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Chaplain Overhaul


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I'm trying my hand at giving the Chaplain some form of holy version of cult runes, except with less effectiveness, and less blood sacrifice.

This would remove the innate healing power of the bible, as well as the innate holy water creation, making it just a brain damaging weapon, but allowing it to cast spells, much like a cult tome.

Here's my ideas (most of which are totally not torn from D&D and pathfinder):



Spells are cast using a bible and, occasionally, some form of implement described by the spell. The bible is used like a cult tome, but it retains its current use as a storage medium, as well. If the spell calls for something that's inside of your bible when you activate it, it will automatically be consumed.


means it's a rune-based spell, Φ means it's a touch-based spell (Makes your bible do it on next help intent tap),Θ means it instantly happens without targeting, and Ω means it's a spell that can target anyone in vision range.


Level 1 (Available at Round Start)

Create Water: Fills any container on the rune with water. Gives 1 stamina damage for every 2 units of water.

Bless Water:Transmutes any water on the rune to Holy Water. Takes an amount of time, based on the amount of water being transmuted.

ΦMindless Virtue:Heals five points of damage on a person, at the cost of giving them 2 points of brain damage.


Level 2

ΘDetect Evil: Reveals any hidden cultist runes in a radius of 3, but flashes the caster's screen as if you used a welder without goggles.

ΘVoice of the Gods: Works like a megaphone, but renders the caster mute for five seconds afterward.

Sanctify Corpse: Consumes a glowing bread (Flatbread made from dough made with holy water) to reverse corpse decay by one level.

Enhance Water: Transmutes any water on the rune to wine. Results in only 2/3 the units, rounded to the nearest whole.

ΩSacrificial Oath: Rapidly heals the target, while damaging the caster equally. The effect stops if the caster drops their bible for any reason. (If possible, I want to make this simply make the caster take any damage that the target would, but this is my best bet.)


Level 3

ΘHero's Defiance: Gives you 5u of hydrocodone and cola, making the caster essentially immune to pain or passing out for a short while.

ΩLitany of Sloth: Sets the target to walk mode. Decreases the caster's temperature to almost damaging levels.

ΘOath of Peace: Adds 5u of pure love to everyone in vision range, forcing everyone to help intent, including the caster.

Soulsight: Consumes a Camera Obscura to give the ability to see ghosts for 2 seconds times every use left in the camera. Also blinds the caster for the duration, making the ghosts the only thing they can see.

Level 4

ΘMartyr's Bargain: Rapidly heals all damage and stops all stuns for 10 seconds. When the effect runs out, the caster instantly take 1.5 times the damage and stun counter. (Again, should work like it stopping you from taking damage, but that could be difficult.)

ΩChains of Light: Renders both the caster and a visible target immobile. Wears off after 10 seconds, or if you stop holding your bible in your active hand. Your target is still allowed to use items.

Symbol of Healing: Creates a rune that heals whatever walks over it, then disappears.


Null Rod


The Null Rod will be getting some love, as well. In line with /tg/'s chaplain Holy Weapon selection, there will be multiple options for alternate Null Rods.



  • The Null Rod - The good old Null Rod, an obsidian stick that does a fair amount of damage. Can now fit in a pocket.

  • The Holy Sword - Our current only alternate to the Null Rod, does the same amount of damage, but has an edge, and can't fit in a bag.

Blue Staff - Does less damage, but has a chance to block attacks. Does fit in a bag.

God Hand - Same amount of damage as the Null Rod, but as fire damage. Nodrop.

Clown Dagger - No mechanical changes, looks like a honkrender[?] and honks on attack. (Copied straight from the PR)

SORD,,,, - "This thing is so unspeakably shitty you are having a hard time even holding it. " - Dave Strider, Homestuck.



What the hell are Levels?


I haven't really decided on a way to naturally achieve spell levels. I suppose one way would be through some sort of sacrifice rune, which removes an item of value in order to level you up. Probably some amount of mining ore. Alternatively, you could have it be prayer-mediated, so admins can decide what level the Chaplain gets, because the only additional ability the Chaplain would have at level 1 is to be able to create water.


"This change is huge. Nobody'll code it." - Everyone Ever, 2016


I know. I'll try and code it, but there's no way I'll touch everything. This is mostly just something for people to aspire to if they REALLY want to give themselves a coding headache. If you have any other suggestions for changes in this line of thinking, feel free to post them!


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I really like it, I like how it gives the Chaplain some utility in rounds other than cult rounds, but keeps their utility rather niche so that they can still do some RP.


My favorite spell on there is 'Oath of Peace'. I can see the chaplain using it during a shootout between Security and nuke ops.


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The oath of peace wouldn't help in firefights because you can still shoot with help intent.


But otherwise I agree, this would make the chaplain more useful in non-cult rounds!


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Yes, this would be amazing.

I dunno if the /tg/ null rod code would be ported, however... Although I certainly do like it.


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Personally I am against it, Chaplain is already a pretty good validhunting job, and this will just make it all the more powerful against certain antags.


Chaplain isn't a cultist.


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I mainly tried to keep away from anything that would emphasize validhunting, could you give a situation where these changes would allow for a hunt that currently can't happen?

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While it would be nice if the priest had more to do, some of these powers seem a little.. Griefy..


In the few times I played as a priest, I normally had a decent time just setting up the church for services later in the shift. Most people, however, only join it for the suit of armor and run around pretending to be some kind of Templar or something.


However, giving them some kind of super powers would just mean they'd spend even LESS time doing their intended role, and spend more time trying to learn magic and then either go fight crime alongside security or just graytide.


However, it would be nice if people had more reason to VISIT the priest in times of need. I think you should remove spells that do things like prevent people from fighting or enhances their combat ability in some way, but focus more on the healing aspect of the priest.


Make more magic based around healing and easing suffering, and maybe even encourage people to visit the church by providing some kind of quiet buff of sorts, and maybe being a priest would be more interesting.


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Chains of Light and Litany of Sloth are really the only two I can see as being griefy - Oath of Peace doesn't actually stop you from being able to fight, it just forces you to help intent, which is the intent with which I carry out most of my fights anyway. Even if it did, that particular spell affects the chaplain as well. The main intent of almost all of the spells is to heal and protect, rather than enable solo validhunting.

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