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makeshift weapon changes


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Currently some of the makeshift weaponry on the station is so expensive and resource intensive to make that it is essentially not worth it to make. For example the shotgun needs a pipe from engineering/atmos, wood from cargo/botany and the hardest of all a modular receiver from science. The first two are doable but a modular receiver from sci is impossible to get since it involves having a scientist at the r&d desk, said scientist willing to make you a modular receiver, and said scientist not outright calling security on you. For this i propose that the modular receiver be made a hacked autolathe product and be able to substitute metal in the place of wood. Also the crossbow should have the plastic requirement removed since plastic is a cargo only product since it is a left over from the old mining system. To balance this extra wood would be needed in place of the missing plastic.

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Also when it comes to the improvised shotgun, making ammo for it is even more resource intensive, such as needing a chemistry grenade or other chemistry reagents or higher-tier protolathe stock parts. It's usually not worth the hassle since making a decent amount of ammo is really only possible as a Scientist, and chances are you can make actual, real weapons in the Protolathe before too long (and get them unlocked if someone holding armory access deems it so).

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Also when it comes to the improvised shotgun, making ammo for it is even more resource intensive, such as needing a chemistry grenade or other chemistry reagents or higher-tier protolathe stock parts. It's usually not worth the hassle since making a decent amount of ammo is really only possible as a Scientist, and chances are you can make actual, real weapons in the Protolathe before too long (and get them unlocked if someone holding armory access deems it so).


actually you can make lethals and riot shells from a hacked autolathe and i say that tech shells stay protholathe level stuff to keep it from being absolutely OP


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Also the crossbow should have the plastic requirement removed since plastic is a cargo only product since it is a left over from the old mining system. To balance this extra wood would be needed in place of the missing plastic.


Not that this has anything to do with the issue you're trying to address, but Botany can also make plastic.


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Also the crossbow should have the plastic requirement removed since plastic is a cargo only product since it is a left over from the old mining system. To balance this extra wood would be needed in place of the missing plastic.


Not that this has anything to do with the issue you're trying to address, but Botany can also make plastic.


wait botany can make plastic?


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Yes but it requires you to mutate death nettles and plastelium (which for some reason was removed from hacked seed vendor). mixing fluorosulphuric (from death nettle) and the plasticide from plastelium and it spawns plastic sheets.


So you may need a number of buckets of mutagen to do it.


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Yes but it requires you to mutate death nettles and plastelium (which for some reason was removed from hacked seed vendor). mixing fluorosulphuric (from death nettle) and the plasticide from plastelium and it spawns plastic sheets.


So you may need a number of buckets of mutagen to do it.


yeah so essentially cargo only


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Also the crossbow should have the plastic requirement removed since plastic is a cargo only product since it is a left over from the old mining system. To balance this extra wood would be needed in place of the missing plastic.


Not that this has anything to do with the issue you're trying to address, but Botany can also make plastic.


wait botany can make plastic?


Plastellium shrooms. The reagent you get from grinding those up can be turned into plastic via chemistry. (IIIIII forget the recipe though.)


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When that shotgun was added, I remember that it was clearly stated that it's so hard to make for a reason.


I think it's meant to be a rare item for nerds that's almost never used.


Still its nigh impossible to make since you need rare items from seperate departments when it is difficult to get anything from either department. It should be hard to make but not near impossible


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For the shotgun:

Modular Receiver: Be a scientist - this is probably contributing to the "science gets all the fun toys" problem

Pipe: Wrench a random pipe leading away from a scrubber, as those are empty and won't "foom" you.

Wood: Screwdrive some random wood flooring where nobody will care, like the old bar EDIT: No, that just gets you the plating, for ACTUAL, useable, wood.... I mean you could hit the library, as 90% of the time nobody is in there... The old bar might have wooden furniture, too.


Feasible, but unlikely to actually happen unless you are either a scientist yourself, or there is a scientist at the RnD window that simultaneously knows what they're doing and doesn't know what they're doing, or is just bored and wants to see people do something interesting.


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Modular Receiver: Be a scientist - this is probably contributing to the "science gets all the fun toys" problem

Something should be done about it.


I always thought that the R&D console should be hackable like the cargo shuttle computer by by ripping out the board and multitooling it to remove access restrictions. It would make secret antag science labs tucked away in maint possible without being a syndie and buying a emag possible and if you were to do it in the main r&d lab the science team would beat the ever living daylights out of you since you broke in and messing with their equipment.


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I think the whole modular receiver bit should be removed and replaced with a more makeshift alternative, instead of locking it to science. Its really stupid to give science the ability to make a shitty makeshift shotgun when they've got so many more options for better things to make. Maybe something requiring plasteel, or something not simple to get, but still possible for a crafty greytider to get.

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I think the whole modular receiver bit should be removed and replaced with a more makeshift alternative, instead of locking it to science. Its really stupid to give science the ability to make a shitty makeshift shotgun when they've got so many more options for better things to make. Maybe something requiring plasteel, or something not simple to get, but still possible for a crafty greytider to get.


Agreed. ive only seen the shotgun once and that was because a scientist was testing out the tech shells


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I made the makeshift shotgun before but its single shot break action so by time I got the multiple shots off to completely silence them they had my position and who to look for. Granted, I should of had meteor shells.


The only big use I ever made the shotgun for is for using pulse slugs to break down walls.


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Pretty much anything I would add to this has already been stated. I like trying to make a shotgun as my vulp and then freaking the fuck out wondering if Security will bust my ass. I don't like how the receiver is Protolathe only and would like to see it be made from something else. Plasteel is a nice idea or maybe you could do something with a table recipe. Making the receiver would be something a bit tough I'd imagine. Tech shells are another problem also limited to the Protolathe and might be better moved to a hacked Autolathe.


I don't know if the receiver should be removed. I want to think there is a possible modular science guns that could be made in R&D. That would require more parts though and a different topic. Or maybe I just want Fallout 4


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