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Surgery Suggestion


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When performing "organ repair surgery" on the chest, (scalpel, hemostat, retractor, saw, retractor, trauma kit, retractor, cautery) you can't go right into bone repair surgery if you need to, and instead have to clone the incision and start from scratch to repair the bones.


I suggest to change this, if the chest cavity is open you should allow for any number of procedures to occur in tandem.


This would save A LOT of time for surgeons.


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I like this suggestion as well, by the way, it's illogical as balls to have to go back to square one when you just had their ribcage exposed.


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When performing "organ repair surgery" on the chest, (scalpel, hemostat, retractor, saw, retractor, trauma kit, retractor, cautery) you can't go right into bone repair surgery if you need to, and instead have to clone the incision and start from scratch to repair the bones.


I suggest to change this, if the chest cavity is open you should allow for any number of procedures to occur in tandem.


This would save A LOT of time for surgeons.


But when you saw open the ribcage, after healing the organs, the next step is geling and replacing the ribcage. Can you not just use bonesetters after replacing the ribcage, if its still required? Though, further on, sawing off and gelling back the ribcage should reset them to begin with, tbh. muh realisms.


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Haven't done surgery recently, but if you did organ repair, you used to be able to use bone glue twice after retracting it shut. The first time would give you the standard sealing/closing message, the second time would start the healing/repair text that would allow you to use bone setter and another bone gel before sealing.


Again, this may have been overhauled, haven't been tracking the github and Earth seems to be the only coder that cares about keeping an current changelog and understandably its next to impossible to for one person keep it 100% up to date.


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Yeah why the heck did this get removed.

This was always a thing before the update and I see surgeons scratching their heads when they try to perform bone + organ surgery now.

Because surgery code is appearently horrifying and causes PTSD to the coders.


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Haven't done surgery recently, but if you did organ repair, you used to be able to use bone glue twice after retracting it shut. The first time would give you the standard sealing/closing message, the second time would start the healing/repair text that would allow you to use bone setter and another bone gel before sealing.


Again, this may have been overhauled, haven't been tracking the github and Earth seems to be the only coder that cares about keeping an current changelog and understandably its next to impossible to for one person keep it 100% up to date.


Yeah, this. Unless this has been changed, this is the exact proper procedure to do.


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