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Vampire Holy Water Adjustment


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56 minutes ago, Streaky Haddock said:

Can't you duct tape their mouths?

The instant they get caught they scream for help, even if every sec officer carried duct tape they'd still get out at least one cry for help before being silenced, and even if not there is a chance another cultist SAW them get taken. At that point sec could blindfold, gag, straight jacket and buckle cuff them to a bed drenched in holy water and the other cultists could still be able to teleport them out. Only thing that stops it is death.

And to back what @FPK said, one time as HOS I literally carried around holy water on me for the sake of attempting to do a "field deconversion" so we wouldn't have to kill cult and they still teleported away. It takes too long.

There HAS been discussion about making it so cuffed cultist cannot be teleported but that's a whole nother thing.

Edited by ZN23X
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You could get ion carbines from RnD, to ion their headset when you tase them. Can't cult mindspeak while stunned/cuffed, can't radio if the radio is busted. And even that can be cheesed if the cultist do coordinate and take time, you need a good bit to convert, if a person doing field work is not calling in for some time, teleport them to check on them, maybe give a reminder before, so they can just say something, if they are somewhat busy with a victim.

About holy water and vampires, at least when they die from it, you can argue that it is manslaughter/murder, depending whether it was known that they are a vampire or not. You need to have the vampire in processing, cuffed, so seems containable, shouldn't be a direct threat, so you can't kill them directly. If it's known that they are a vampire, and get fed holy water, that's kinda attempted murder, if they survive. But yeah, some incentive to not apply even safe ammounts of holy water to a person without good evidence that the person could be a vampire would be nice.
But, well, the problem would kinda be the small ammount of holy water, a big ammount would net a exceptional crime charge, if it was applied "correctly", so any kind of overdose of holy water doesn't really help there. If it's a bit of toxin/brain damage, add manitol/charcoal to the test, and you can argue it's harmless, and finding vampires.

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I actually wonder if you could stun a cultist, and then load them full of syringes filled with holy water from a rapid syringe gun.

Edited by Ziiro
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It takes an absurd amount of time to test for a cultist.  It takes an absurd amount of holy water to test for a cultist.  Cult teleporting is OP. 

I really don't want sec to kill cultists.  I don't like to see cultists kill sec.  But as long as it is wholly inconvenient, even dangerous, to bring in cultists alive, sec will shoot to kill, and the cult will shoot back.

Time to deconversion should be lowered.  Amount to deconvert should be lowered.  Cultists should not be able to teleport if on, say, a blessed tile. (Chap could simply bless all of processing)

Now, to OP's original point: I agree that there should be some severe consequences to testing anybody and everybody besides an admin's slap-on-the-wrist.  Toxin damage is a good idea.  Perhaps in the same vein as one of the types of poison, feeding someone holy water who does not need it will give a huge, delayed lump sum of tox damage after a given time: the more holy water given, the more delayed and larger lump sum of tox damage received.  So if I'm a sec member and I test someone for cult, I feed them 20u holy water. Nothing happens. Oh shit. 120u of tox damage is going to drop on him in 30 seconds! Better get him to medbay! Suddenly the sec officer has to stop what they are doing and get this person medical treatment. That means they are taken from the cult hunt for 3-4 minutes or so.  It can be added to sec SoP that if you test someone for vampire/cult, you are responsible for getting them medical treatment if you are wrong.

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