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Should synthflesh slow/stop IB in place of styptic powder?


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So, right now, IB is hard to stop, without actual surgery - the one reagent that moderates its effect, styptic powder, depletes too quickly to be a reasonable answer or even form of triage. So, should I tweak things so that synthflesh does that instead? Synthflesh depletes at a rate of .4 per tick, in place of the 3 per tick of styptic, so that way there should be some way to administer primary care without being at the end of your rope.

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I would say yes but for a different reason than what you've listed.


I see Styptic Powder as being a low-tier medicine. Synthflesh takes a few additional steps to make and so should be more effective, including having the ability to slow or stop internal bleeding.


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Slow? Maybe


Stop? No, i'd rather not have chemicals be the answer to everything, keep the game a bit of a challenge, make the difference of good and great doctors differ.


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I say no, IB should remain a serious condition, BUT!


Quick clot!



This should slow it, not stop it, and moving or being dragged around with it applied should null it's effect (something like a 30% chance of it falling out of place for each step maybe?)


It'd also need to be removed for surgery, I'm thinking hemostat to pull it out.


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Eh, one way or another, it's borrowed time. .4 units deplete every 2 seconds, 20 units (max from a 40u patch) will last you 1 minute, 40 seconds. A pill, of 50u, will give you 4 1/6 minutes of slowing, but at that point you're wasting resources.

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You can already counteract the effects of IB's by using a combination of two chems.


1 - Perfluo will generally buy you enough time to perform surgery by halting oxyloss.


2 - Iron will buy you time by replenishing blood as it's lost, and combined with an IV works quickly enough to fully counteract IB's (and buy you even more time).


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