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Fludd's list of tiny stuff for post feature-freeze.*


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*that I may try to code on my own but we all know how good that turned out. The past three times. That I gave up.


Let's see...


Reincarnation Machine - Something like /tg/'s lavaland respawn points, except it's literally just a machine that, when clicked by a ghost, teleports the ghost to the position of the machine and does the same thing as player panel reincarnation. Admin spawn only, but I've wanted an easy way to make an observer bar when long rounds get a high death count, and spawning new bodies for everyone who wants to join gets bothersome at best.


Grey Wingdings Option - From what I can tell, the only reason wingdings were removed from Greys was because the Grey players didn't like being understood. I know for a fact, quite a few did, though obviously not a majority. This'll give Greys an option in the character creator to speak wingdings or normally. Finally, I can bring back my adorable wingding child without having to makeSound wingding text on an object under her.


Grey Telepathy Change - I might also make Grey telepathy happen in text that is not every-single-action-in-the game-blue. I *sort of* want Grey telepathy to not have HTML restriction like it was about a year ago, but that sounds like it would be very rejected very quickly. And also be hazardous to server thanks to html exploits.


Diona Can Kick Nymphs Out - Being a Diona botanist and growing Nymphs can get annoying, since you can pick up an infinite amount, but never drop one of your own free will. This would simply add the 'diona' tab to Dionae, much like Nymphs have it, and put a "Reject Nymph" verb that lets them remove a nymph from themselves, and put it on the ground.


Thoughts? If you have any suggestions, keep them relatively easy, because if I do try to actually code this, I have a highly notorious reputation of completely giving up on ss13 coding projects that I start.


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  • - A Paperwork dispenser in every departement ( IAA HOP SECURITY MEDBAY)*1



  • - More Job Slots *2



  • - nerve the glowshrooms, the last rounds complete station was filled with them as soon as someone cries vampire or shadowling.Much lag!!!. And in my oppinion far to easy to spread across the station. PS for a borg impossible to destroy. You can only take samples....




*1 maybe use the requestconsoles for this

*2 would be cool


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I have no objection to any of these ideas.

My only suggestion is to maybe consider throwing one bigger idea/project in there as well.


I do plan to create an "add additional job slots" PR myself once the feature freeze is over.


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viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9258 There is a big idea for Security.


Especially a new and improved security console would be great. May a console with our space law where you just check the crimes and it gives you a brig time.


With all the rules so no one is briged forever or to short.


Example: ( like the Crime Codes Quick Reference witch Checkboxes)



Sabotage ( )

Theft (x)

vandalism (x)

Assault ( )



Brigtime = 10 -15 min


Results in a Security Record : Code 109 + 208

(Prints a copy for the PAPERWORK)



A new hud icon would be good too. A Watchtag so someone is under surveillance. ( Exp. The Clown or Mr. X )


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Grey Wingdings Option - From what I can tell, the only reason wingdings were removed from Greys was because the Grey players didn't like being understood. I know for a fact, quite a few did, though obviously not a majority. This'll give Greys an option in the character creator to speak wingdings or normally. Finally, I can bring back my adorable wingding child without having to makeSound wingding text on an object under her.


Grey Telepathy Change - I might also make Grey telepathy happen in text that is not every-single-action-in-the game-blue. I *sort of* want Grey telepathy to not have HTML restriction like it was about a year ago, but that sounds like it would be very rejected very quickly. And also be hazardous to server thanks to html exploits.


Finally, my Gaster roleplay can begin in ernest.


But in all seriousness, I do sorta miss the Wing Ding speech sometimes, it was nice that Greys felt a little more "Alien" then others, like they couldn't physically make human speech noises, so they had to rely on telepathy.


Changing Telepathy color to not be blue like everything else might make it stand out a little more, but it might also be nice to be able to do a sort of... short-range broadcast? IF you're in a group conversation having to whisper to every single person in a room is sort of more of a hassle then I enjoy, especially since people can't see when someone is typing up a TP message like they can with using Say.

So an option to send a Telepathy style message to everyone in a short radius would be sorta nice. Like the Grey's Mini-Hivemind they have already, just one that isn't in a "Special" Language.


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