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Suggestion: Because they TOTALLY don't have enough racially unique emotes already, let's add one more for Synths.

Take the "zap" sound and visual effect of an IPC who has consumed too much synthanol. Convert it into a *bzzt emote that is essentially an Synth specific *slap emote. Does a tiny bit of damage. You get the visual and sound effect. Give it a cooldown so players can't macro spam it.

Tadah! Extra fluff for Synths to emote some sort of malfunction or glitch to assist RP or whatever.


Edited by ZN23X
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I don't really know much about emotes let alone race emotes. Haven't noticed them in game so didn't think they were a thing. Yea I'd say implement this it's something quick and it'd make tetra happy haha. Something to talk about at the dinner table with her husband if it does get implemented.

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