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Get rid of Karma for Races


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All I hear is people complaining about the race imbalance and yet there is no clear answer because someone on the sidelines would bring up "Well its a race you have to unlock with Karma, that balance within itself" bullshit... So why not get rid of it and lets see if imbalance is really and issue by removing karma from races. The key to knowing is observation and I'm sick and tired of these bullshit arguments without proof and knowledge...


Edit: I would also like to see someone make a legit argument about why there is karma for races in the first place other than saying "Its for player Achievement and longevity yadadada"...


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? What racial imbalances?


By and large all the races are inferior to human or are human reskins, except for Vulpkanin (which is 0 karma anyways).


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Karma is not intended to balance races at all. It's meant moreso to make the races rarer (Which, with the inflation since it was brought in, could possibly stand to be tweaked). A lot of the karma races would also be quite confusing for newer players - IPC and Vox are good examples there, a new player could easily kill themselves as a vox with a wrong click.

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Karma is not intended to balance races at all. It's meant moreso to make the races rarer (Which, with the inflation since it was brought in, could possibly stand to be tweaked). A lot of the karma races would also be quite confusing for newer players - IPC and Vox are good examples there, a new player could easily kill themselves as a vox with a wrong click.



What, don't want to see an influx of new players take off their plasmamen suits?


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