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Security Officer Variations


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This idea spawns from me working both medical and sec primarily (sometimes a barfly and/or mime?) This also came to mind due to other posts I've seen suggesting new security roles.

Medical Doctor has several variants. They technically all have the same access and can perform all the same tasks but for both keeping things organized and RP purposes, the variants help.

I could see a use for a similar system in security. To start, anyone who works security alot knows that the Warden is overworked. Officers SHOULD be helping the warden with all the duties they are capable. Processing, keeping an eye on prisoners, and updating records.

My ideas (or ideas I've gotten from others):

Officer (primarily front line and patrols...the role most officers currently play)

Dispatcher (sits at the front desk making sure records are up to date, keeps an ear on comms as well as security inquiries in the lobby, helps coordinate officers when there are calls for help) 

Guard (make sure prisoners aren't breaking out or killing themselves and assist with processing)

I'm aware this will sometimes lead to rounds where you have several dispatchers and guards and no officers. Just like medical has rounds with several coroners. In those rounds the coroner's obviously split off and perform doctor and surgery duties because they all can't be in the mourge. It'd just be the HOS and Warden to see who they've got and coordinate appropriately.

I'm not saying make a new class, just variants of a class that already exists. I know that all this stuff can already be done by officers without variants but so can all the stuff in medbay. It still helps keep medbay organized and run smoother. It can do the same for sec.

...and please save the "Guard and Dispatcher is the wardens duty" crap. Try playing warden in a busy high pop round and then tell me the warden doesn't need help. It's the equivalent of if they CMO was responsible for all cloning, chemistry, and surgery while the doctors just sit around waiting for patients to treat for lesser injuries.

Edited by ZN23X
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I know that many of these has been suggested numerous times in the survey and I myself have been been thinking of ways to introduce them to our code. I can see two ways. 


We either introduce them as whole new jobs and make them an option in the main job panel. Here we only list the ones that are most important, such as some form of aid to the Warden. This could be a dispatcher as suggested who I think should function as a radio man, and have access to all radio channels par, command. OR introduce a new radio channel / modify an existing one to be called Emergency channel with its own color and prefix such as :9. Now this would add a problem such as wouldnt it just be used as a normal radio channel. Well add a space law article(same as if you dial 911 IRL) or think of the man yelling wolf. Now we could also add a third ranking officer who ranks below Warden and HoS and functions as a warden/corrections officer but without access to the armory. 

The 2nd way would be to add the option to change your job title (in which civilians should have the option too, to aid in RPing different roles) to other than security officer, this is easy but doesn't stop overpopulating the same role. 

Both ways make it possible to alter the starting gear/loudout as far as I know(eg. Coroner) so that wont be an issue. In the future we can look at spriting a few different uniforms/barets. 


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I'm not too enthused with the idea. If you need extra assistance, as Warden you can delegate responsibility of these to an officer in the round, rather than it be an always on thing.

This'll also suffer from the same thing we had recently, where the alt title for MD for coroner was used by literally every single MD that was on the station.

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The title doesn't matter that much though.
Just because an MD has spawned in as a Coroner doesn't mean he stops being a doctor, if Medical is shorted staffed, you're damned right the Coroner should be leaving the Morgue to help out.  Just because a Nurse isn't expected to do surgery, doesn't mean they -can't-.

What alternate titles do is either provide flavor, or they announce a specialized task you wanna focus on. If I spawn in as a Surgeon I am basically telling medical "Hey guys, I have Surgery covered." Freeing MD's up for other things.

A Security Guard, for example, is basically saying he's volunteering or preferring to stay in the Brig and help the warden with prisoners and manage records, keeping it orderly.
But just because that is what he WANTS to do, doesn't mean he's absolved of normal Security Officer duties if there are too few or no Officers on staff, you'll be expected to step up because it -is- still very much your job.

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1 hour ago, Dinarzad said:

A Security Guard, for example, is basically saying he's volunteering or preferring to stay in the Brig and help the warden with prisoners and manage records, keeping it orderly.
But just because that is what he WANTS to do, doesn't mean he's absolved of normal Security Officer duties if there are too few or no Officers on staff, you'll be expected to step up because it -is- still very much your job.

Exactly. Again I know all this can already be accomplished by conversations IC, but having the titles will help coordinate. It will show what you'd PREFER to be doing and help organize who's doing what without as much foot work.

It's not like if all doctors spawn as coroners they have a party in the mourge and ignore medbay, you just have alot of doctors running around medbay in black jumpsuits.

Edited by ZN23X
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I did throw a suggestion in for a evidence/records clerk. Main role would be keeping records up to date, so re arresting doesnt happen for time served prisoners and making sure evidence lockers are actually in order with cases on people and items. Like warden they should never leave the brig and would be supervised by the warden cooperating with the detective and magistrate.

Other one was some kind of labor camp overseer

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On 3/28/2017 at 0:44 PM, ZN23X said:

Exactly. Again I know all this can already be accomplished by conversations IC, but having the titles will help coordinate. It will show what you'd PREFER to be doing and help organize who's doing what without as much foot work.

It's not like if all doctors spawn as coroners they have a party in the mourge and ignore medbay, you just have alot of doctors running around medbay in black jumpsuits.

It could be done IC, but I do doubt waiting 30 minutes to have a title change is worth it. Totally think this is an awesome idea though. 


On 3/28/2017 at 4:08 AM, ZN23X said:

...and please save the "Guard and Dispatcher is the wardens duty" crap. Try playing warden in a busy high pop round and then tell me the warden doesn't need help. It's the equivalent of if they CMO was responsible for all cloning, chemistry, and surgery while the doctors just sit around waiting for patients to treat for lesser injuries.

Honestly, I have been in so may rounds as pod pilot where the warden was too busy to hand out guns even when the HoS tells them to directly. Honestly, I think the warden also needs to be split up with more jobs, but that is for another suggestion. 

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51 minutes ago, shazbot194 said:

Honestly, I have been in so may rounds as pod pilot where the warden was too busy to hand out guns even when the HoS tells them to directly. Honestly, I think the warden also needs to be split up with more jobs, but that is for another suggestion. 

Officers who are proficient in processing and updating records can help ease the load on the Warden, but most of the time you just get a "Set so and so to arrest" with no reason over comms and when you ask for a reason you only get an answer half the time, then you get many officers who dump a prisoner in processing and just say "Warden or HOS to processing" and then run off. Half the time it's some sort of minor crime that could be let off with a warning of just a quick search and 5 minute sentence. Officers SHOULD be able to handle that.

I'd recommend any new officers spend a few rounds hanging around the brig and observe processing just to get a better understanding of how to deal with different situations. This is where the extra roles could help though. Some officers PREFER sitting around the brig until the shit hits the fan.

As for handling the roles IC...I don't mean going to the HOP and getting a title change, I literally just mean an officer at the beginning of the round stating over comms that they plan to hang around the brig to assist the Warden.

Edited by ZN23X
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