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The HoS to beat all HoS...s

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There I was, tinkering with the piping in Atmosia. The sun was shining through the windows, the carp hadn't arrived yet, and no other Atmos Tech had shown up to piss me off with their obviously inferior setup.


I made the critical mistake of assuming it'd be a nice, quiet shift. I apologize in advance for my stupidity.


I suppose I should explain what happen. As I was finishing up my setup, I get a PDA message from a doctor. After a couple of back-and-forths where he tries cryptically telling me he needs "something done", I finally get him to admit what it is he's after: the Station Blueprints.


At this point, the one thought in my mind was: "This guy has to be shitting me, he's using the PDA to ask me to work for the Syndicate?!". So, obviously, the first thing I do is tell him I'll get on it, then turn around and PDA the Head of Security to tell them I have a traitor for them on a silver platter. Because James Baxter is a law-abiding citizen, gosh darnit!


That was my second mistake. You'll see why.


Head of Security shows up at Atmospherics soon after and asks to see my PDA, as I had told him that was where I had the evidence. He's accompanied by a Sec Borg, and seems to not like talking. I hand over my PDA, he nods, gives it back to me, then thanks me for my assistance before leaving.


I smiled. I thought I'd done well.


That was my third mistake.


With the setup done, I was seeing if I couldn't get some supercooled plasma, because I was feeling bored. This is when I get a PDA message from the Head of Security, telling me I was going to receive a medal! I was so proud I almost smiled!


So, I head out of Engineering, and who should I find waiting outside but the Head of Security. As I was preparing to tell him I'd like my medal extra shiny, he pulls his taser and shoots me wordlessly. Three seconds later, I'm being cuffed.


Note: From this point onwards, until my eventual release, I am verbally abusing the Head of Security for being an absolute dingbat. Only not so nicely.


The Head of Security refuses to tell me why I'm being arrested. He simply says "we have intel", then proceeds to strip me, search my belongings, put them back on me, then go into Atmospherics and open every locker in there to check for whatever his paranoia was flaring up about. In his defence, he did close the lockers afterwards.


At this point, I can tell that the Head of Security turned on the stupid switch and took a traitor's words at face value. I proceed to tell him that he can quite happily search anywhere, because he won't find anything, on account of me being innocent.


That's when pulls out a crowbar. And tears out every.




Floor tile.




Why? Because "the traitor had a stash, so you have one too".


Hey look, my Shitcurity beeper is going off. Lemme just turn that off...


So, what does this fantastic Head of Security do after he ransacks through Atmospherics and finds nothing, even after he pulls out every floor tile, checks every backpack, duffel bag and pocket, and even has his Sec Borg lackey tell him I'm likely innocent?


Why, drag me to the Brig, of course! On no evidence at all! When I told Security over the radio, I had the Warden go "HoS told me we have intel" too.


OOC Note: I'm really glad this guy got jobbaned. Really. Really. Glad.


After I'm dragged to the brig, am I questioned? Am I fuck. I am immediately stripped to my underoos and unceremoniously dragged to the permabrig. When I loudly ask why, the Head of Security tells me that "the traitor said you were a traitor too" or something to that effect.


He also took my headset.


So, the second he lets go of me, I activate the Permabrig Intercom, and tell the station exactly what happened. That I was PDA'd a message from a traitor, handed said traitor to Security, then was unceremoniously and illegally brigged as well because the Head of Security took a traitor's word at face value and decided to permabrig someone with absolutely no evidence.


Two minutes later, the Captain announces that I'm to be released. The Warden shows up and orders me to get on the ground, after which I happily tell him that I will either walk out a free man, or stay in Perma for murder.


So after the Warden lets me pass, I walk into the interrogation room, ignore the Head of Security being chewed out by the Captain, grab all my stuff and walk out. The Captain intercepts me, quickly asks for my PDA, then sighs and apologizes that I had to go through that.


By the time I reach Atmospherics again, the Head of Security had shot himself in the mouth "out of shame".








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I forgot to mention that, on the way to bringing me to the brig, he drops the medal box at the Head of Personnel's office and thanks him, so either Command was a massive comdom, or the HoS had just gone full Rambo.

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That's because there usually ARE problems when the Captain doesn't babysit security, or the HoS doesn't do it when he's *decent*

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I have to admit, he was thorough! Locking those lockers, man, that's courtesy!

This post made me laugh hard, almost waking up my sleeping family. oops


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I observed everything from the tile ripping part forwards.

I almost turned into a physical manifestation of pure confusion when I cast my eyes on the HoS ripping floor tiles wordlessly while atmos tech is chanting curses at him with the rage of a supernova. Decided to keep an eye on the comedy gold that is presented to me and was not dissapointed.


It actually took me 10 minutes to find out what happened and another 20 minutes to ask everyone again if I understood correctly, my tiny mind was bubbling with confusion.

And yes, HoS believed a confirmed traitor so much that he decided to toss the naked atmos tech into the same permabrig cell as the traitor.


To be honest I have made stupid shit almost like that when I have been drunk/tired as hell...


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atmos tech is chanting curses at him with the rage of a supernova


Should I be glad that I have yet to have done this to the massive extent quoted? (Or at all?)


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...


I was the security borg. I distinctly remember going with the HoS to security on account of you being a potential traitor, then becoming steadily more and more confused with the whole situation after learning about what the "Intel" was.


Well at least the security raids on atmospherics give rise to some amusing stories...


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We must immortalize this man, a statue in his name of the highest quality and craftsmanship. Full duranium for max strength and durability with diamond and other ridiculously exotic minerals all over-- with a solid gold harmbaton in his right hand raised high, and an onyx crowbar in his left as a testament to his valiant venture into atmosia.


Lest we forget. 14/6/2015


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