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Localized Headset Disabler

Saint Pepsi

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An item that is worn/equip/used that emits a short range radio disabler. The downside is that people will likely notice if their headsets go quiet suddenly. I don't have specifics. You decide if it's like a worn item or a usable. The effect would be similar to that of an EMP with a more subtle effect.

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pretty much just like goonstation radio jammer, and then again, goonstation headset radios are known to occasionally fail once or twice in a row.


but by the time you realize its actually a jammer...you are quite dead.


if i remember correctly, its just a item that goes in your pocket and can be activated in your hands whenever, but it also jams YOUR radio.


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Could up a bit more and make it disable implants as well


So death implants actually have a counter other than surgically removing them


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it should also jam pAIs!


pAIs as it stands are a traitors worst nightmare.


Something to counter them would be great.


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it should also jam pAIs!


pAIs as it stands are a traitors worst nightmare.


Something to counter them would be great.



pAI's use an in-built Station Bounced Radio for communication whenever they talk over comms.


If this theoretical items squelched radios in general, it'd by proxy do it to pAI's too, they'd only be able to scream locally and not over the radios or anything.


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it should also jam pAIs!


pAIs as it stands are a traitors worst nightmare.


Something to counter them would be great.



pAI's use an in-built Station Bounced Radio for communication whenever they talk over comms.


If this theoretical items squelched radios in general, it'd by proxy do it to pAI's too, they'd only be able to scream locally and not over the radios or anything.


Yup. That's what I meant sorta, having this counter them would be great.


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It should give a message like 'your headset audio goes staticky.' in really unobtrusive font that's easy to miss, then just radio silence-- fading back in seamlessly with no message. It's enough warning.


As for implants, 'you get a mild headache.'

Only shows up once you move in-range


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It should give a message like 'your headset audio goes staticky.'

We don't need more traitor shit that can be meta'd by anyone with half of a brain.


You can fucking triangulate the device if you make it leave messages.


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It should give a message like 'your headset audio goes staticky.'

We don't need more traitor shit that can be meta'd by anyone with half of a brain.


You can fucking triangulate the device if you make it leave messages.


which is not such a bad thing considering we wouldnt want the traitor to just have it on non stop / plant it somewhere and leave it here enabled forever.


As long as its faster than removing the headset of your target, and on top of that silence pai radio then by the time you see that little message telling you your fucked, your already fucked :P.


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here is how i remember it working on no-RP goonstation: goonstation has no telecomms, and the headsets fail to transmit occasionally, sometimes even twice in a row.

on the second or third transmit fail...you will realise somebody with a radio jammer is about to shiv you reeeeaaal soon.


here is how i think some people in this thread want it to work: leave a obvious staticky noise/mysterious headache as soon as the radio jammer comes close enough, its basically a big arrow pointing at the general direction of the antag, not stealthy at all but you wont be able to call for help...or hear the alerted validhunt lynchmob over radio as the antag


here is how i want it to work: make it so all radio equipment within 5-6 tiles cant recieve or send, and anything within the screen but outside the 5 tiles would just be garbled.


possibly give it a strength adjustment so you get to control how many tiles it affects and what devices it shuts off in one setting, starting with headsets>>>station bounced/pAI>>>syndie encryption key/death alarm>>>intercomms


in a nutshell:

want to have a shorter jamming range so you can hear if the AI is yelling at sec to get to your location through your syndie key?

OR a stronger and wider radio jamming incase your victim manages to crawl a bit further away.


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Actually TG abductors have something very similar to this. The Abductor Agent has a tool that when pointed at a person (anyone in their line of sight) it disables their headset but doesn't give any notification to the person of what happened. I don't believe the device has a cooldown so you can quickly 'fire' it at multiple people before shoving it back to your pocket, a traitor uplink version of this could be disguised as a SBR itself maybe? Or some other common item (like the AI detector being a multitool)


Making this apply to pAIs on the person would probably be a good thing, though I fear that would require some snowflake code to check every possible inventory space (pockets, bag, boxes in bags, bags in bags of holding, labcoat/hazard vest pockets, ect...) , can't say I've ever been foiled by a pAI but I've seen it happen and it's infuriating because there isn't a counter without completely shutting down comms first, which only 3 roles can reasonably do without raising suspicion (CE, RD and maybe HoP)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Bringing this back for a quick suggestion: Have it hold all radio traffic for the headset until it leaves the range. That means if a traitor kills someone and they scream, then move away from the corpse, all of the cries will then be transmitted.

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Bringing this back for a quick suggestion: Have it hold all radio traffic for the headset until it leaves the range. That means if a traitor kills someone and they scream, then move away from the corpse, all of the cries will then be transmitted.


this would literally make the disabler useless.


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Bringing this back for a quick suggestion: Have it hold all radio traffic for the headset until it leaves the range. That means if a traitor kills someone and they scream, then move away from the corpse, all of the cries will then be transmitted.


I'd maybe support this only if you could destroy the disabler in some way to prevent it from transmitting the messages once the jamming effect is shut off.


Or if you intended that the jammed headset - not the disabler - would hold the outgoing messages until the disabler was out of range, then the antag would just need to grab the headset and shut it off or destroy it or hide it and the disabler somewhere so it never leaves the disabler's range.


But otherwise, yeah, Shadey's right. The major purpose of a disabler like this is to prevent someone from going, "say ;SAINT PEPSI KILLING ME IN OLD BAR" and then have the entire security force coming after you. If it allowed those messages to transmit AT ALL, whether it's when you first attack them or after they've been taken down, then you'll still have to deal with Security.


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