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Posts posted by DZD

  1. I'll see about trying to give them Sol/Common by default, I believe I tried to do this when initially porting over mobile pAIs, but it didn't quite work, as pAIs are capable of speaking it by default (and understanding themselves), but not understanding others that are speaking it; which means there's likely a problem with how languages are processed for pAIs.


    Yep, the backpack/PDA thing is a problem with our Say code, not just pAIs, it happens with just about any user-controlled object (MMIs, positronic brains) that is then stored inside a container. The problem is due to the fact that we swapped over to an experimental version of the Say code a while ago, which has a few issues; including this problem, which were never fixed; nor did we revert to the old Say code in the way Bay12 did, due to the fact that the new code is significantly more CPU efficient.


    EDIT: They can examine things while in drone form, but not while in card form, this seems to apply to user-controlled objects as well, and has to do with the fact that they're objects and not mobs.



    Personally, I very much dislike the taser change, as it makes it incredibly easy for anything with a taser to crowd control large groups of players. As badass as it is to be that one person who comes out of a room of 6-7 people trying to kill you, it's fairly unbalanced. The paincrit system, while not perfect, prevented such an event from occurring without some serious misplays on the part of the mob or extreme resourcefulness from the lone person.


    As far as the stun baton is concerned, having it be able to down a person fairly quickly, significantly more so than the taser is balanced against the risk of going into melee range. However, if the baton cannot miss, and is guaranteed to down a person, it effectively removes a majority of that risk, creating an imbalance.


    As far as the instant stun system vs. agony/paincrit, both are incredibly frustrating for whoever is on the receiving end, and each are (at least to an extent) able to be countered. Instant stuns can be reduced by synaptizine, or completely bypassed by the Hulk mutation; likewise the agony from the paincrit system can be reduced via painkiller, wearing equipment with a Siemens coefficient that is less than 1, or (correct me if I'm wrong here) completely bypassed once again by using Hulk. With instant stuns, the ways to bypass synaptizine are to administer deadly force or stun repeatedly, while with paincrit, one has to keep add additional pain. In both cases, hulk can only be countered by deadly force. (Because let's face it, nobody will think to use ryetalyn in a syringe gun).


    I am not going to go into the effects of either system when related to security and the average criminal/antag, as most people are familiar with these types of situations; however the other thing to keep in mind is that security's ability to subdue people is also heavily weighed in during nuke ops rounds.


    With paincrit weapons, nuke ops have an inherent advantage due to the fact that their suits have a Siemens coefficient of 0.6, while also possessing weapons that can instantly stun. This situation is fairly tense, and to an extent frustrating for security, as you have to commit a fair amount of firepower to downing a single op, and if you get hit by an instant stun, chances are that you will die. On the nuke ops side, you are playing with an inherent advantage (until security gets lasers, which your hardsuit hardly protects against), but have to be careful not to take too many hits, as they will slow you down until you've taken enough to down you.


    With instant stun tasers, nuke ops possess no inherent advantage besides the fact that they have access to lethal instant stun weapons (c-20r). Security knows that they only need one hit to bring down an op, and may recklessly pursue that, as the reward and risk are fairly equal. On the operatives' side, you have to play smart, as no matter how many weapons you brought, one hit makes them useless, and can likely result in your death. At first this may seem extremely unfair from the operatives' side, until you realize that this forces operatives to equip themselves to counter the instant stuns, one or two operatives with e-shields standing in the front can result in security tasing themselves. This in turn forces security to take an even greater risk and attack you with stun batons, having to come into melee range, by which time the ops may well have already shot them.


    THIS is good gameplay balance (I could go more in depth into this example, but for the sake of brevity, will avoid doing so), while giving certain antags an advantage against the average player is necessary, you also have to give both sides room to counter each other, as that makes combat more engaging for both sides.



    tl;dr: Both systems have their own issues, I personally don't like instant stun tasers for general use, and think instant stun batons need to have more risk involved in their use, such as a decent chance to miss. On a larger scale, the game should encourage players to play around each other, not just run in headfirst into combat and use the most OP strategy.



    The whole bit about them being indestructible emergency screamers is what I was talking about, they couldn't actually be wiped because the master interface was broken, and made it extremely frustrating for anyone trying to kill a target that owned a pAI. As far as being fragile, logically-speaking they're tiny little cards made of glass and plastic, not exactly made for being bludgeoned with a fireaxe heavy duty use. From a gameplay standpoint, it goes back to not making them unfair to everyone but the master and pAI, they're not supposed to be major contributors to the round, being more meaningful than animals such as Ian certainly, but not as much as a cyborg or person.


    That being said, the hype train is still in full force, and I've still a few bugfixes and tweaks I need to test for them before they're working as intended™.



    As far as implementing the mobile pAIs, I tended to go towards the side of them not letting them interact with too much of the world, partly to encourage them to stick around their master and help them; rather than walk around the station and screw about with things. As far as balance goes, I did make them a fair bit weaker than they are on Bay12 (EG: cannot strip people, cannot push them around, cannot drag even tiny items around, longer form swapping cooldown), mainly due to the fact that the factors seemed quite broken given certain circumstances, (EG: pAI yakkety saxing the nuke disk, or somebody's ID around) and didn't contribute to interesting gameplay as far as it created the possibility of them ruining others' fun (For example, if pAIs had a short form swap cooldown, it would make it irritatingly difficult for somebody to wipe the pAI of their target after killign them)


    For any further additions and balance suggestions, be aware that it has to be something feasible as well as considerate of multiple different sides, not just from the pAI's or its master's. That said, something does need to be done about pAIs being harassed, killed, and wiped simply for existing.


  6. Hawke ended up challenging Not Satan to a game of Russian Roulette, needless to say, Hawke lost. Later on, BUP won a coin flip against Not Satan, which resulted in Hawke and another Tajaran being contained naked within glass boxes in security maint, and tortured by BUP and Not Satan.


    The '~' is used to denote the class' destructor (Eg, if a class's constructor is Fraction(), the destructor will be ~Fraction(), it essentially does the opposite of what the constructor does, which is to say that it is executed before an object is removed from memory. For the most part, you will only need to use a destructor when you dynamically allocate memory, or need to execute some other "cleanup" code before removing an object from memory.




     // Let's say I create the object below

    exampleNode = new Node;

    // When I delete exampleNode as below

    delete exampleNode;

    /* The destructor for the Node class (~Node()) is called to unallocate the memory taken up by exampleNode

    In the case of the destructor you've been given, it sets next to NULL, and unallocates the memory block that value points to. */




    In essence, you're going to create a destructor properly clean up an object when it is deleted.


  8. The weapon code for space pods is implemented fairly badly, which results in a plethora of runtime errors. I'm having a look at it right now, and I'll take a shot at fixing it.


    This is necro'ing an old thread, but I just submitted a pull request that fixes this, adds functionality to the four invisible slime cores, and makes all of the slimes and their cores have sprites, and thus be visible.


    Also, bluespace slimes arenot invisible, as our slime code is mostly shared with /tg/, and they have a visible bluespace slime, the sprite is basically the cueball helmet in slime form.



    Chair demons the movie - Hawke edition!




    And never trust him anymore. He has become possessed!




    This round was amazing, it all started with a few ghosts haunting Hawke, rotating chairs and flickering lights around him, then the adminbus arrived and Hawke went completely insane as the haunting progressed, even bringing the ERT lead along on the wild ride.



    Not a custom event, I arrived, Xenos had taken arrival, I NOPE'ed off to clown planet to grab a knife and radiation suit as a sec officer in order to avoid the facehuggers in arrival, the portal was left online due to this.


    After the the Xenos got horribly wiped on the station, the empress and that other Xenomorph apparently fled there.



    This thread needs to arise.

    Latejoining as RD and see power armour parts, bloodall over RnD floor, research did whatever the fuck, toxins flooded, telescience with goliaths inside and SSD xenoarchs.


    Don't forget xenobiology, because in one of these situations, slimes will inevitably have escaped containment en masse.


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