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A few notes on how to not be shitcurity


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Remember that behind every crewmember is an actual human being who, just like you, signed on to this weird little spessmen game for one reason only: to have a good time.


Be polite. Be courteous. Help people. Have a sense of humor. Admit when you're wrong. Endeavor to fix your mistakes. Go the extra mile for people in tough situations. Showing your fellow crewmembers a little respect goes a long way. If you do right by them, they will often do right by you.


Remember that you are not a one-officer army, and that you can be slipped and stripped like anyone else. Shitcurity relies on their tazer and baton for protection, Security relies on the good rapport they've established with their fellow crewmembers. If you've got a good rapport, then it's not "You VS The Station", it's "The Station (and you, sometimes) VS the bad guys".


Unless you're in immediate danger, your first action in any situation should be talking, not stunning/cuffing. Most situations can be resolved by simply talking to people. It's amazing how cooperative most people will be if you just open your talk box and RP at them a little.


Be a professional. When you bring people in, make sure everyone knows why/what they're charged with. Conduct searches quickly and respectfully. Make sure that suspects get medical attention ASAP if required. Remember that when you arrest someone, they are under your protection, and that you are responsible for their safety and well-being. Try putting yourself in their shoes and treat them as you would like to be treated. Your character might be a grizzled spess veteran, and their character might be an incomprehensibly evil spess criminal, but you are both people who are just trying to enjoy their spess game. Act like it.


If you must get your hands dirty - be swift and decisive. Apply the baton or tazer bolts, snatch up dropped weapons, clear the area, and bring 'em in. Call for backup if you think things are about to go pear-shaped. Don't let the criminal scum get the drop on you - a dead sec officer is no good at all.


Don't be an overzealous dick about criminal infractions. Cut people some slack from time to time. Reduce sentences for good behavior. Let people go if you can't prove they've committed a crime. Return items that aren't contraband. Make sure prisoners are comfortable and well looked-after. Give people second chances.


And above all - be nice :)


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  • 1 month later...


I can feel the Humanity in that post. It's... It's- Repulsive.


Whenever I manage to work the feeling from the bottom of my pitiless soul and play Sec officer, I try to act with decency as MPC says you should. But you do quickly learn when to spot the shits and when to spot the fits. The shits are the guys who continually do shit to get under your skin just because they can; this often is accompanied with cries that they have not done anything wrong over the radio along with cries of shitcurity when it is clear to yourself that this isn't the case. In these scenarios I quickly slam down hard and LOOK for reasons to brig the asshole, partially to try to get them to understand that being shit does not get you anywhere and to calm-the-fuck-down-Jesus-Christ.


The Fits are the guys who commit crimes out of anger in the moment (Doctors being shit, engineering being shit, Security being shit, ectera) then calm down. Again, rather easy to tell the difference; in such cases I LOOK for reasons to lower brig times, even going as far as to letting them go early or entirely (To which I have let antags go purposely, due to the fact they are not freaking out and instead try to foster a nice enough chat instead of being Shit (I do also operate on the fool me once doctrine...)).


So its nice to think that all officers should act as suggested in the guide, but it is as much down to the criminal as the officer, who I am assuming is not a shit himself from the get go, to not escalating a situation into one of "Shitcurity".


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not following this earned me a temp ban.

please all who play sec read this.

and due to lag and stuns it can easily lead to being a proper shitcurity member.

be always wary if you leave the harm intent on after a rather violent arrest or emergency.

it can lead to harmbatons and you know how it goes from there.


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be always wary if you leave the harm intent on after a rather violent arrest or emergency.


Really no reason to have any intent but help active when moving about the station.

Unless you're and asshole, you cause traffic jams in corridors and can even interfere with life saving work (the number of patients that have died on me going to medical because of ping ponging about by passerbyers is unacceptable)


Accidents happen, but if you walk around with disarm, grab or harm you become a solid object, and I've tackle pushed a few idoits to the floor on the ic issue of "I'm walking here!" or similar things as you basically are shoving people out of your way when not on help intent, so don't be shocked when they shove back.


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Detective Jonah "Motherfucking Validhunter" Bright has arrived on this thread.


Here are a few guidelines on how NOT to be Shitcurity:



  1. HARM INTENT IS BEST INTENT! In all seriousness, no. Under no circumstance should you be walking around the station with Harm, Grab or Disarm intent on. Not only will you not need it, it will actively make the Administrators wary of you, since anything other than Help intent results in Harmbatoning (or Grabatoning or Disarmbatoning as the case may be). No one likes the idiot Officer who keeps pushing everyone around. Help intent is best intent;

  2. Standard. Operating. Motherfucking. Procedure. Obey it. Live it. Breathe it. I would go on about this point, but I don't need to;

CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL. Don't do this. Please. Yes, I am aware Jonah abuses the shit out of this, but I make sure it happens when Security/Command is breaching common logic. At the end of the day, no one likes the Officer who yells in everyone's faces and shouts down anyone who dares disagree with them;

Have a sense of humour. Be able to laugh at yourself, and don't intentionally shove a stick up your ass. When dealing with people, remaining approachable and humane is paramount;

Space Law. Know it. Entirely;

Related to the above, basic sanity. Hitting you with a toolbox once isn't Attempted Murder. Disarming you a couple of times and then running off isn't assault. And, perhaps most importantly, Resisting Arrest is not a fucking automatic +1 at the end of every sentence. Resisting Arrest implies some level of force or at least creating a manhunt by running off. Someone stepping back when you're trying to cuff them is not Resisting Arrest;

Maintain your lines of communication open and always know why Person X is wanted. Always make sure your HoS/Warden knows about what's going on, which applies the other way as well. Keep Sec Comms active and informative;

Update Sec Records when people leave jail. Sometimes it's a legitimate oversight, but Beepsky don't care. Beepsky don't give a shit;

Treat Beepsky like a motherfucking saint;

Don't leave people bucklecuffed after you set the timer. Remove their cuffs and leave the cell. If they try breaking out, flash them using the console, remove whatever items they're using, then leave. If they keep trying to do it, then you can bucklecuff;

Do not remove people's headsets unless they're being extremely abusive. Saying stuff like "Shitcurity just arrested me for no reason", while annoying, does not constitute abuse. Continuously spouting nonsense like "HALPHALPSHICTURYNORAIEINSRAPERAPEAAAA" until the chat box is drowned out, however, does;

Leave Permabrigged prisoner's headsets on. Common courtesy;

Additionally, make sure prisoners get medical attention before they're brigged properly. It's a bit backwards from SoP, but will go a long way to getting people not to hate you;

Pepperspray. That is all;

Don't pester RnD for weapons. You do not need them in 99% of all occasions;

Don't pester RnD for stun revolvers, in particular;

Don't spam your gas mask hailer;

And, above all: don't. Fucking. Grab. And. Not. Pull



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19. Don't put flashers in the hallways.

20. Try talking with people before tasing them.

21. Listen to your superiors, security working as a team is amazing.

22. Don't blindly run into situations. Call for backup and take down threats together.

23. Beepsky is a tool, not a toy. Don't randomly set people to arrest just to see it chase everyone.

24. Adding to the above, only use Beepsky's detain mode when truly needed.


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  • 2 weeks later...


This guide. This guide needs more love. Bumping because its great.
I love it. It's adorable. <3
I can feel the Humanity in that post. It's... It's- Repulsive.
not following this earned me a temp ban.

please all who play sec read this.


<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


Oh my gosh I love you guys!


I play Sec like 90% of the time and I'm just trying to pass on what seems to work for me (and other people). I'm so happy that this advice is so well-received :'D I love this server and I love everyone on it, even the STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM who make it all worth it.


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