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Spray Bottle Brainstorming


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Synthflesh spray is the only application for the sprays besides space cleaner. If you remove it you might as well get rid of bottle alltogether.


People were talking about nerf in lube on the discord. How about lube having a chance to slip a person instead of being a surefire way to lock down an area? That will solve a big chunk of spray problems.


If you're not slipped then a deathspray will be massively less dangerous, possibly not needing a nerf at all.


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Really my best suggestion is adding conditions for 'partially wet' and 'partially lubed' and require 2-3 sprays from a spray bottle for the surface to become slippery enough to trip on.

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Really my best suggestion is adding conditions for 'partially wet' and 'partially lubed' and require 2-3 sprays from a spray bottle for the surface to become slippery enough to trip on.


this actually does not sound bad


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If you have a problem with lube in spray-bottles, you're going to have to directly nerf lube instead of the spray-bottle.

I can tell you as soon as you nerf the spray bottle people are going to begin placing lube in regular bottles, and then just splashing them on the floor for the same effect.


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If you have a problem with lube in spray-bottles, you're going to have to directly nerf lube instead of the spray-bottle.

I can tell you as soon as you nerf the spray bottle people are going to begin placing lube in regular bottles, and then just splashing them on the floor for the same effect.


normal bottle does not have 200 units in it


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If you have a problem with lube in spray-bottles, you're going to have to directly nerf lube instead of the spray-bottle.

I can tell you as soon as you nerf the spray bottle people are going to begin placing lube in regular bottles, and then just splashing them on the floor for the same effect.


normal bottle does not have 200 units in it

Take two beakers, set transfer to 5 units, transfer 5 units to second beaker, repeat.


If you have a large beaker that's full, that's still 20 tiles covered in a short amount of time.


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Here are the changes I'd make to spray bottles and lube, to make them less...weapony.


One tile range, regardless of setting. only thing changing the setting would do is change the amount of reagent supplied.


Lube, when sprayed on the floor, is water, and can be defeated the same ways as water.


The only time lube does it's massive slip stun, is with a direct hit.




Barring those changes, maybe adding a "counter-lube" chem is in order. Same difficulty to make, three chems, and when it hits lube, it removes it. That way, lubing can't be used as much as an area denial weapon.


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Pretty sure we already have something that clears lube away.

Degreaser, I think.



I'll have to test to see if it works on sprayed spacelube, as the description makes it out as "charcoal for IPCs".


Even so, the recipe for degreaser would need tweaking. Lube is three base regents straight from the machine. Degreaser requires a few levels of mixing to make.


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Simple idea: Make spray bottles melt when you put anything acidic.

That's already been discussed extensively. Problem is there's nothing acidic in the biggest problem, lube.

something something space lube's chemical structure prevents it from being made into a fine mist/aerosol


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