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Posts posted by DZD


    Both of the brig physician's items need sprites for when they are displayed in-hand. Also, I would recommend looking and how Flagbearer has the .dmi file structured using Dream Maker, as if you have all the sprites assigned to the same icon state, the icon animates, switching between those sprites (EG, different icon state for a closed labcoat versus an open one). Otherwise, both look great. Here is the icon for the paramedic's vest as a reference.


    The HoS coat has one such sprite in-game, however it would need a bit of tweaking so it properly matches up with the 3 gold button coat, here is the current version.



    The station was having a fairly chaotic round with changelings as well as a ninja, and the ninja had just dishonored himself by being beaten to near death, then escaping into space and going SSD. Out of the blue, a Bluespace anomaly appears in security, and as usual, science fails to disable it, it goes off, teleporting the armory two crewmembers and a changeling...




    Said crewmembers then manage to break into the Syndicate base, as they spawned just south of the shuttle, where one can break through the windows to enter. Coming back from a mission no doubt, a Gib Co. Operative #3 pops out of the blue in the shuttle, and opens the airlocks to the Syndicate base, only to find three Nanotrasen employees enjoying the scenery. Pulling out his trusty Syndicate pistol, he begins firing at them... and gets robusted with a riot shotgun. Stealing his ID, the changeling also comes up with the idea of welding him in a locker, where he later dies and his implant goes off.


    Also returning from their mission however are another Gib Co. Operative and the Gib. Co Mech Pilot (who is in a Seraph), they proceed to chase the Nanotrasen employees and the ling out of the base, however they manage to barricade the path behind them, and break into the front of the Syndicate shuttle before the operatives can reach them. Powering up the shuttle's Bluespace drive, they dart away to safety... except for the two employees who got sucked into space through the window they used to break in. There was only a lone IAA on the Syndicate shuttle now, he alone survived.


    Arriving near the mining asteroid, the ship docks and the IAA "procures" a few goods from the ship and is on his way out, until Gib Co Operative #3 appears and shoots him to death. However, this was not to be the end of the IAA, as through advanced Syndicate medical technology, he brought the IAA back from the dead and implanted him with a Mindslave implant, beginning his glorious new career working for the Syndicate.



    Considering this game is notorious for a person being able to learn new things even after years of playing, I thought compiling a topic of random, obscure, and interesting gameplay mechanics would be beneficial to everyone (also, I kind of saw /tg/ wiki's Awesome Guide to Miscellaneous Stuff). You're free to post just about anything as long as it applies to Paradise code. Do note that the code is changed and updated fairly often, so information may not remain accurate.


    I'll start with a few Cult-themed ones as well as a few non-Cult ones.


    • You can actually hit people with your cult book, and it makes a fairly robust weapon, doing between 5-20 points of burn damage with each hit.

    • You can use a filled or semi-filled cult tome on a blank one to copy the known words over, just make sure not to use them the other way around, as that clears the filled tome!

    Skrell hardsuits and hardsuit helmets can be worn by humans as well as Skrell.

    As a ninja, know that you are actually able to drain APCs and wires while invisible, but it will make a good deal of noise as well as visible sparks.

    You can use an energy sword to light a cigarette, Dave has done so in the admin room on multiple occasions. Sadly it cannot be done with a dual energy sword.

    Sarcastic but true edit addition: If you ever see an operative team that belongs to Gonk Co, you're in for a hilarious round.




    I think you might need edge pieces as well. Also, for the central piece, you're likely going to need one like the "ugly" center piece, as any table 3x3 or larger would look VERY strange without it. (Take a look at the dorms table for the edge pieces and a large table example).

    im too lazy to export it today ):


    anyway the centerpiece is the one with the Ian on it.


    Ah, I had just assumed it was smaller than the centerpiece current tables have.


  5. I think you might need edge pieces as well. Also, for the central piece, you're likely going to need one like the "ugly" center piece, as any table 3x3 or larger would look VERY strange without it. (Take a look at the dorms table for the edge pieces and a large table example).


    A Vox rushed into Escape dragging player-controlled Renault behind him (IC friends that round) and opened fire on a security officer with his Wand of Nothing.

    The security officer lasered him to death. Two casualties - Renault and Vox.


    As the ninja hiding in the maint tunnel just below where that happening, I was tempted to go grab and space that officer, except someone (I believe it was the HoS) was nearby.



    Ryan Faust tends to be fairly by the book, however he likely wouldn't question the morality of any orders given by Central Command, and as a result is liable to some "morally questionable" decisions.


    Yachiyakikitayayakah is ehh... well, being a Vox he doesn't really have the same perception of morality as most crew, and wouldn't hesitate to leave people to their deaths if it is within his own best interests, unless given an exceptional reason to not do so.


    Glyph (and his AI, cyborg, and pAI forms) is a bit of a strange one, having two different personalities, one of them (Synapse) doesn't have much of a concept of morality, and he tends moreso to act "nice" to people so that it is better able to manipulate them to its advantage. Being fairly cold and calculating, it would probably kick a puppy Ian if he had reason to believe it would be notably beneficial to its interests. The other (Solace) personality is sympathetic towards biologicals, and tends to be fairly kind and selfless. Usually Glyph tends to act as a middle-point between the two, although is capable of shifting to either side.


    DOOMCRAB (the pAI and AI, as well as DC-666) laughs at the concept of morals, although given his situation of being forced to be subservient to the crew in one way or another, he doesn't tend to do anything questionable without valid reason, although he delights in the suffering of others.




    This is a picture. This is the picture of Alice, the Bestshield, after having solo'd an AI. I am proud.



    I only got one karma though. This made me sad.


    She was the only person even close to the AI, and there were about 4 seconds left due to the fact that the timer was counting down 6 seconds at a time instead of 1.


  9. This addition would require the removing of the plasma creation when not wearing a suit, especially since they also seem to expel plasma WHILE wearing a suit. That would pretty much eliminate the main grief issue with the race though, which is a plus.

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