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Another type of haunting


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So, the other night, I wished in deadchat, that ghosts had another type of spell available, that would be more visual/aural than the boo!, but similarly, with a longer cooldown, like 5-10 minutes.


Something like for half a second, the floor and walls within a few squares become bloody, sometimes even gibbed.

Or another variant, where one or more ghosts pop up around players within reach of the new spell, causing them all to hear stuff like "MAKE-US-WHOLE" from dead space series.

Sometimes the effects could perhaps last longer, up to maybe 10 seconds, this would work especially well if one of the random things of the spell, would cause every player nearby to leave bloody runes on the floor, that disappeared when the timer ended again.

A more disruptive thing might be something like a low-chance of 0.5%, where the nearest live player becomes blinded for a few seconds, seeing runes in the whiteness and hearing cultists chanting, every second.


Just a few ideas, the only reason I don't go straight to coding, is that I have no idea how to do it and it might catch the attention of more competent people, I can probably also make an even longer list of creepiness, to flair it up.


I know one fellow on the deadchat said he was going to do it and sounding enthusiastic about it, but I figure it's better to get the idea known in proper writing


**edit** Alternatively to a standard cooldown, it could rely on the effect caused, so that less disruptive things cause almost no cooldown, while something like the blindness/rune/chanting thing, would cause 20 minutes of CD


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Just by reading the first sentence I must say no... but after reading it carefully my opinion is still no. Sorry to burst your bubble pal... but ghost are OP as they currently stand. making them OP-er is a strait up no. You could argue that they don't participate in the round as much as you think they should... well they don't. The only purpose of ghosts is to judge us (the playing characters) from the far byond. [spoiler2]see what I did there[/spoiler2]


Make silly comments and spam dead-chat for THUNDERDOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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>ghosts are OP


Dude the worst a single ghost can do is send shivers down your spine and annoy you with the lighting or gently slow down a Diona's healing, unless you are talking about revenants, WHICH ARE NOT GHOSTS. Those are antags.


They shouldn't have too many physical spells, but a creepynoise spell that can only be done once every like 15 minutes would be nice.


And keep in mind that ghosts are still players-- They still want to be able to play a nice little space retardation simulator and even though they're gone they shouldn't be 100% excluded from being even a little fun, although the fun should be ambient fun.


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>ghosts are OP


Dude the worst a single ghost can do is send shivers down your spine and annoy you with the lighting or gently slow down a Diona's healing, unless you are talking about revenants, WHICH ARE NOT GHOSTS. Those are antags.


In my opinion its more than they deserve. the fact that you're also able to return to the round as ERT after watching for half an hour antags antagoing, private conversations and seeing the clown spaced you pretty much know the game. (but I don't mind returning as a harmless mob or xeno/blob random event)


Dying sucks in this game (speaking from experience)... you're thrown to the back seat from all the action and watch quietly and don't do anything because you can't but you want to do something (like in a really good movie :P)


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I had a suggestion for an anti-ghost that could be a random chance of spawning instead of a ghost every time ghosting occurred, which could zap lights that weren't nailed to the wall. It was shot down for being too breaching of the physical realm. This is way the fuck more of a breach than that, and nigh impossible to predict since its a randomized effect.

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Spoopy noises, yes. Or put Spoopy Noises into the Boo Spell and only if you are the same tile as someone when you use the spell.


Anything more then that, I feel, is too much for Ghosts.


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Honestly? I find ghosts to already be pretty disruptive and I really don't think we need to add even more disruptive things that serve to distract and derail whatever is actually going on in game. Yes, you died but there are options for you if you don't want to sit around and wait to be found/cloned. You absolutely can play as a npc if you want and if not then that's kinda on you.


At least with boo/light flickering you can pass that off as just your imagination or power issues if you don't want to get into ghostly nonsense. Chair spinning is actually really annoying and super disruptive to the point where if it happens excessively when I'm trying to enjoy interacting with someone ICly then sometimes I have to just remove all the chairs. People are trolly with the things they already have, lets not give them more things that impact the people who are still alive and trying to play the game on a greater level of disruption that is difficult to "explain away".


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>ghosts are OP


Dude the worst a single ghost can do is send shivers down your spine and annoy you with the lighting or gently slow down a Diona's healing, unless you are talking about revenants, WHICH ARE NOT GHOSTS. Those are antags.


They shouldn't have too many physical spells, but a creepynoise spell that can only be done once every like 15 minutes would be nice.


And keep in mind that ghosts are still players-- They still want to be able to play a nice little space retardation simulator and even though they're gone they shouldn't be 100% excluded from being even a little fun, although the fun should be ambient fun.

Obviously never seen a group of ghosts kill a Diona. Or was around when Ghosts could flip tables.


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Obviously never seen a group of ghosts kill a Diona.


Screencaps and logs or didn't happen.


I'm genuinely surprised we don't have a pac-man minigame or some other shenigans for the ghosts to play tag or something. Even cult rounds, which should give ghosts a better role in the game, never seem to even scratch the surface of how they can use ghosts to their advantage.


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IT'd be nice if we could like... divvy up ghosts somehow. Like instead of EVERY ghost having all the knowledge, forever you could be able to choose to be much more limited in sight and hearing to being local only or whatever, and getting more spooky shit in return.


Sorta like an IC ghost and an OOC Ghost

But I really doubt that'll come to pass.


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As i mainly play diona I seen ghost trying to kill me a few times so i just got into the habit of turning on my PDA light....


they sure don't like having a diona captain.


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they sure don't like having a diona captain.

It's like in the paranormal/horror movies. Ghosts do not want to hurt you, they merely have a need to interact with the living. If they hurt someone in the process, it's not their fault... right? RIGHT?


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