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Mrs Dobbins

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Everything posted by Mrs Dobbins

  1. 3. Thats the half the number of legs that one horse has!
  2. Goon has those, don't they? Also, Siren helmet when?
  3. on the sixth day of paradise, the admins gave to me 6 plasma griefers FIVE DANK ASS MEMES Three drunk clowns Two Nuke Ops Teams And a Greyshirt screaming Shitcurity!
  4. 9 memebers of staff think they are admins. (Maintainers don't count)
  5. Basically, what these mean is that you are supercop AI that doesn't allow any wiggle-room for antags and has an obsession with using the vox. Still, I am impressed by just how good at stopping anything bad from happening (but it less good when you want an interesting round.
  6. 4 flaming catbeasts, also missing several limbs to my fireaxe
  7. This is probably why I'm not in charge of the elections http://pastebin.com/WsKskJT0
  8. Deploy the anti-anime asteroid field! In all seriousness, write about how lewd Seda is around AIs.
  9. Draw the wettest Skrell around. And now draw it with its tentacles all around ADR.
  10. I like this idea, as it means that those nerds who play medical have to spend less time when nagging everyone who didn't roll suit sensors at roundstart. but the message needs to respondable to. If I can't tell Heather Somnes that "suit sensors are for nerds" then whats the point of her messaging me?
  11. a CE who can do a basic setup of atmos is always nice. I can count the number of CEs who play and can do atmos on my fingers.
  12. New God idea Axius, god of atmos techs
  13. 1 tank just blew up due to Tallarn desert raiders stabbing it. (thanks 6th edition vehicle rules)
  14. 2. Catgirl tank corps with dandy pink tanks at the ready!
  15. Let the shitposting never cease (for if it does, ADR's posts per day will drop to 0.3) 1.
  16. 3. Since Canada is responsible for Brian Adams, you are now on the Axis.
  17. I'm Pretty sure Denmark was invaded by Nazi germany, so I'm annexing you as well. 1.
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