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Posts posted by BryanR

  1. I was banned once because I was the cause of Terry's awoo. I [Redacted] which at the time I didn't realize was an exploit that if used can cause Terry to awoo completely out of control or context.

  2. Come one come all and marvel at the latest technological advancement achieved by NanoTrasen's wonderful Central Research Department!


    In our current technological age, the use of ballistics has become horrendously outdated and yet, for some odd reason certain organizations that will remain nameless insist on using this outdated and wasteful technology to launch chunks of metal at high velocity like barbarians! Unfortunately these same organizations have forced the wonderful and civilized organization of NanoTrasen to respond in kind with weaponry designed to nullify the clean, resource friendly use of beam technology instead! Unfortunately while we can simulate a defense against beam technology for the longest time the damage from ballistic technology has been difficult to nullify... UNTIL NOW!

    Introducing KRA-Armor otherwise known as Kinetic Redirecting Armor! Using patented technology, we've woven together a new combination of metals, plastics, and gels to create a unique armor with properties that absorb the kinetic energy from a projectile that comes in contact with it and redirects it from the object to be redistributed rather harmlessly away thus preventing penetration from the projectile and minimizing the damage done to the subject encased within.

    Now you might be thinking, wait... if it absorbs kinetic energy coming into contact with it, how will I be able to move? GOOD QUESTION! The combination of gel and plastic polymers incorporated with the highly secretive woven metal alloys allows for a threshold in which the effect activates, allowing for minimal kinetic energy to exist around it but preventing major sources from doing the same! However there is one unintended but serendipitous effect in that the kinetic energy being redirected from a ballistic projectile will cause the subject to be launched in the opposite direction of the trajectory of the projectile!

    Now our Security never has to chase those filthy criminals that shoot them as they'll be launched towards them almost immediately!

    Expect to see these sweet pieces of... Wait... what was that?


    Oh damn, it seems that the Quality Control and Safety Review boards have teamed up with the Legal Department to put a hold on distribution at the moment. Something about how test subjects can repetitively be launched into walls or even worse the ceiling or floor which will inevitably cripple them as they hit it at near the speed of sound.

    I say hogwash! Who would dare be so low as to shoot their targets with a wall between them or a thick piece of cover! Its just plain unfair!

    Until next time! Keep your eyes peeled and your ears open for the latest technological renovations from NanoTrasen Corporation! Building a better future, for the sake of profit!

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  3. My friend who also plays here introduced me since I needed something to kill time and take my mind off of some bad things going on at the time. When I first tried it, I ended up playing as a Botanist and didn't exactly enjoy myself since everyone knew how to do stuff and nobody was exactly willing to teach me. Eventually though, I landed into the role of Chemist and instantly fell in love with the building aspect of the game and how you can do so much with creating stuff, even if everyone finds blowing it up more enjoyable.

    From there I was pestered encouraged to try Security but, not having a lot of confidence in combat decided to go with Internal Affairs where I spent six entire rounds reading Space Law and Standard Operating Procedure, totally not realizing I could do it through the wiki and well the rest is history. ❤️

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  4. Here are some tips to being a good Internal Affairs Agent and hopefully make the job a little easier/more pleasant for you.

    • Let the station know you exist, best way is to ask the Head of Personnel or the NT Rep to make a station wide announcement that there are IAAs on board.
    • Listen to complaints people have. Sometimes all a salty crew member needs is a sympathetic ear to listen to why their boss/co-workers are asses.
    • Try to be helpful, even when you can't be. If a situation looks unfavorable for someone making a complaint it goes a long way saying "I'll look into it and do what I can." even when the complaint is really dumb.
    • Don't seek demotion as your first resort. Sometimes the situation can be resolved by talking to the person in question about what went wrong and work with them to fix it instead of chucking them out the door.
    • Minimize paperwork. Paperwork should be for when you're conducting a major investigation, usually in the case of egregious misconduct of crew. Nobody likes filling out forms. If crew A is being a fuckwit and crew B complains, assessing the situation and talking will resolve it more quickly to everyone's satisfaction instead of getting a form filled out.
    • Work with Command, they may not be your boss with the exception of the Magistrate, but they can make your life hell if you piss them off sufficiently.
    • Don't be scared of Central Command. When an NT Rep isn't present, pick up the slack and take a bit of time to inform CC about what's going on with the station. A well presented fax just giving an update on how things are going can earn you some points with the big bosses, and don't be discouraged if you don't receive a reply, they can be exceptionally busy.
    • Do not antagonize Security. Their job is difficult enough as is, be polite if they screw up and take a moment to talk to them about it, yelling at them will only stress them more and make it more difficult for you to resolve an issue on their end.
    • Remember, you have fuck all authority on station. Your ability to do anything relies entirely on one thing, if someone is willing to listen to you. If nobody is willing to listen to you because of your attitude or if Central reprimands you for wasting their time with small stuff, you've essentially cuffed yourself and are little more than a glorified civilian.

    Hope you find these tips useful in becoming a good Internal Affairs Agent! As for the karma, that comes in time with being a good agent and trust me it is possible, I've earned a large chunk of my karma from being one.

    • Thanks 1
  5. In my opinion the Magistrate's role should never include administering punishment, especially corporal punishment.

    They're a bureaucrat, a scholar, and a paper pusher.

    Once sentenced the Magistrate leaves it to Security to carry out the sentence as laid down and afterwards their involvement in the situation ends. So yes, I'm quite obviously against the addition of a whip or cane to administer flogging.

    I'll also echo the sentiments of Spartan and Spark, its quite inappropriate, defeats the purpose of the Legal System if you can get off with some lashes only to immediately be healed of your wounds in Medbay or by the Brig Physician after its over.

    Rules side, we'd end up with players who'd flog an individual to death, whether for kicks or because they don't realize it's too much, and then they'd end up in trouble because of it.

    So no, just a hard no from me on this idea.

    • Like 1
  6. My original post I thought this was a proposed addition. I didn't realize it was already a possibility to do within the game.


    That being said, I may actually attempt to create this abomination though I doubt I'll manage to get more than one or two interested in being one just for the silliness factor of being part man, part machine, and completely susceptible to EMPs for death.

  7. 15 hours ago, necaladun said:

    3) Issues have been raised with the removal of things like oculine from the sleepers. However, this gives chem a reason to make them, rather than just waiting for sci to upgrade the sleepers to get an infinite amount.

    I will admit, as someone who plays a great deal of MedChem even recently, the changes have got me up and breaking out the closet chems to push atropine and oculine out for Medbay.

    Definitely more stressful but feels more rewarding as well.

    • Like 1
  8. 24 minutes ago, davidchan said:

    I feel some chemical could be simplified in general, things like salbutamol and oculine being exceptionally complex for rather basic chems.

    Having the ability to make acetone, phenol, ammonia, sulfuric acid and deithylamine would be a huge saver on medchem headaches.

    It'd be rather neat if sleeper upgrades allowed you to choose what chems dialysis pulls or doesn't pull out of the patient (similar to air scrubbers via air alarms) or auto inject chems if it detects damage/low blood. Though hopefully coderbus sees the light and realizes taking away sleeper chem upgrades entirely was a bad thing.

    With the exception of Ammonia, not entirely sure on that one, those chemicals are actually available at the start in a chem locker in MedChem in 50u bottles, more than enough for a quick path to complex chemicals like Atropine which can then be used to make Oculine from.

  9. The scientists and medical teams of NanoTrasen have heard the pleas of the crew who are in desperate need of a cloning alternative as well as those who are upset by the recent model upgrades of defibrillators that have been distributed to NSS Cyberiad and have come up with a unique solution!


    Now introducing The BodyMaster5000™!  No longer will individuals have to wait for cloning that is slow as molasses or risk decaying into bones if their body isn't quickly delivered to the hands of Medbay. Now with this new machine, doctors can print out a skeletal frame in which a brain can be implanted, along with the necessary organs to sustain life and even a customizable skin for those individuals that would like to retain their racial uniqueness!


    Primarily the BodyMaster5000™ will run off a combination of Synthmeat and Blood which requires manual loading into the machine before it can effectively print out the organs necessary for life and with additional modifications from your local Science Department can extend to printing out even exotic organs for Diona, Slimes, and even Vox, placing your life in the entirely capable hands of the doctors assembling you.

    Each Operating Theater will now be outfitted with a brand spanking new BodyMaster5000™ pre-stocked with a small amount of synthflesh and blood to allow for the construction of a basic humanoid creature.


    Get your own BodyMaster5000™ today and let the issues of death become a problem of the past!


    Warning: Product may malfunction if application of certain devices or emp shocks come in contact with system. NanoTrasen takes no responsibility for malfunctioning machines or organs that are damaged during the malfunction process. Product may contain bluespace materials that could cause unstable reactions if inappropriate materials are loaded within the BodyMaster5000™. Do not use BodyMaster5000™ if you're pregnant, expecting, infested with cortical borers, suffer from shadow tumors, are infested by spider eggs, or xenomorph eggs. NanoTrasen takes no responsibility if earlier less functioning models of BodyMaster5000™ are distributed to your station. Contact your local Chief Medical Officer or NanoTrasen Representative if your BodyMaster5000™ is not the model received. BodyMaster5000 is to be used for the purpose of reconstructing bodies that would otherwise be deemed beyond being salvaged. Should BodyMaster5000 be used to print bodies without a corresponding brain, subject empty shells have been noted to decay at an advanced rate, become hostile, and spread highly infectious diseases. If BodyMaster5000™ is modified using components not listed in NanoTrasen Approved Component Upgrades listed in NTC-83D42 your warrenty will be voided with the possibility of your contract with NanoTrasen.

    • Like 4
  10. As someone who does A LOT of Chemistry in Medbay, I can say that it really isn't needed. A good Chemist working in concert with another good Chemist can easily produce all the medicine needed for Medbay to function for a good hour if not the rest of the round. If you don't let the chems you make go to waste, then there should be no difficulty in achieving this without upgrades.

    If you're the lone Chemist and you're good at your job, then its a matter of shifting between the machines as needed.

    If your partner isn't doing too great, then when you've used up all the energy and you're waiting for it to recharge, offer pointers to the newbie to help them pump out medicines that Medbay needs. If they don't want the help, then go out to Medbay lobby or the general treatment area to offer any type of support to the doctors.


    If you're working in SciChem you shouldn't be pushing out chemicals at a pace that outstrips your machine's ability to recharge, you're under no time constraint to offer assistance to a Department like MedChem and your actions should be slow, methodical, and keeping in mind the efficient use of the chemicals towards the experiment you wish to conduct.


    Upgrading an already pretty powerful dispenser will just make it so that its only really necessary for a single Chemist to do any type of work in Medbay, what's the point in hiring two since a good one not only will be able to stock the Medbay fridge but the Public fridge as well with any possible meds that may be needed and similarly the SciChem dispensers would be pointless to upgrade since your goal shouldn't be mass production of chemicals but rather experiment with them.


    Anyway that's my two cents on the matter. ?

  11. Departmental Protolathes and an ore silo....

    Well lets start with the ore silo since that's the easier of the two. Public access to something like an ORM isn't going to solve any problem so much as create a new one, resources don't magically appear within it Miners deposit ore into the ORM to redeem for points. Lets say we remove the concept of the ORM and have a Silo in which everyone is able to access these resources. Instead of having Robotics, Research and Development, and Engineering competing for such things, we've now got a protolathe in every department that needs outfitted with all the possible resources that could allow them to print what they want/need. Now we have Medical, Security, Supply, Service, Science, along with Engineering vying for resources wholly dependent upon the experience and whim of the miners assigned to the asteroid.


    What this will essentially do is create a massive demand for the resources needed to print whatever is accessible to the protolathe in their department while the supply remains entirely the same. A problem I'm sure that will be written off as "Well, we can just increase the amount of resources that get redeemed at the silo so there's plenty for everyone to go around." or perhaps we should "Open up the mining asteroid so that every department can mine for the resources they need." One of which negates the mechanic of upgrading so that there are more resources available as well as the miner's actual need to work themselves if the amount of resources they bring back is increased while the second one negates the need for the Mining sub-department entirely.


    Departmental Protolathes is also a flawed concept since it still relies entirely on Research doing their jobs. This is of course, understanding that its just the protolathe itself and you're not throwing in a Deconstructive Analyzer and Circuit Imprinter into the bundle, you're still going to need Science to do the research and to update the servers before they become useful in any aspect. If you've already got a Scientist or two working on Research then there really isn't a need since I've seen scientists more often than not be more than happy to supply anyone who comes to their window, assuming that the request is reasonable, with whatever gear/circuit boards/components that the individuals want/need for their jobs. Circling back, this doesn't do much except remove interdepartmental interaction with Science as well as create an inflated need for resources to print whatever you need from the protolathe located within your department.


    As for restricting R&D to Science and getting the reaction "Well, people are just going to do it more." Really that also is a flawed idea, the people that did it in the past will continue to do so for whatever reason they wish to justify while individuals who have never done so in the past will most likely shy away from stepping over that line, whether its added as Standard Operating Procedure that the Research Director must authorize any form of Research outside the department or we as Administrators consider the actions of the individual in question in violation of our Powergaming policy. In either case, the consequences outweigh the benefits  Comparing it to the "War on Drugs" is silly since it won't motivate anyone who wouldn't already have the motivation to do so which in this case is just a handful of people who, for whatever reason, decide its perfectly fine to create an entire R&D set-up.


    That being said, I've seen legitimate cases where creating a separate Research and Development department in Engineering was beneficial to the Station as a whole since the original department was entirely unmanned for the majority of the round but, that's a rare case in which they were working towards achieving the Station Goal as opposed to the usual case of unlocking goodies and centralizing the power of their department by removing the need to interact with others.



  12. The whole issue with Engineering being able to build a Research and Development area itself lies in the aspect on ONE and ONLY ONE feature within the game that allows them to do so and this is the Public Research Console circuit board.


    If that was actually removed entirely from the game, something I wouldn't be sad to see go honestly, then all access to the Protolathe, Analyzer, and Circuit Printer, would be restricted to individuals within the Science Department. The only remaining loophole would be the Mechanic's own console then and unless the Mechanic is up for cluttering their office with RnD equipment they're just shit out of luck in setting one up.

  13. 6 hours ago, Calecute said:

    I like something like stealing all money from station account or something, but it does not seen that easy to implement

    That actually wouldn't be a bad idea nor would it be too entirely difficult to implement something like that.

    A simple check on whether the Station Account has funds would determine whether or not the objective would toggle completion along with adding it to the objective pool would be all that's really necessary.

    Then it would be up to the traitor to figure out how to actually get access to the account and grab the money. ?

  14. We are an English only server. That doesn't mean that you have to be the best of the best in English since we do have non-native speakers playing however it does mean that you need to be able to communicate in English.

    If your friend has difficulty typing stuff in English this may not be the best server for him to play on since it is a requirement that you be able to communicate using it.

    • Thanks 1
  15. First off I would like to apologize. Having given the situation more thought and reading your complaint has made me realize that I did handle the situation presently very heavy handed and it could've been much better handled if I had contacted you at first rather than simply placing the ban without allowing for your explanation of events.

    I will admit that the decision I made came from your notes and even then after reflection it was the wrong decision 

    Also I would like to say that I don't take this complaint as an attack against me in the slightest but rather as constructive criticism from which I can learn from and become better at the role that was given to me. Something I'd like to thank you for since criticism that is constructive can sometimes be very hard to come by.

    Once more I do sincerely apologize with how I handled your particular situation as I definitely could've done so in a different manner and should have.

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  16. The sounds of angry cows fill your head, hundreds of angry moos and grunts echo inside and the stench of meat fills your nostrils.

    Welcome to Paradise! Hopefully the blood in the Chapel will be from the sacrifice of Betsy to Cowtholacism and not your own.

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