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AI mainframes


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What if we replace our current AI core to multiple AI mainframes.

We could have like 4 mainframes scattered across the station that each represent 25% of system integrety

One in the vault, one on the current AI sattelite, one in the AI upload and one in the science server room.

This way it's harder to kill the AI but it can still be carded from any of the four AI mainframes.

If science would like to make a second AI they can still just use the way an AI core is build to create an AI. But to create an additional mainframe for the current or new AI just finish the AI core without a brain in it. and then have a little prompt where you can select wich AI it should be bound to.


And now for the really obscure part of my suggestion




What if each of the mainframes, or the current AI core, generate heat? I mean, it's a big supercomputer, it should get pretty hot up in there right? And then the really, really weird part. What if the mainframes only start heating up when 2 of the 4 mainframes are destroyed? That would be pretty cool. And then have a max temperature for the mainframe so it'll overheat at a certain point, destroying it. This way you need to quickly convince science to make more mainframes or survive only on the cooled mainframe in the science server room.


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I am against this, personally.


This would make Malf AI a lot harder to do, when it is already a challenge to take out an AI that knows what they are doing. The fix to that is if one or two AI mainframes died, it would be completely kaput. AI = dead.


As for traitors taking out the AI, this also makes this harder significantly, as well as making it harder for the AI. One of the ways an AI can tell it is being hunted is that it can hear what is going on around it's sat. It can hear people welding in, it can hear explosions, it has camera alarms all over the place. Splitting it up in to four pieces removes that completely. You could be helping security open a door, get a camera alarm and be significantly damaged, because the camera alarms don't activate instantly. Repeat and, following the earlier suggestion, you are kaput.


Overheating. Hm. HMMMMM. I can see how this is true, but I think a better way to address this IC is to just have it set to Server Coldroom and make it so the AI HAS to have it set to coldroom, like the RnD servers.


However, an interesting idea pops up. If you have 4 AI mainframes, what if they were linked to a sector of the station? If you lost that mainframe, you loose control over the equipment and APC's over there? (You can still open doors, though.) Or a mainframe for each department, including one that is just door controls for the entire station that could be stored in the Central Block?


Again, I am against this, but I am one person, and I can/will learn to live with change.




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I don't really ever see a malf AI win.

This actually makes it ten times easier to kill the AI, you just card it from one of the mainframes.


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I've definitely seem malf AIs win. Hell, just the other day a malf AI came extremely close to winning, the countdown for the nuke reached 1 before it got drilled to death by a Ripley.

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