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tullybburnalot abuse


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Admin Key:tullybburnalot


Complaint: I was playing a round where I was thralled by a vampire. The vampire shapeshifted, and went to the HoP to get a new ID. She was arrested by the HoS (Jonah Bright aka tullybburnalot), and I asked him what her crime was repeatedly. He held her for a while, running around. Eventually, he released her. I called him a fascist repeatedly for holding her for so long with no crime. Later, I found a criminal cuffed by beepsky. I went to turn him in, and was tased by the HoS, who called me a hypocrite. I was talking with the vampire and saw him, and so I once again called him a fascist. I asked him if he would tase me again, to which he replied "yes". He shot and missed, and then proceeded to cuff the vampire, who had done nothing wrong. I tried to save her, but he managed to get her into the space-shuttle brig. Once on the shuttle, I managed to pull her out when the door was open. I put water on the floor next to me, and slipped the HoS as he attempted to recapture her and me. I batoned him over and over on the floor as I tried to uncuff her, but someone tased me. As I was stunned, I was cuffed. Still stunned, the HoS attempted to kill me with his lasergun, but only succeeded in critting a clown, Honkel the III, who was behind me. I complained about this in LOOC, as I really did not seek to get anyone in any actual trouble. Tully contacted me, and I later found out through OOC that he was indeed the HoS. I find it bullshit that I can be banned for the LOOC "salt" as he called it, while he's fine even though he tried to literally kill me when I was down, and only succeeded in critting an innocent bystander instead. There were multiple witnesses to this entire thing. I'm not asking for an unban, and I really liked Tully, but this is complete BS.



EDIT: When I tried to explain to tully that the HoS wasn't exactly innocent either, I kept getting told that that didn't matter. I really am not looking for anyone to get in trouble, and he's still a good admin, but this is just really not right.


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Looking into the complaint, I see multiple notes on your account where you break the LOOC rules.

This seems to be more about how tully played, which in that case, is not enough to actually warrant as a complaint against an admin and their administrative actions.

Playing the HoS can be stressful, and I can admit myself that I sometimes lose my cool when playing the game, however there is no instance of where Tully broke any one of our rules, and from what I understand this was a full in-game escalation.


Your ban is because of how you reacted after the situation was done, you lashed out in LOOC after numerous attempts at warning you not to do exactly that.


I hope this clears things up, I know the game can be unfair at times, but it is something we all have to deal with.


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What does my LOOC notes have to do with an admin ignoring his own abuse??? He literally emptied his laser gun into an innocent clown standing behind me. EMPTIED a full gun. That's not 'stress'.


Yet that has litterally nothing to do with tully as an admin. You wrote a player complaint not an admin complaint.


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This is obviously going to be an up-hill battle for me, as admins will defend admins, but an admin was able to break the rules and get away with it because "it's stressful", yet if it had been anyone else no excuse would have saved them from receiving punishment. How's this a player complaint, exactly?

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Because there is nothing wrong here regarding how tully acted as an admin.


If you start breaking the looc rules you're going to get banned. Especially with the notes you have on you.

There is nothing wrong here.


Tully shooting another player into crit if anything is something he did as a player. No matter who does it if a HoS shoots a clown into crit justified or not it goes into the player complaints.


Im not fighting your clown story here but you should write it in the player complaints section. Not here.


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  • 4 weeks later...


Hey Guys!


Just a happy little German boy passing by here.



The Admins/Staff here are completely right with their argument that Littlbear has created a complaint in this section to complain about an in game situation. That being said please read on:



-Because of our servers mostly friendly nature I am often aware of which OOC account is linked with each in game person.

-Anyone who has ever played HOS knows that there are rounds where you are so over worked that you start to lose your mind

-If you are a clown and dont get abused you are not being a very good clown

-That last point isnt exactly true^^^

-Reading Littlbear's complaint as if it was a player complaint; I would agree the HOS was abusive there to a point where I would also ask for Admin intervention.


As any other player on this server does I look to the Admins as a person of power, authority, order, fairness, and grey-tide-hatefullness. Looking at the way the HOS conducted himself here I lose a little faith in our admin staff.


I believe that Littlbear is pushing the wrong part of the problem here. I think that the biggest offense is that an Admin handled an issue in which that same Admin was involved in. As I said before an Admin should be fair and it is near impossible to be fair when you are personally involved. (Thats why we have judges in court)


To close here I believe that Littlbear is in need of an apology from the Staff about the conduct of one specific staff member. I further believe that the ban placed on Littlbear was in order as LOOC is a dangerous path that often leads to other players overhearing things they should not know.


Thanks for your time everyone.


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I'm just as guilty of it since I'm putting a post here, buuuuut.


Generally speaking unless you're directly involved in the situation presented in the complaint and have something relevant to add to the exact event (IE: You were a party in the complaint) you generally don't want to post in these.


This complaint is almost a month old, as well.


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Right, this is long, long, long overdue, but for the sake of getting the actual story out there:


I had been playing as the Head of Security that round, mostly because I had forgotten how much I hated playing Head of Security. Long story short, I hear from Sec Comms that Roman had been involved with vampire thralls or something other sneaky business. My officers handled it, so that was that.


Late in the round, right before the shuttle docked, we happen to get evidence that someone we suspected was a vampire was, in fact, a vampire. Being near them myself, I detain them. Roman was nearby, and proceeded to unleash a stream of insults down my way that I was happy to ignore.


I brought the vampire to the shuttle brig and set them down. However, when another officer came in, Roman used the open door to walk in, unbuckle the vampire and run off with them. Mind you, it was Code Red, and there were known hostile vampires on the station.


I proceed to chase them down. Now, I don't know what it is they sprayed, but they sprayed something in front of me which forced me to slip and drop my baton, after which Roman proceeded to pick up the baton and begin to harmbaton me. The only reason I did not sustain more injuries was because the Brig Physician (I believe) managed to stun them.


After getting up, I proceeded to mentally declare "That's it", and empty my E-Gun into Roman due to the circumstances. It is here that I do, in fact, offer my extended apologies. To the clown. I actually had no idea I missed most of the rounds, and in fact was surprised Roman wasn't in critical condition after all that. It would appear that, since Roman was on the ground, and I didn't aim properly, the shots quite literally went over his head and hit the clown. For that, I legitimately apologize, as it wasn't my intention. It was, in fact, bad aim.


As such, if the clown is reading this: sorry. I did not intend to hit you.


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