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Brig Timer re-work


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Basically, in an effort to streamline Security, cut down on shitcurity and make up for the average officers complete inability to communicate, I propose the following:



-Brig timers are no longer a flat timer. Instead they have a UI complete with a button for each actual crime. Officers click it to automatically apply the Maximum time for that sentence.


-Next to the button is a text box for a multiplier, so you can sentence people to twice the time if they committed two counts of that crime, OR enter a number less than 1 to scale the sentence down if they don't deserve the maximum brig time for that offence


-To finalize and start the timer the sec officer swipes their ID, providing their identity as well


-There would also still be a bit to apply a custom amount of time, but it the UI would request the officer write a reason, record it, and possibly flag it for admins when used.


- Field for the Name of the person being brigged.


-People examining the timer can be told the charges, total time, remaining time and who set it





-You can see what everyone has been brigged for, perfect for wardens. ( Just walk up and look, don't have to flag down the mute-EMP'D-illiterate-dead-spaced-beingslippedbyclown-geneticallychanged-ionstormed-insurgery-Officer that no one can find to find out why George Melons has 25 minutes )

-It is easier for security officer to apply sentences, as they don't have to look up the timers

-Shitcurity is a tad easier to detect, when the HOS gives the clown 99 minutes they'll need to give a reason.

-Officers gotta swipe their ID to set the charge, giving them a reason to not set beepsky to condom mode




-Someone has to code the UI

- Biggest one: Either you hard code in ALL the charges in space law to the UI, or do something tricky like set it up to auto populate from a database

- Some officers don't possess the ability to read and hence won't be able to use either their radio, sec records OR brig timers(Seriously but, it would take at least a little to figure out, even with handy instructions in the UI, but its not like security has to much learning to do anyway)

-Officer will have to take off their ID to start timers, even if it states this on the timer UI, many wouldn't read it. Also Beepsky would arrested them for not having an ID because someone set him to condom mode, they'd drop their ID, taze each other for not having an ID on for a split second, ECT ECT ECT.

- Officers might just use the custom charge field all the time rendering the almost the entire rework useless.


Additional Features if you want people to thing you're a code god forever

-Setting the timer not only records this information for people to examine, but ALSO uploads it all to a security log, but this would require more work and such, and probably the identity of the person being brigged. If you got this working basically all the wardens would love you to the end of time.

-Also "tags" for charges, little buttons next to the button to apply them (Aiding and Abetting, Uncooperative, Re-Applied for escaping or something)

-Auto detects prisoners name by reading their ID if available.


Just throwing this idea out there, of course it doesn't need to be exactly as I described, and alotta these features could stand up by themselves. Obviously this is alotta code work, but should be by no means badly unrealistic(at least to my understanding), and could make life alot better for sec and criminals alike


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Hopefully there'll be a way that they can swipe their ID without taking it off.


All in all, I like this, and would love it even more if logging could be added for investigating shitcurity.


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