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Warden Rework


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Greetings, everyone!
So, I just recently joined Paradise, and I'm really starting to love the server.
Because of that, I think it's only fair that I give a suggestion on how we can improve a somewhat flawed section of the server. 


The issue: After spending quite a few rounds playing as a Security Officer, and recently as IAA, I took a bit of time thinking about what aspect could be changed to improve the chaos that is security. Eventually, I realized that the answer was far more simple than I believed, and has been done on other servers in the past with a great amount of success. All that we need to do is add a second slot for the warden. 

Okay, okay. Hear me out. There has been quite a few instances where I've found most, if not all of the Security Officers on the server just loitering around the brig, either doing nothing at all, or doing the warden's job for him, because he is off in some other section of the brig. We all know how crowded that processing station can get, and it can indeed be too much for one person to handle. Because of this, the entire brig becomes backed up. We have the warden being far too busy in processing with far too many prisoners needing to be handled, while in the background, other prisoners are starting to kill themselves or somehow managing to escape, without the warden even noticing. Not only that, but the rest of security is having to remain in the brig to prevent all of this, leading to more chaos happening on the rest of the station. 

In fact, there was a situation just today where there were three Security Officers standing around processing a single traitor while the warden was handling something else. Meanwhile, the HoS got ambushed and killed without any of those officers responding. While that was happening, I got attacked by a prisoner that escaped as the IAA, and had to fight them myself right outside of the Warden's office.

The Solution: The first thing that should be realized is that Security Officers aren't the Warden. What I mean by this is that Sec Officers need to realize their place is mostly outside of the brig, and should only return to the brig when they are bringing in a prisoner, assisting in an emergency, or gearing up. Having Security Officers loitering around the brig all day only leads to the rest of the station falling into chaos because there is no security helping out when people are getting murdered in the hallways. 

Now, for the main solution. I'd like to suggest giving the Warden job a second slot, and potentially changing the name, or giving a secondary title called "Brig Officer." With a second Warden helping out in the brig, Security Officers would be able to focus on their actual job, while the brig is maintained twice as efficiently. Prisoners are processed more quickly, there is always guaranteed to be someone standing by if something goes wrong inside of the brig, and there will always be a second person around to watch over the already processed prisoners. I truly believe that this one solution will solve quite a bit of Security's problems, and lead to a lot running smoother within the department as a whole.

TL;DR: Add a second Warden slot to help run the brig more efficiently, so that Security Officers can actually focus on doing work outside of the brig.

Thank you for reading through all of this, and I hope to spark some discussion in the comments! 

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I used to really enjoy being Warden and handling all processing but I've noticed a trend developping where many officers just process thier own prisoners because its quite simply quicker. Its easier for the arresting officer to handle brigging rather than explaining to someone else why they arrested the person. Despite how much I enjoyed processing everyone, and having uniform sentencing procedures, I do find this to be the more efficient method.

Also, the HOS exists. Despite the fact that 95%+ of HOS think its thier job to help patrol and be a super cop, thier job is actually the same as any other head. To delegate and support the parts of your department that NEED help. If the brig is becoming too much for the Warden to handle, the HOS should stop patrolling maint (which they honestly should NEVER do) and go help the Warden. Honestly its extremely irresponsible for the HOS to be anywhere but thr brig or bridge unless there is an emergency that requires thier immediate attention. I guess thats a whole nother topic tho.

Also, its OKAY if things get chaotic. Things are SUPPOSED to get chaotic. Prisoners are supposed to have time to kill themselves, each other, or try to escape or even succeed at doing so.

It is okay if things get so out of hand that security can't handle everything. If security was able to stop every bad thing from happening every round then every round would be utterly boring. Its okay if something interesting happens.

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The problem in my opinion isn't that there are often too many prisoners for the Warden to handle, It's that Security officers aren't doing their job and doing a proper hand off of prisoners to the Warden. I.E. Security officers are just buckle cuffing a random person to a chair in processing and wandering off. They aren't checking and updating records, they aren't preparing evidence for review and they barely, if ever, are giving a verbal hand off to the Warden.If Officers are doing their job, and not just the fun parts of chasing people down and beating them, Warden is actually a fairly easy job. The HoS should definitely be helping and in the brig as much as the Warden if not more so, yet most seem too eager to patrol or sit on the bridge even if the Warden is drowning in 'prisoners' who have no criminal record or evidence of wrong doing.

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3 hours ago, EvadableMoxie said:

There is actually a PR up to adjust the number of job slots based on population.  I think added an additional warden when high pop is triggered would be a good idea. 



I could actually see that being a great solution to this issue. After all, it's mostly on the higher population when these issues start to come up

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4 minutes ago, davidchan said:

The problem in my opinion isn't that there are often too many prisoners for the Warden to handle, It's that Security officers aren't doing their job and doing a proper hand off of prisoners to the Warden. I.E. Security officers are just buckle cuffing a random person to a chair in processing and wandering off. They aren't checking and updating records, they aren't preparing evidence for review and they barely, if ever, are giving a verbal hand off to the Warden.If Officers are doing their job, and not just the fun parts of chasing people down and beating them, Warden is actually a fairly easy job. The HoS should definitely be helping and in the brig as much as the Warden if not more so, yet most seem too eager to patrol or sit on the bridge even if the Warden is drowning in 'prisoners' who have no criminal record or evidence of wrong doing.

So, another issue is that security needs to have overall improved communication with each other. I can certainly see that, as I've seen at least a few dozen occasions where people in the department blatantly just ignore comms and anyone talking to them altogether. It's like they are a robot half the time. See crime. Click space man until horizontal. Handcuff. Drag to brig. Rinse. Repeat. Because of that, the warden is often overwhelmed and left with no info regarding all these people who have showed up in the brig. Albeit, I still think a second warden slot would help this whole issue.

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