipe red/ERT, remove NT Rep's swiping station in his office (I am playing NT Rep a lot recently but admit this seems to exceed the NT Rep's authority/charge - if the Blueshield has this authority too, it should also be removed)

    Well, I see where it's going. I just don't like the nerf to these two roles when it's time for crisis management. Some command staff is already sluggish in this aspect, and in some extreme cases when most of command is incapacitated/dead, the NT Representative will play even less of a role.


    Portable swiping stations for heads using PDA. Insert ID card into PDA, click a button. (I don't know how difficult this would be to code to allow simultaneous swiping)

    Isn't the point of stationary swipers to force Command to drop whatever they're doing (and become vulnerable for a moment) to do something together in unison?

    What would happen if a traitor managed to gain access to two head IDs and a mobile swiper? He'd be able to give himself emergency maintenance access at will.


    Here's a few ideas I was thinking of.

    [*]Increase simultaneous swipe recognition from the current 2-3 seconds to 10 seconds. This can get frustrating and that sort of time change does not change the intent of simultaneous swiping.

    It's only a problem for newcomers or people with severe lag. You have to learn how to swipe. It's a very simple procedure:

    1. Announce that you're ready to swipe and that you will initiate it, swipe when the other party says they're ready.

    2. Announce that you're ready to swipe and that the other party will initiate it, keep your eyes on the swiper and click the moment it blinks blue.

    3. Alternatively keep swiping until you succeed, the other party will have to do the second half of procedure no. 2.


    10 seconds is a fucking overkill. When I think about swiping, I imagine a scene from Terminator.


    Notify all parties to an ERT swipe that the request was sucessfully transmitted, or, better yet, let all swiping stations beep with that message upon a successful ERT request. (will avoid the "did it go through? Are you sure? Did you get the message? What message? Let's swipe again.")

    Yes. What we have right now is a fiddly placeholder. We've had ERT mechanics changed some time ago. Previously you'd get a huge automatic announcement that ERT has been called.


    [*]Give NT Rep, Magistrate pens the ability to change ink color by clicking on them. Give IAA's a "cheap multicolor pen" that does the same. (cannot claim this idea as my own, saw it weeks/months ago and thought it was a brilliant idea never implemented)

    It's been requested multiple times already.



    The RD was a victim of Smartbomb Version 1

    Amazing. Was that posibrain an ex-IPC or was it pulled from the ghostpool?

    Sadly, she got away!

    I met the spiderbot in space, while I was on EVA to get to the engishuttle from outside.



    Have two sub categories for bludgeoning a guy's head in and piercing it in.

    Some items may have both. And hell, even blunt objects may cause you to bleed (toolbox to the head, skin gets torn - try to account for that!).

    Fireaxe? It's sharp and heavy, it's both. It's kinda complicated, I don't think it's feasible. But yeah, breaking someone's ribs with a cracked bottle? Dafuq.


    Hey, how about... dislocated joints? :D




    She's not only capable of absorbing people in the Morgue, but also is robust enough to win against all odds.

    We've had a round where she killed and spaced the captain, killed the paramedic, killed a few security officers, destroyed a security cyborg, gravely wounded the HoS, and with the help of her parasite - she managed to fend off greytide. Combat stimulants, omnizine, completely unstunnable! I, as Boron, kept harmbatoning them but it just did nothing at all. More people kept coming, but nothing worked. She had an e-bow to eliminate targets with lethals. I kept running back and forth, in and out, trying to hit her holoparasite as many times as possible, but it was fruitless.

    I've managed to survive with just a broken leg (that I splinted later in Medbay), but we've had a lot of corpse, loot, tazers and batons to collect... The slaughter happened in Security Maintenance.

    It was quite long.


    In the end she escaped on an Engipod with 2 other traitors (and 2 other holoparasites). I had X-ray vision and I came close to them, but she warned us that opening the airlock would trigger a bomb. There was nothing I could do. If it wasn't for the damned AI Sat tubes, I would've easily EVA'd and shot them through the glass with a laser gun. There was even a rigged posibrain-spider that had one objective - to [smart]bomb Halogen. It arrived slightly too late, though...

    ERT never came.


    Halogen is OP, nerf she.



    Toxin damage can't be "externally" treated, you need to get pills etc to remove it, unlike brute and burn, where you can apply salve and bruise packs. This makes toxins harder to treat if you're alone with no access to medical (If you're a traitor on the run, for an example)

    Tea is relatively easy to acquire.

    You can fix burn and tox with simple medicine, but even moderate brute trauma may require a surgical intervention. Moving bones are the worst, especially in the head and chest.


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