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Posts posted by DZD


    Time to rant about this for a bit then. Lots of text, no tl;dr, go read it.


    The first major issue I have with loyalty implants is their use against cultists. First of all, only holy water can deconvert cultists, as they are immune to implants while cultists, however they cannot convert implanted personnel. This much is fine, but the fact of the matter is, cultists do not, and more importantly should not reveal cultists after being deconverted and implanted. Reason being? Well, just look at the large, bold red text that they are shown when deconverted: "An unfamiliar white light flashes through your mind, cleansing the taint of the dark-one and the memories of your time as his servant with it." This quite literally states that the person no longer remembers their time as a cultist, and thus would forget the identities and plans of the other cultists after being deconverted.


    Implants being used to test people for antag status is atrocious. The practice should not simply not exist. Not only is implanting a person to test if they are an antag incredibly boring and uninventive, (it has been getting especially common more recently) but it is against Space Law. People are only to be implanted when they are confirmed to have committed a crime that would otherwise warrant permabrigging, execution, or borging. (Hah, people never do that last one.) There are other ways to check for changelings (welder fuel + blood) and vampires (assuming it's not fully powered: sit it down in the chapel for a bit, or pour some holy water down its throat) What makes this matter even worse is that implanting an antag essentially turns them from somebody who is supposed to add to the chaos and fun of the round, to a friendtag, who will often hunt down other antags, taking away from that fun and chaos that antags are supposed to create.


    The idea of keeping an antag in the round with a loyalty implant is also somewhat inane. You're taking someone who was lucky enough to get a role that most always requires them to remove people from the round, and they messed up and got caught? Guess what, you get to stay in the round, despite having permanently taken those players out of the round, and it being entirely your fault. Antags should suffer the consequences of their own mistakes, be it through execution, permabrigging, or being forced to serve the station as a cyborg. Yes, sometimes it will just be bad luck or RNG that gets them caught, but the same can be said for the ways other non-antag players get killed, nobody can really escape it in this game.


    Part of the problem with the frequency at which antags are loyalty implanted is the fact that it is straight out better than executing or brigging them. That changeling/vampire you just caught? Yes, now it's using its powers to help you catch others of its kind. Similarly, traitors will often feed code words (granted, they're rarely used), Syndicate items, and their uplink to security/command after being implanted. Something needs to be done to make implants less of an "I win" button for security, as in their current state they're evidently broken.


    Going back to the idea of friendtags that I mentioned earlier, my biggest gripe with loyalty implants is traitors that voluntarily ask for them, even when not suspected or caught; simply because it grants them immunity. This is incredibly powergamey, and doesn't make sense for somebody assisting an enemy corporation. Simply put, if a normal antag ends the round implanted, their objectives should just automatically fail. Do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars, YOU LOSE, YOU WERE CAUGHT, YOU FAILED.


    Before somebody mentions anything about RP, let me remind you that a lot of things we ported over from Baystation simply no longer fit our playstyle. Paradise shifted from a medium RP server to more of a light RP one, game mechanics balanced for heavy RP simply do not translate well in this environment. Either the game mechanics need to be changed, or the RP environment needs to be changed as far as implants are concerned.


  2. Mutiny is by far one of the most controversial game modes still in the rotation, up there along with Revolution and RP Revolution. I would like to hear everyone's thoughts on the game mode and whether or not they want it to stay in the rotation. Please note that this does not mean we are/are not going to keep mutiny in the rotation, and is simply something for me to gauge people's thoughts on the game mode as a whole. You are of course free to post any suggestions you have for improving the game mode.


    Seems to be a bug with the taser, where it tries to recharge from the main battery despite its battery being full. It was introduced after it was changed to drain from its own battery (which slowly recharges from the borg's battery), and not the cyborg's. I'll have a look at that.


    EDIT: Fixed, only the taser was doing this, not the baton. Batons will drain from your battery on use, and that is intentional. Tasers will drain from their own battery on use, which recharges off the cyborg's battery at a rate of 1 shot (1000 charge) every 10 ticks (about 10 seconds).



    I can see somebody becoming extremely wealthy, then some geneticist uses the mind-reading power to steal their PIN and all of their hard-earned money. It may be worthwhile to change the genetics power or add some kind of limit to how much money can be withdrawn during a single round.


    Zomgponies - Limits will be put in place for mindreading. Perhaps only partial numbers or some such.


  5. The glass table still needs a few sprites for when it is flipped, as well as for glass table parts. As far as the structuring and sprites needed, here is the metal table for reference, it might help to open it up in Dream Maker to look at how everything is structured..

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