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Hints about Security


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Alright, my english is not that good, so don't expect a huge list like the others. This is just some BASIC hints to avoid some heavy shitticurity:


- Security Officer, Warden, Detective and Head of Security, no matter your job, you have to follow the Space Law. Even the captain (unless there's a really good explanation). Which means, you can't give a 30 minutes sentence for the theft of a screwdriver.


- Do not be afraid to question some orders. Your superior might hate you for this, but he might be a griefer. A question won't kill you. Unless your superior is the HoS armed to the teeth and hallucinating. Avoid this crazy bastard at all costs.


- About your weapons... Keep. It. Inside. Your. Backpack. No, you can't carry the stun baton on your hand. Unless it's code blue, red, or the sacred level "Run you fools".


- Always carry handcuffs and the basic gear that you might need. This is your choice, but remember the flash, taser gun stun baton and handcuffs.


- For the Head of Security. You are the number three of the station. If the captain is out, the HoP is in charge. If the HoP is out, then YOU are in charge. So, get ready to some hard tasks. And if you need to log out, warn the admins about it. Seriously.


- Warden is the HoS Jr. Not as much access, but when there's no HoS, you are in charge of the brigs and security. Also, always keep one window open with the space law.


- Update the records. Seriously. Update it. No, seriously. I'll know if you don't update it. And i'll get the Faithless after you.


- DO NOT ATTACK FIRST. Always, and i repeat, ALWAYS, ask to the suspect to follow you to the brigs for questioning. Even if there's a red W above his head. But if he runs away, attacks an officer, or if he's a direct threat to the station, then you can attack first and talk later. If you spot him committing a crime, you are allowed to use your authority (read here: Stun Baton) to arrest him. And if he kills someone... Get him anyhow you can. But alive.


- When brigging someone, remember to take his items. All of them. If needed, even his clothes. The locker is there for this, there's a fashion orange jumpsuit right there. It's the gossip all over Paris. Make sure that your prisoner is pretty.


- Vandalism is a crime? Yes it is. But remember: A clown/mime with a cranyon is NOT THE SAME as an engineer breaking the station apart.


- Clowns and mimes. Do not attack them unless ordered by the HoS or the acting captain. Seriously, they are guilty only 90% of the times, remember of the 10% where they are innocent!


- Report. If your superior says "Report in" you better report. "I'm Ash Ketchum, patrolling the Pokemon World". It might even save your life. And report every time you answer for a call. You might need some backup.


- Armor? Depends. There's a basic set of armor inside the locker. You may use it, unless the HoS (or acting captain) says "Get this thing off". And do not ask the Warden for more stuff. And if you are the Warden, do not loot the Armory for no reason. Actually, do not loot the Armory at all. Only when needed/ordered to do so.


- Vox. Same thing as clowns.No, they are worst. Clowns are allowed aboard the station, while the vox... The acting captain decides. But they have some nasty items, get ready for a dirty fight, as they like some hit-and-run.


- About the races. Tajaran and Unathi (maybe Skrell too, but i don't know, never played as one), can't wear the jackboots, so run to get a pair of sandals. And some items are only-for-humans. I played as the Unathi HoS, and i couldn't wear the Security hardsuit to fight the Vox outside the station.


- If your prisoner is wounded, first you take him to brigs and set his time. There's a health analyzer to the left of the brigs. If it's simple, call a doctor to the brigs. If it's something more complicated, get him to the medical bay, but ask the doctors to keep you updated about the prisoner. Forget this hint if security staff is understaffed, try to check him first before forgetting him inside a cell until his time is up.


- ALWAYS. ALWAYS have at least ONE officer, if there's no Warden, to update records and watch over the brigs. You have portable flashes (watch it, they can paralyze the cyborgs) and barriers. Use them. There's a maintenance access to the right, close to the detective office. Keep it defended, as it's also the path to the security escape pods.


- And the last: When the shift is over, remember, get all the prisoners and stuff them inside the prison cell of the shuttle. Don't leave them there.


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Adding a few things for you


- Harmbatoning is something of the worst you can do, this includes the telescopic baton (HoS and Captain)


It does a LOT of damage and will make you guilty of assault, might even murder.

Harmbatoning is ground for instant demotion and withdrawal of all security items, IT SHOULD NOT BE TOLERATED

As for the telescopic baton, the captan can use it once or twice to get someone knocked down so he gets the point, the captain is the highest VIP on the station, he HAS to be on his toes when it comes to anyone.

If you are the HoS don´t use the telescopic baton for normal rule breakers, it does a lot of damage, and has a high chance of them starting to bleed, which will just make everything more bloody, and the person might also die.

This, however does not give you the right to flat out beat someone to death, 1-3 times is more than enough to make the person stay down. Remember that murder is punishable by execution and a jobban if you have no real reason.



There is a revolver picture for you above your intents, have a taser (or any range weapon) in hand and press it, it will open a few more windows for you to press and you will also get a message saying "you will now take people captive"

This will be your greatest friend as security or anyone really, you can change on the aim function by pressing the different icons, one being allow/disallow walk and/or run and the other one being item use.

I suggest allowing walk and item use, as this is more save so you dont accidentally shoot the guy because he put away his crowbar.

The walk mode will instantly put anyone you aim at in walk mode (dont abuse this) this is really helpfull as it will make the person walk -A lot- slower.

People also tend to stop what they are doing when they hear the aim sound and see the aim mode on themselves, they also get a small text saying what is going on.


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More Importantly:

The Warden is in Charge of Managing not only the Armoury,but the Weapons Security has.

If needed,barge to Cargo and order an Weapons Crate,for instance when the Vox are boarding and you only have innefective Laser weapons,ask QM for an Shotgun crate and Lethal shots,possibly by auth'ing hacking the Autolathe.

If he tells you to go and ask the HoS,tell him that you're in charge of weapontry.

If he calls the HoP,Call the Captain.The HoP has authority over Cargo only overruled by the Captain,and what the HoP says to Cargo,goes,lest they get faced with Demotion.


If all else fails,you might be screwed...or it might be time to ask yourself if you really needed the Weapons,like you should have when asking for them in frist place.If not,expect an just Demotion by whoever you called to fix the problem.


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  • 3 months later...


As long as this thread is already made, I'm just going to mention a few tricks I've picked up during my own time playing as Sec. Some of you may be aware of some of these, but evidence in-game suggests that many more of you are not:



Seriously, these have saved my Sec Officer from spider bites, plasma toxin, carp attacks, you name it. If you entered the game as a security officer, eating a donut will have roughly the same effect as a tricordrazine injection. Consumption of one or two donuts will take care of light-to-moderate toxin or brute damage: This is perfect for those spider infestation rounds where Medbay has been overrun, or if you need a quick stitch-up before going back into that big, intimidating jungle of a station. I'm fairly certain it won't let you shake off more serious conditions such as collapsed lungs or broken bones, however.


The Warden, the HoS, Detectives, and all Security Officers receive this benefit.



The Security HUD.

You can use this to adjust someone's criminal records without even needing to visit a console! This is a great way to increase Beepsky's reaction time.


To set records via this method, simply EXAMINE* someone while you're wearing a pair of Security HUDglasses. At the bottom of their description, there should be the following:


Criminal Status: [none]

Records: [view][add comment]


Now that you see these, click the [none] button that appears, and you can set them to the criminal status of your choice. Setting them to [*Arrest*] will mark them out to your fellow HUD-wearing officers, and Beepsky** will go into a fit should he catch sight of them.


Important Note: If you set someone to 'arrest', remember to use [add comment], and write a quick summary of why they must be arrested.


*You can immediately examine someone by holding down the SHIFT key and left-clicking on them. This removes the slight, sometimes lethal lag delay caused by right-clicking. You can thank me whenever you'd like.


**Also note that you can summon Beepsky to your location by using the "Security Bot Records" function on your PDA. Beepsky will deviate from his normal route and move adjacent to you. Upon doing so you can drag Beepsky behind you with ctrl+click. This is perfect for if you need backup to investigate those bloody footprints leading in to that scary, dark maintenance shaft - and the rest of Security are too busy milking their snakes back at the brig to help you.


The Warden

I try to play the Warden mostly, and it can be a very rewarding job if Security is competent.


One of the big things that Security forgets to acknowledge are the prisoner implants. Mostly everyone is aware of the rarely-used Loyalty Implants, which are a way of confirming the identity of the HoS and the Captain if someone attempts to impersonate them.


Tracking Implants

Easy to use, inject these little beauties into anybody and a bright red blinking dot will appear next to the implanted individual on your HUDglasses. Perfect for those highly suspicious or belligerent prisoners that you suspect of being an Antag - but can't be legally convicted.


Make sure to prime each implant to a separate number, and the Warden can track their location on the prisoner console. If you see that the Medic you implanted earlier is hanging around in Bar Maintenance, have him dragged back in or find his probably emaciated body - because you injected the wrong guy. This has saved me during more than one Changeling round, where the changeling changed forms, but was easily identifiable seeing as the tracker can't be extracted without surgery.


Chemical Implants

Be much more cautious about when or when not to use these. You can/should prime the implant with up to 30 liquid units of whatever the hell you want, provided that the CMO*** or the Chemist can provide it. You can activate the implant via the prisoner console to release the chemical at any time - but be aware that the implantee should stay well-fed, or the chemical implant might activate on its own. Two uses for this are immediately present:

1.Implant a prisoner being readied for parole with a non-lethal sedative like soporific or a MINIMUM amount of chloral hydrate. (Seriously, don't do anything more than 5 units because it'll probably get you jobbanned.)


2.Fill it with tricordrazine and give it to your Officers, who'll need it because they forgot to eat their donuts. This tends not to work, seeing as a Sec Officer won't be able to scream "ACTIVATE MY IMPLANT" when they've been parapenned or mute-stung by a changeling.


Edited by Machofish
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A few things I, as a player (rarely security) hate:


-Being arrested without roleplay/conversation. If I broke the law, you should start by informing me that I'm under arrest, and why. Getting batoned and cuffed without so much as a "Stop! You're under arrest" is obnoxious, and I usually AHelp it. Obviously this goes out the window if I'm wanted for something dire like grand sabotage or murder.


-Upping my charges arbitrarily (unless I'm a clown or mime) is shitty. No, bolting a couple fax machines across the width of a main passageway is not Grand Sabotage, unless I'm playing a real shithead clown, 30 minutes is grief.


-If you're playing a deliberately harsh shithead of a security member, don't perma brig me for borderline offenses, and don't buckle-cuff me for nonviolent crimes, just send me to the labor camp, so I can still play. Your desire to play a douche canoe doesn't justify sending all of your fellow players down douche river with you. Be nice, for the OOCness.


-Unhandcuff your non-violent criminals. it's the law. The only reason you should not remove the handcuffs is if you strongly believe they'll attack you if you do so, and even then, a stun baton buys you plenty of time.


-Remove the goddamned soap from the perma brig or I will slip you, grab your stun-baton and escape.


-Do not close the shutters and beat prisoners to death, ever. No matter what their crime, it is against space-law, and if I am the victim of it, a witness to it, or a security officer who hears about it, I'll adminhelp you without a hesitation. That's just fucked up.


-NO you cannot kill ANYONE for ANY reason EVER unless it is literally you or them, and you have absolutely no other recourse. Not even under Captain's orders (barring very specific exception). This includes Changelings, Traitors, Nuke Operatives, Wizards, and Vox. If it is sentient, it takes a goddamn Tribunal to authorize an execution, killing anyone otherwise is griffon tactics, and deserves a solid sack-slapping.


-The AI is not programmed to follow your silly human Space Law (unless it for some reason is.) So if you ask it to follow your Space Law, and that at any point requires it to violate its own laws, expect the AI to refrain. Depending on the AI lawset, it may be more or less inclined to assist, but if it is set up with Asimov, theres a high probabilty that police brutality will be met with bolted airlocks and questioning by the almighty voice in the sky.


-To save time, if you're swamped with criminals, just apprehend them first, strip them naked, lock everything in the locker, and set the timer to some ridiculous number, then move on to the next criminal. Do this for all of your apprehended jerkwads. When you finally have them all under control, assuming you set the same ridiculous time on each cell, you can then properly charge them, slap an orange jumpsuit on them, and subtract the time they've already served (based on where the timer is when you return to deal with them) from their total sentence. This way you're not running around halfassedly securing prisoners to chairs until you catch them all like an epileptic pokemon master.


-Magic is illegal. Wizards are enemies of NT. Magic is a weapon, anything that allows a wizard to make magic happen is a weapon. See a wizard? Cuff them, strip them, lock them up for suspicious behavior, and when they've finished their sentence, walk them down to the psych office (don't give those fuckers their robes back, idiot) and make sure they are evaluated, then get them to HoP for a disposition: Reform them as an unpaid crew member, or give them a Nonentity ID and keep an eye on them. If the wizard has already fucked shit up, you should be getting them into a tribunal/execution hearing immediately.


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If I broke the law, you should start by informing me that I'm under arrest, and why.


Magic is illegal. Wizards are enemies of NT. Magic is a weapon, anything that allows a wizard to make magic happen is a weapon. See a wizard? Cuff them, strip them, lock them up for suspicious behavior, and when they've finished their sentence, walk them down to the psych office (don't give those fuckers their robes back, idiot) and make sure they are evaluated, then get them to HoP for a disposition: Reform them as an unpaid crew member, or give them a Nonentity ID and keep an eye on them. If the wizard has already fucked shit up, you should be getting them into a tribunal/execution hearing immediately.


please, never play security


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Hey, I dunno about you, but I've been framed, and framed plenty of people myself. If you arrest me, and I'm not aware of commiting any crimes, I'm probably going to resist if the punishment is severe, because damnit, I don't trust security. :P Plus people often have a legitimate reason for why they are, apparently, doing something illegally.


When I get arrested, as the clown, for wearing my hardsuit when someone with the proper access gave it to me, that's messed up, and if you let me explain myself, you could actually focus on the real culprit.


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Hey, I dunno about you, but I've been framed, and framed plenty of people myself. If you arrest me, and I'm not aware of commiting any crimes, I'm probably going to resist if the punishment is severe, because damnit, I don't trust security. :P Plus people often have a legitimate reason for why they are, apparently, doing something illegally.


When I get arrested, as the clown, for wearing my hardsuit when someone with the proper access gave it to me, that's messed up, and if you let me explain myself, you could actually focus on the real culprit.


that's something that should be worked out when you're safely in cuffs and aren't poised to potentially whip out an energy gun at any second


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If I broke the law, you should start by informing me that I'm under arrest, and why.


please, never play security


If you open with a flash, baton, or tase shot, you are the most common and mundane kind of Shitcurity.


"Hey, stop that!" or "What're you doing?" goes a long way towards stopping petty crime - This is made doubly better with the Aim/Hostage system. If you encounter an assistant breaking a window, tell him to stop. If he doesn't, pull your taser and Aim him - "Put the fire extinguisher down, son."


Remember, not everything requires a full cuffing and brigging. A lot of petty things like trespassing or minor B&E are better served by verbal warnings or admonishments.


Edited by Guest
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Magic is illegal. Wizards are enemies of NT. Magic is a weapon, anything that allows a wizard to make magic happen is a weapon. See a wizard? Cuff them, strip them, lock them up for suspicious behavior, and when they've finished their sentence, walk them down to the psych office (don't give those fuckers their robes back, idiot) and make sure they are evaluated, then get them to HoP for a disposition: Reform them as an unpaid crew member, or give them a Nonentity ID and keep an eye on them. If the wizard has already fucked shit up, you should be getting them into a tribunal/execution hearing immediately.


please, never play security


It looks like the wiki has been changed, so scratch that. Apparently wizards aren't known enemies anymore.


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One more security fuck up that bothers the shit out of me:

If someone calls for security, especially the AI or another Head... respond, even if its just to say that you've got bigger problems, and PRIORITIZE. I've seen too many security fucks focused on cuffing the Clown for stealing a screwdriver when there are people disabling cameras in arrivals and busting windows.


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  • 2 weeks later...


The problem with a "What the hell are you dong", is that it means you have a 30% chance of getting an answer, and a 70% chance of being killed.


Considering the safety of the entire crew (and more importantly the Station) could be at risk, unless its something super minor (such as standing in suspicious areas), I'm going to flash/stun and cuff you. Then I'll ask questions when their is zero risk of having my head blown off.


If you haven't done anything wrong then you have no worries, you'll be out of Sec quick and have an interesting RP experience explaining why you were dissembling the Security Camera.


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Well, you have an hailer that says 'Halt! Security' pretty obvious. Also, I always halt them and ask what the hell they are doing. Either they answer, i continue RP, taking them in or let them go with a verbal warning OR they run, then taser out on hold up with walk allowed, this will make them walk instantly. slowing them. Fire away as you can set them to walk every time they are opening a door. Don't mind start a RP in a chase as this is a typed communication. Do it after you caught him. Repeat until down. Cuff. Scold him for being a moron. Drag to security, add resisting arrest on their even slightest crime they were doing. Good job! You just made the station halls safer for a few minutes.


In VERY rare occasions I have been suddenly attacked. In even fewer i have been overpowered, general tip here is to have them atleast one or two tiles away against lucky disarms. But you shouldn't have draw a weapon by then, and the time to take something off is longer then disarm stun. Take distance, taser, set on walk. or pepperspray (if it is a ling and you are near the chapel or disco, you couldn't really do anything) A good tip is to let them go out of maintenances. 'Step out of the maintenance or i will be forced to take measures!'

And pepperspray is a good weapon, lowering eyesight reduces their fighting capabilities. And they most likely run out of suprise.


Also, don't run around in full armor on green alert.. Being unarmored HAS a more calming, trusting effect. Making you look more professional.


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Use tracking and chemical implants on your fellow officers.

A chem implant filled with tricord, hyperzine and stuff can save lives and tracking implants allow you to communicate with officers who gone lost or when the comms are just down.


Also tracking implants can be spotted on the HUD with a blue dot. Changelings would be stupid to transform after being tracking implanted because its a dead giveaway that they are changelings if suddenly someone different who wasn't implanted before has that blue dot.

So implant suspected changelings. Its up to you if you tell them if its a tracking or loyality implant.


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Use tracking and chemical implants on your fellow officers.

A chem implant filled with tricord, hyperzine and stuff can save lives and tracking implants allow you to communicate with officers who gone lost or when the comms are just down.


Also tracking implants can be spotted on the HUD with a blue dot. Changelings would be stupid to transform after being tracking implanted because its a dead giveaway that they are changelings if suddenly someone different who wasn't implanted before has that blue dot.

So implant suspected changelings. Its up to you if you tell them if its a tracking or loyality implant.


Wouldn't the game tell you, if you implant a loyalty implant and it is rejected or is that just the case with revolution leaders?


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Just the case of rev leaders. Traitors, Changelings, Wizards (if you EVER catch one alive.. WHY WOULD YOU?), etc just continue their duties even if loyality implanted. Unless they decide not to.. but since half the playerbase dreams of being antagonist of the round you can imagine how well this works.


Only in a revolution and in a cult situation loyality implants become useful. But converted cultists don't revert to normal if implanted but the implant prevents the target from becoming a cultist in the first place.


But revs really hate loyality implants. It identifies their heads and reverts normal revolutionists.

Bonus points if you can get every single rev head in the permabrig and then later line them up for execution together.


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I kind of feel like loyalty implants should be a bigger deal, since they are used so rarely. There is nothing worse than implanted antags.


There is also another thing I wanted to ask. How do you feel about people wearing masks and sunglasses on the station?

To a security officer it is pretty obvious that they want to protect themselves against flashes which are a bit faster and easier to use than stun batons. Rp-wise there shouldn't be any reason for any non-antags to gear up against security or to wear something as encumbering as an EVA helmet or a gasmask (even though gas masks don't really affect you in the game right now. I suggested reducing vision with gas masks in another thread. Opinions?) unless necessary (Obviously sunglasses don't really fall into this category).

Would there be a way to just shut this down as security?


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Would there be a way to just shut this down as security?


No, but shitcurity definitely can shut down the people's right to wear ridiculous headgear. The best a good security team can/should do is request that they return the gear they're wearing to it's storage locations until such a time as it's use is necessitated. The best you can/should do is charge them for theft or insubordination if they cause problems.


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  • 1 month later...


I don't wear sunglasses because they fuck up my nightvision which is far more valuable if you are a traitor. Surprisingly welding masks don't reduce your vision in the dark. Hiding in the dark and being able to move in the dark without your flashlight on is just too powerful.


And nothing stuns better than the stun baton. The flash just has the advantage that if you ever get disarmed with it in your hand the opponent can't use it to stun you because sec HUDs.


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  • 3 weeks later...


Imo, security is hard in general, the Detective probably being the easiest role of all on average. At least regarding direct conflict or stress potential.


Sometimes it's better to try a non-violent solution to deescalate effectively. Sometimes it's "better safe than sorry", and sometimes, it's "shoot at once".


It really depends on the circumstances, but in general I advise NOT to go apeshit or very violent for minor crimes. People might still be dicks to you, especially captured or compromised antags. In that case I like to hold a mirror in front of their faces. I tend to give verbal warnings, and if they don't comply it's THEIR decision with all consequences. Or in short: You tried.


But I also think always using the softest method and working your way up as needed is a rather stress-free way of handling minor things. A very offensive and direct, violent, confrontation for minor stuff just pisses people off and might result in more work that could've been avoided in the first place. On that note, I also suggest to not dress up people in prisoner clothing if they're just there for some minutes. In general I only advise that for permanent detention or anything way longer than just a few minutes. Save yourself the effort and time of messing around with them once or twice.


Also, keeping records up to date and managing them on the fly via sec HUD is also strongly advisable. In short: Anything that either makes your life easier or prevents it from getting more chaotic should be done. Even if you do, Sec remains a rather hard and ungrateful (but vital) job and you can still end up dead quickly or eventually.


But it lowers the risk greatly and might annoy less people.


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  • 4 weeks later...


Protip : Tasers have 5 shots, can't rapid fire either, and may cause friendly fire so every shot counts as 3 are required to take one down. However considering that tazer beams pass glass now and are able to kill space carp in one shot they can also make fuel tanks explode so check your damn fire, it may also fry other mobs like pets too. Only humanoids seem to be the last ones safe from insta death , other mobs may get damaged, it won't take down a spider tough (not sure)


Regarding stun battons,if you are going to throw one make sure that is activated and that you actually threw it right or else it won't hit and give your enemy a ridicously OP weapon, keep it for close combat.


Flashbangs are generaly efective against people without sun glasses and groups of people.


Flashes are generally your only weapon on blue alert on lower against rogue cyborgs, great against unshielded eyes too!


Also use that black webing to hold items that are needed but not necessarly to be used all the time like medicine a crowbar , bounced radio , antag items ,small high risk items and donuts, it is to be atached to the jumpsuit, you won't believe how usefull that webing actually is.


The behaviour is always up to you but don't be a dick, you are still a human being like everybody else , be reasonable.


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  • 5 months later...

The only time I have ever stunned first is when the perp is literally on the run from the crime scene as soon as I see them and they generally don't slow down for me. In this case it's easy to chase them and see if they are avoiding you during which I can't type all that much as they may escape. But I never stun a stationary person, I always say that they are under arrest and if there is no reason on record (someone set to arrest without further notes) I'll ask them to politely come back with me to the brig where we can sort it out and decide whether to place the sentence or release them for lack of evidence of any wrongdoing. Sometimes the arresting officer doesn't know what you did, that doesn't mean he can't bring you to the brig. HE CAN. I will never let the shitcurity of others stop me from making legit arrests so if they didn't post a reason and wont respond on the radio, that aint MY fault and I aint letting you go free. I never use excessive force and I still get the same 'unlawful arrest' bullshit from the majority of people I arrest. I don't make shit up but no matter how within the law I am people always argue. So if you ever get stun first ask questions later it's because of stuborn fucks who don't know how to roleplay police arrests. So my hint is that even when your doing the right thing your shitcurity, there is no escape...

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  • 2 weeks later...


In my experience:

1. Never be without your body armor. Think of it as a ceramic plate that you slide into your webbing vest.

2. Unless there's chemical warfare, don't go walking around wearing the gas-mask. You look like a tool.

3. Wear the hat instead of the helmet during green and blue alert to avoid maximum over-tool.

4. Call for backup any time that you go into a remotely hostile situation. It. Will. Save. Your. Life.

5. Establish an emergency radio channel BEFORE t-coms goes out.

6. Don't say your emergency frequency over public/private channels. Only word of mouth; the AI is always listening.

7. You are not a police force, nor are you a military unit. You are hired to keep other companies/hostile lifeforms/trans-dimensional gods from interfering with workflow. This may mean putting the boots to a syndicate medium-style or coordinating an evac. The crew should feel safe with you in the room, not bat-shit terrified.

8. When interrogating, use good-cop, bad-cop techniques. This is no less effective than beating them until they speak, but it makes for good RP and may net you karma.

9. Stay fed. If you get hungry, you get slow. If you get slow, you get dead.

10. If you are assigned to a department, don't stand there and be eye-candy. If you are assigned to medbay, make it clear to the doctors/nurses that guests who are not obviously injured should go through you first. (I.E. check their backpack for bombs and whatnot)


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