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Posts posted by DZD


    Going to have a post here to store polls taken directly from the server, for a larger sample size.



    Note: This poll is going to be a bit skewed, this is coming out of a changeling round, and the question reflects it to an extent. Only about 30 people voted out of 50-60.



    Edit: I just realized that the time limit on editing is probably going to mess this up entirely.



    4. In their human form, shadowlings must rely on item-based stuns in order to enthrall people, as they'll in all likelihood need a kill grab to keep someone still long enough to enthrall somebody.



    Do they need to be stunned or could you just restrain them in such a manner they can't move/escape for thirty seconds? Even cable restraints last just about long enough.


    Not entirely certain about that one, but cable restraints can be resisted out of in less than 30 seconds, so you may well be able to escape.



    Just going to throw out a few hard facts about them right now:

    1. It takes 30 seconds total to enthrall somebody, if they move away from you during those 30 seconds, or you are otherwise interrupted, enthrallment cancels.

    2. Enthralling has a 45 second cooldown, assuming an enthrall was successful, that's 15 seconds between successful attempts, much longer if you were at all interrupted.

    3. Shadow lings take 6 burn damage per Life() tick when exposed to even a small amount (greater than light level 2, that's just 2 steps above utter darkness) of light, Diona by comparison take 2.5 brute and 1.25 burn per Life() tick when in utter darkness, if somebody has a non-extinguishable light source on them (EG, a flare or yellow slime core light), you are NOT going to want to go anywhere near them while hatched.

    4. In their human form, shadowlings must rely on item-based stuns in order to enthrall people, as they'll in all likelihood need a kill grab to keep someone still long enough to enthrall somebody.

    5. Assuming you're not stupid enough to travel alone, and a hatched shadowling ambushes you, if each one of you has a flashlight and the shadowling uses Veil (extinguishes nearby lights), you can then just toggle said light back on. Shadowlings cannot handle groups of people until they're ascended or obtain a number of thralls.

    6. The shadowling Shadow Walk ability (basically ethereal jaunt) lasts for 4 seconds at a time, and has a 60 second cooldown. If you have several groups (think of wizard rounds here) of people searching for a lone shadowling, they're toast.


    A few other considerations are that both the thrall requirement, thrall sharing between Shadowlings (as far as the requirement is concerned), loyalty implant ignoring enthralling, and the fact that it is impossible to disenthrall people are all currently being discussed, and none of them are quite decided (I would really prefer to at least get these things working first). Also, keep in mind that this is not an antag type that you're supposed to sit around and die horribly one by one (This isn't The Thing), a little common sense goes a long way in not getting enthralled.


    EDIT: /tg/ made a few changes to them, burn damage is now 10 per tick in light levels > 4, and loyalty implants slow enthralling by 15 seconds and destroy the implant.



    I'm going to go ahead and quote Adr, because this applies here.


    I hate to be the no-fun-allowed guy, but oh boy i can already see the influx of komdoms, so before it happens lemme say that


    If you try to be a smartass by being a shitlord and then excusing yourself with "BUT I IS FOLLOING GUID WRITEN BY HEADMUN" then yer gonna git ban'd even harder.


  5. IPCs reacting to chems just like everyone else is temporary and subject to change. As far as TG's hate of Goonchem, keep in mind that their medical system beforehand was very simplistic, with most issues quickly solvable by a single pill, or slapping enough bandages on a wound. Our medbay staff has had to deal with significantly more complex problems than the average TG medical player due to broken bones, organ damage, ruptured lungs, and the like. Fj also has a point that a lot of the people complaining on TG are basically doing so because they do not like change.

  6. I just have a few reservations about this, one being that if stamina damage is applied due to limb damage, once it accumulates to 100 (along with any other damage), the person is basically permastunned, which is a LOT like Bay permacrit, which is a system I very much dislike. It may make more sense to make limb damage cause stamina damage to build up over time, and then subtract once it stuns the person. The second is about things like fires and acid, which both apply damage to every hitzone, effectively meaning that if limb damage didn't count for health, such damage sources would suddenly become significantly less effective.

  7. Having a choice to pick what map to run on would certainly be interesting, although I have to concur with the point made about the maintenance required for it. Additionally, as far as the "burden of knowledge" idea, it certainly would be disorienting for newer players to have to learn where things are an two maps, and it would take at least a few days for older players to learn it as well.

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