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Syndicate Rivals


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Name: Rivals

Access: Syndicate

Additional Access: Syndicate Command for the commander

Supervisors: The Syndicate

Duties: Kidnap crew. Max RND. Sabotage Nanotrasen.

Congratulations, you have been selected by one of the many Syndicate corporations to join the crew of a new station directly orbiting the NSS Cyberiad! Ensure that you complete your tasks at all costs. Stealth is not mandatory, but recommended while possible.

Your objectives

In general you will have the following tasks:

·         Ensure that at least 5 Nanotrasen personnel (command worth 2) is jailed on the Syndicate Station. They must survive. Experimenting permitted.

·         Reach maximum research levels. You don’t have everything on-site for this. It is mandatory that you steal machinery from the Cyberiad to scan.

·         At least 3 of you must survive (syndicate commander worth two).

The Syndicate Station

Command Office: There is a long-range fax machine and an uplink of 30TC inside. Only the commander has access to this room.

Atmospherics: There is a hardsuit, and all tools, including insulated gloves.

Chemistry: Basic chemistry equipment included.

Medbay: Cryotubes and necessary tools for surgery are provided. The operating theatre is easily accessible from RND.

Interrogation: Including a lot of non-lethal but painful weaponry to deal with whatever you have to. Also has several straightjackets and muzzles. The jail opens from here, and targets put in here also count for the objective.

Kitchen: Even corrupt corporate agents must eat too.

Radio Station: Equipped with several intercoms with access to all Nanotrasen channels. The Syndicate t-comms array is also put here. Note that the “syndicate encryption key” which can be bought from the uplink works on a completely different channel. The frequency for your headsets will be randomized each round.

Research and Development: Equipped with all machinery required for RND and robotics including an autolathe. It should be a priority to finish tech levels for your objective – and also for better tools. While certain things still come out as lockboxes, remember your commander’s uplink and all the emags he can order.

Construction: An empty area made for personal projects. Use it well.

Solars: Where all your power comes from.

Turret array: There is a turret array around the Syndicate Station to prevent intruders. They should not shoot at you while you have your ID.

Podbay: You start with a military armored spacepod with laser weaponry.

Attack Shuttle: You start with a shuttle designed for breaking though the Cyberiad’s hull. It can dock at numerous areas. Ensure this does not get captured by the enemy.

Escape Shuttle: The console only activates when all objectives are done. It makes a worldwide announcement saying that the syndicate shuttle has been activated. If the shuttle docks at syndicate command with at least 3 of you alive, the prisoners are in the shuttle brig, and having the RND server on max (which is on the shuttle) then you win.

You can make numerous improvements thanks to your RND lab. Making your own AI. Teleporters. An autocloner. The possibilities are endless.

But I am Nanotrasen!

Worry not! Obviously first you must identify that the round type is rivals. For this you must have one of the following to be completely sure:

  • A screaming mechanic.
  • A screaming pod pilot.
  • Mysterious people dragging your colleagues (or you, whoops) into dark shuttles.
  • Morons who run around with ID cards saying “Syndicate.”
  • Or ultimately the announcement which comes.

You have multiple ways to deal with the threat. Building a BSA tends to help. Making the mechanic build security a fleet and storming the area is an option also. Still, beware of the turrets!

Edited by Bxil
Added Escape Shuttle.
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