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Better sprites for security armour and helmets.


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As know we already have in code nice /tg/ sprites for security helmets and armour but we still use that rather shitty helmets now. How 'bout changing it and making secs better looking armour/helmets as well as new uniform?

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I don't really care for the /tg/ armor and helmet sprites too much.

I could deal with the armor, I suppose, but the helmet sprite really doesn't sit well with me.


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I'm willing to try my hand, any ideas for what sec armor should look like? Going for a knight approach, ballistic vests, military gear, loads of pads? Helmets should cover the face, not cover the face, and what should they look more like?

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I would probably like to see ballistiic vest looking like plate carrier. While standart armour should have more police look. Light yet comfortable to wear vest with Security on the back. New helmet should have face plate but it either must be not face concealing or be openable. So it could be kept open in green code and pushed down in combat. Would be nice to have such an option for riot helmet as well.

And what about uniform... Well I would be glad to see some casual one. Black cargo pants and red t-shirt/short sleeved shirt. Also could be good to get armbands back for deputes.


Bartender should also have new sprite for armour. So it would look like civilian not same as secs one. Maybe make it look like vests worn by reporters? Bright blue colored with some pockets on the chest.


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I'm willing to try my hand, any ideas for what sec armour should look like? Going for a knight approach, ballistic vests, military gear, loads of pads? Helmets should cover the face, not cover the face, and what should they look more like?


Personally, I'd be more interested in seeing the sec armour move more towards a corporate perspective.

One thing I personally don't like about TG's sec armour is that it's too concealing, and looks too bulky: I personally think sec uniforms should appear lighter and more streamlined than they do: they should make the wearer look responsible, approachable, and not like the background cast of a generic "The-United-States-saves-literally-everyone-by-shooting-badguys" videogame.


I'd say the default frontplate is due for a change, simply because the nondescript metal glint isn't doing much. I'd personally recommend moving towards more of a stab vest look - streamlined, keep the badge on the upper-left, but slim the plate itself down, and have visible buckles on the ribs; either a high collar and larger arm-holes, or close arm-holes and a spacious neckline - enough that one could see the shirt-tie on the corporate-sec jumpsuit.


On the topic of jumpsuits, I think one of the sec options should be short-sleeved, like the Blueshield has, and the pant legs should have a slightly baggy look if we're keeping the jackboots.


I might upload a sketch of what I'm thinking about later. I guess it depends on what sort of impression we want people to have around sec - do we intentionally want people to be intimidated and nervous when sec is around, or do we want people to feel comforted and safe?


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Seems fine, but I'm not fond of the badge idea.

I ain't no mall cop boyyyy.


My opinion: Jumpsuits are fine, armour is fine but I'm not fussed if it's made to look lighter. Berets are to be worn at all times, removing your beret is punishable by death.


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The vest could look more like actual combat vest, but i would rather see sec armour lightweight. Current helmet looks horrible, and to be honest, anything would be better. Openable helmet idea sounds pretty interesting.

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Openable helmet idea sounds pretty interesting.


I trusted you. Dirty traitor.


Remove helmets when?


(Also, I think it'd be pretty funny if there was a food you could make which was eaten out of a sec helmet, 'cus they are literal bowls at this stage).


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One thing that comes to mind is that beepsky would need to be overhauled as well, if helmet sprites got modified. Alternatively, if the alternative hats were palette-matched to the security vests, I think that would look pretty snazzy.


I know the Half-Life 1 security armour was kinda cruddy, but I'll be sad to see it go.


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Paul Blart Spess Cop


Honestly, if you've ever been to a shopping centre that hold their own executions, well, I'd stop going there.


What about malls...in deep space?


The majority of TG's sprites were designed to make sec more approachable in terms of players---priority #1 was getting rid of "faceless security"---which is what we still have, thanks to the helmets (which are from 4407).


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One thing that comes to mind is that beepsky would need to be overhauled as well, if helmet sprites got modified. Alternatively, if the alternative hats were palette-matched to the security vests, I think that would look pretty snazzy.


I know the Half-Life 1 security armour was kinda cruddy, but I'll be sad to see it go.

I think existing secbots(Beepsky, Pingsky, Labour camp bot, derelict bot) should be left as they are now. New secbots however should be changed to match new helmet look.


UPD. How about adding some new things as well? Ballistic helmet for full ballistic set and ablative helmet for ablative set.

Brig physician would also be glad to get alternative clothing. He have only one jumpsuit and one vest now. No headgear at all. Red beret with white cross insignia would be nice as well as medical armour vest.(just like secs but in medical colours and White cross on chest and back)


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Armour vest looks really good. Reminds me Vault security officer one. The only thing which is not good with it - that 1 dot badge. Make it a bit bigger or remove it at all.

Uniform looks fine but I want to see it without vest.

Helmet looks good as well but I think its too retrofuturistic. Good as cargo ordered alternative(just like Justice helmet) but not as standart issue. But thats only my opinion.


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Changed badge into a two pixel pocket, no major color difference, will be reworking helmet if people dislike it or want to give me new ideas, and the sec uniform is exactly the same, but with black pants.

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There's actually already a sprite for a tacticool looking plate carrier-style vest, and it's even already ingame -- albeit the only spawn I've ever seen for it is in the suspicious supply depot, aka the turret deathtrap on the derelict z-level. Never known why it's so heavily defended when it's just a resprite of regular sec armor, same stats and all.




I could see it replacing, or (preferably, just for the sake of having a choice like we do with headgear and jumpsuits) spawning alongside the standard vests for security. I like both the current vests and this style depending on what uniform I'm wearing so I'd really appreciate getting the choice. The contrast between the militarized vest and the standard ones we already have would also help underline for Heads of Personnel that their locker equipment is for personal defense only and that they aren't security.


The only issue with the plate carrier I think is that the side sprite is much bulkier looking than the regular sec vest, it doesn't seem fitting for standard everyday corporate security work. Additionally, concerned that the horizontal molle looking shit might cause confusion with the not-often-used bulletproof vests in the armory.


On the subject of helmets, there also spawns alongside the vest the swat/syndicate helmet, though while the vest might look more bulky the helmet almost looks downright sinister and stereotypically Syndicate so it might need some sprite work (that and kind of dorky looking if you dont have shades on)




I don't know however if this has some sort of history as legacy spawn equipment for syndicate teams, like how the red space suit you'll find floating around in space was once nukeop gear. If so, I suppose it might be a bit strange to have Security wearing it.


If nothing else, I'd like to see these as one of the STHF cargo crates, perhaps as a sort of intermediate between the standard gear and the slow yet strong SWAT gear we can already order. Given that people RARELY manage to get the shit from the syndicate supply depot, it's a shame seeing these go to waste.


(Also, agreeing with Spacemanspark, big fan of the corporate uniforms and wouldn't really want to see them go)


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How bout a bit of easter egg?

I really like how Xenonauts gear looks like. And Jackal arnour from here looks very similar to the gear security have now(but better detailed.

Vanila version




"Improved" version from mods





Tier 2 from that mod is also cool. Tier 3 helmet is excellent.





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