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Everything posted by Fj45

  1. Oh, I love lore! It just needs to be....good.
  2. Sprites would need to be converted to greyscale for this to work.
  3. Now draw this! I also second ADR on the witchcraft part.
  4. I was watching the pull on git hoping it would keep getting updated, and it seems to be! Should hopefully capture the fun of defending yourself from a station full of nutjobs! Not sure why we need a poll for it really, people CAN comment, and abstain just seems completely pointless.
  5. Also never trust doors to be secure ID wise on rev rounds.
  6. Ah, if only the shift hadn't been complete hell.
  7. Yes. No reason not to have this.
  8. ANYONE THAT VOTES NO IS UNHUMAN! this advertisement brought to you by the worm-gov council
  9. Hello! Please don't kill us all in a horrible plasma fire!
  10. Could just ask them for permission to replicate it, while some Goon devs are a bit....territorial, nearly all are very friendly.
  11. I am getting a great mental image of Chad missing high with the razor, and Nat then turning his face to pulp.
  12. An indication if their battery is low would be very useful when fighting them.
  13. As much as I want them to be karma, well zomg is right in what he said.
  14. Completely dysfunctional """team""" that screws themselves over? Yep thats DND!
  15. Probably just protection implants.
  16. Good to see some more artwork!
  17. Haven't seen that poster before, really cool.
  18. Fj45

    Better Monkeys

    Monkeys running around doing whatever they want would be completely awful.
  19. Yes, this is great, can't wait for someone to find a way to somehow abuse this.
  20. Eh.....no. As much as it is a major issue, if everywhere had shutters carp would be pointless.
  21. Bumping this because as I thought, racial languages are dead.
  22. Fj45


    Who doesn't love mutant looking dogbeasts?
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