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Posts posted by Calecute

  1. So I am CE, shift's going well, no crazy things happening, cap suddenly say on command comms he's gonna ass fax CC. AI tries to convince him not to, but it’s too late. I ask for demotion, NT rep gets the paperwork done, while people fix cap’s pieces. Not sure how the vote went, but he got demoted. I was confused why a until then reasonable cap had decided to ass fax, but someone send an explanation on Discord.  


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  2. I don't know why I didn't think of it earlier but searching the github for luster gives the text I remember (Also the only mention of "luster" in all files):



    /obj/item/organ/internal/brain/examine(mob/user) // -- TLE


    if(brainmob && brainmob.client)//if thar be a brain inside... the brain.

    to_chat(user, "You can feel the small spark of life still left in this one.")


    to_chat(user, "This one seems particularly lifeless. Perhaps it will regain some of its luster later..")


     Not sure if I fucked up and remember the text from some other brain in robo, or if for some reason the brain was giving lifeless text before and changed to default alien brain text after. 

  3. The traditional trolley problem is one unspecified person die if lever is pulled and five unspecified people die if the lever is not pulled. But nice to know you're a puller. Sometimes people are the "pulling the lever is murder" kind.

    Also are you a one boxer or two boxer in Newcomb's problem?

  4. I was the robo who gave it to you, and I was also curious. I tried to MMI the brain before giving it to you and it didn't work. I found some thing in the code:





    name = "xenomorph brain"

    desc = "We barely understand the brains of terrestial animals. Who knows what we may find in the brain of such an advanced species?"

    icon_state = "brain-x"

    origin_tech = "biotech=6"

    mmi_icon = 'icons/mob/alien.dmi'

    mmi_icon_state = "AlienMMI"


    But thats not the description i remember.



    if(istype(O,/obj/item/organ/internal/brain/xeno)) // kept the type check, as it still does other weird stuff

    name = "Man-Machine Interface: Alien - [brainmob.real_name]"

    icon = 'icons/mob/alien.dmi'


    alien = 1


    MMI should accept xeno brains, but maybe not if the xeno is not a player. As it won't accept people who are not active. 


    57 minutes ago, Pennwick said:

    Actually thats false. Beef Jerky from a vending machine only has sugar and a tiny bit of protien. Only Bacon, Ham, and sausage contain porktonium and only 10u. You need 113 to overdose and the radium and cyanyde will sadly kill you much faster than the cholesterol.

     In fact the only way to suffer from cholesterol is to swallow pills of it directly. It'll deplete faster from your system than it can build up even if you're ODing on Porktonium. Only adding an average 2u every 6 cycles. If you somehow manage to get 150u in your system you'll have a less than 2% chance of a heart attack every tick.

    I'm not sure how many ticks we have per second in Paradise, but ~2% per tick does not seem like little to me. It's a 70% chance per 60 ticks, as an exemple. 

  6. I think it would be too easy. Spacing the Shield sats is quick as hell, and you can do it easily without witness. Vault and BSA are a little bit harder, but probably just stealing the boards will make for a sizable delay, and if all else fails they could be bombed. Objectives are neglected usually because they have few mechanic effects. Shields is just useful if you get a meteor event, and even them they do a piss poor job. BSA is only good if you're lucky and there's an off station antag base and you found it. DNA vault has some nice effects sometimes, but they are quite minor for the work you put in. It's usually late game when you get it, genetics work would have paid off better.

  7. 2 hours ago, Trubus said:

    I tried so hard to get the captain to nuke the station as all other methods were drained. All I ended up doing was hissing.

    Yeah cap really drop the ball. AI on wront lawset, he considered nuking the station, but after the BS couldn't open the vault door kinda gave up. He picked up the command remote door control, but just sat there at the bridge waiting for the end to come. 

    Also like half the crew was dead already and the only fax at central was "AI is not responding orders". AI had to beg CC for a ERT after cap died. 

  8. I had lots of problems with secs, but given the mechanics I think there's a strong incentive to not give warning, as people already said, and can understand why they do it. But I think is reasonable to try and make them follow SOP at least on code green, agaist people who are not suspected antags, who probably will just run away and not kill them. Even thou greytides are the worse and don't deserve it. 

    I also would very much like to get anouncements for arrest status. Once beepsky got me while fixing a breach, I was uncuffed by my engies friends, went to the brig, HoS was there for some reason, talked to him and got everything cleared. But i pretty much could have gone there before, when there was no critical issue to fix in the station. I get the sec won't do it because most people won't present themselfs thou. 

  9. I've been out for more than 6 months. I was happy to see some nice changes to atmos, more access, more hardsuits, a very useful new gadget. Thanks for all the love to Atmosia.

    But what I'm really here about is the map. Did you guys finally fixed the scrubber network not being connected or do I need to connect it every round? I searched through the map edit PRs but I couldn't find anything. 

  10. You can always send disposals to where you want to go and just jump into it (Won't work from every entry point thou, you have to pass the junction you want to go before the disposals junction, unless you also changed so disposals don't go to disposals anymore). 

  11. 17 hours ago, Tayswift said:

    This is terrible in a number of ways. I can easily file a bunch of minor issues for every single spelling/grammar error I see in the game and then fix them one by one with a PR and rack up antag tokens. Hard to tackle, important issues will be ignored in favor of the best time-to-antag token ratio issues.


    I see, you think there'll be an incentive alignment issue. This will probably happen, but I'm not sure how prevalent it'll be. I mean, antag tokens are not that valuable. There are work arounds, but they will make the system much more complex as you point out in your other comment.

    But I think antag tokens raising the number of antags and being admin time intensive to handle makes this idea much worse. 

    Limiting the total amount of antag tokens given really solve this thou, but at the cost of paying less for the work done. But on the other hand, competitions sometimes are more effective at extracting work for little pay. I think we should at least consider given karma or some other small token of appreciation for every pull request instead of a competition, but I'm not sure what would be better. 



    8 hours ago, Thamuel said:

    A problem I can spot in this idea is who decides what piece of code is better than another. As someone who usually works with code, I can say that the quality of the code can be based of how many times the computer interacts with the RAM (in simple terms). The problem here is that it requires someone with coding knowledge to understand which code is better as it is not simply a measure of which code has less lines. Continuing the disadvantages, the second measure of how good code is, is how it is formatted and how easy it is to understand by other programmers, the problem here being that this is a subjective measure.

    Well, the maintainers work is exactly to evaluate and approve code, so I don't think we'll have a problem with that. 

  12. How much is an antag token worth in the antag token black market? 

    Just kidding. 

    I see no problem in paying people in antag tokens. "It incentivizes gaming for antag tokens" - this is exactly what we want by using antag tokens as payment. 

    Also I'm not sure how antag tokens works, but I think even if it reduces chances of other people becoming antags depending on how many pull requests are accepted per unit of time the effect will be very small. And people are paying in reduced chance of antag for bug fixes and features, it can be worth it. 

    Also I see absolutely no reason why it would lead to the proposed tg reward system, nor why this system is bad. 

    But in my experience people are quite unreasonable about payment and fairness, we could use more worthless prizes, like Karma, or special snowflake loadout options. 

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