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Posts posted by Calecute

  1. For reference this is all I found on SoP for War:



    Syndicate Declaration of War

    All weapons restrictions are lifted. Beepsky, and any other Security Bots, should have their protocols updated to reflect this;

    Supply should focus on requesting as many weapons as possible. Security is to be prioritized for distribution, but regular personnel may also be armed;

    Research and Development is to be manned. This is not negotiable. Science should work in tandem with Mining in order to fabricate weapons and equipment to fight the Syndicate Attack Team;

    Erecting barricades in critical locations is highly recommended;

    The NTV Charon may be called at the discretion of Command. If the station is not damaged after the fighting has subsided, it is recommended that the crew finish the shift

    It's a little bit unfleshed I think. But tbh I like the way war works right now in practice SoPwise. 

  2. Quote

    This is actually kind of used by chemists a lot, but you can set paper on fire. Classic getting rid of the evidence, if you ask me.

    Once i lost my ID and HoP wanted me to get a signed and stamped form from CE to make me a new one. Something completly unreasonable, but i went with it. When i handed him the form CE had just signed it, he said that i should get a stamp too. I burned the paper at his desk as protests said that I'd just skip work and drink at the bar, and changed all disposals to his office.

    • Salt 1
  3. Quote

    yeah no more camera alarm, plus, a smart person gets a fully upgraded laser pointer, it can not only blind sec THROUGH sunglasses, but can disable a camera, as if EMPed for a good few seconds (like around ten seconds)

    You can upgrade laser pointers?! I still have a lot to learn it seems. 

  4. I think it's a bit too much to take measures like taking locker and computers out of sec checkpoint before any treat is present. Also arguably illegal. 

    Science giving guns to sec is covered by the SoP, and I think besides enforcing the SoP correctly nothing else should be done about it.

    About engies cameras in maint take a lot of work, and are relatively easy to deactivate. I think engies probably shouldn't go around camering maint without a reason, but it's reasonable if there's an active treat and someone ask them to. Also I don't see it that often, and even when i see it it's common for it to make engies antag food.

    I don't remember seeing people motion track very often, but what I've seen sometimes is people reinforcing airlocks. As with the other things I feel that's justifiable if there's an active treat, but shouldn't be done round start just in case.

    Having played as sec and as antag I feel antags are usually harder on sec than the opposite, althou that’s to be expected as sec is bounded by more rules. I actually take it pretty well when sec fucks me as an antag. What really gets me salty is when sec fucks me over when I’m not an antag.

  5. I do agree that we shouldn't aim simply for realism, but I did raise some gameplay reasons. And as I said there a lot of things that are not fun but are allowed under circumstances. It's not like it's easy to cause a breach by accident. If breaches were more dangerous things like breaching escape would only be allowed if you have hijack.

    Breaches in my experience are caused mainly by science explosion, either with experimentor, toxins or scichem, and usually lead to people there being dead or in crit regardless of the breach; By xeno building a kill pen; ussually the xeno escapes in good health, he would die with the changes, but he also wouldn’t' build the kill pen. In maint by someone trying to get somewhere, like vault, or to space, this usually don’t kill anyone, and in the new system wouldn't ussually kill anyone either, since we'd add firelocks in maint. It would just put parts on maint out of comission; By an antag setting a big bomb, this usually kill lots of people, but in the new system would kill more, since people away from the explosion but in the same room wouldn't be able to escape, and people would take more time getting the hurt out because they wouldn't be able to safely open the firelock to an area. By meteors, usually not killing anyone, with the new system it would probably kill some randoms in maint more often, also put big areas in maint out of commission. It would probably kill some sec and/or perma prisoners if they do not take precautions. It would more often trap people in arrivals, and kill randoms in escape. People would need to be more careful and avoid being near the hull. 

    Also we'd probably see breaches used to kill more often, and I don't think that's necessarily bad. But as I said, only in small areas, because you can't breach a big area and kill lots just to get your target. And breaching escape will probably become meta for hijack.

    I don't think the changes are overall negative. The only thing about the change that would really bother me is the breaching escape hijack meta. 

  6. It was self defense
    When I bashed that civ head
    I hope you'll see sense

    The log shows otherwise I’m afraid
    You toolbox first, he disarms I read
    Also why you using Notbanned6969 to ban evade?

    Why would I want to play
    On this furry server anyway
    Where you can't even Greytide?

    Appeal moved to Declined

    • Like 4
    • angryeyes 1
    • Salt 2
  7. Heads could have some meaningless trophies and/or medals. There's a wide range of stuff this could be. They could even be random. Some corporate sport stuff like "2º Place in Basketball in NT Engineering Games", or "3º Place in hokey in the Cyberiad Departmental Games". They could be an award for something the department did that NT considered worthy: "Best NT team in Engine Security"; "Award in Fire Security in Toxins Handling". Medals could be like the medals cap have, but for some minor stuff, like "dep employee of the shift", or "best xenobiologist", etc. 

    Also we already have mugs. Maybe you could just spawn the mugs on Heads desks instead of in their lockers. I bet most would just leave them there. 

  8. Filtering does refill the room. On filtering the vents will pump air into the room until pressure is 1atmos. Filtering is pretty adequate for refilling rooms most of the time to be honest. Refill will frequently cause space wind, and overpressurize the room, I just use it when I have to repressurize a pretty big area, and usually turn it back to filtering when pressure is 0.8atmos. In my example in escape the vent was set to filtering. 

    Also air alarms does not set to syphoning if they detect plasma on their own, only if they detect a pretty big temp and pressure (usually plasma fire). They set to off if they detect rapid loss of pressure. They're not even set to contaminated on detecting plasma. 

  9. Quote

     Currently the amount of air on the station is basically unlimited. I've tried to empty atmos tanks (without just breaching them) before and barely managed to get half of it out over the course of a round. Combined with the amount of air in various tanks and cannisters, there's enough spare air on the station to refill it a few times over. 

    I suspected that we had too much air but never tested. 




    Make the breach bigger, and it'll be faster. Escape is a fairly large room - add a floor breach or take out a good number of the windows, and it'll be much faster. 

     I like my atmos dangerous, but a single window breach causing the deaths of basically everyone in escape would...not be fun - especially with generally how unavoidable it is if you're just sitting there waiting then are suddenly sucked out a window.


    I do know that a bigger breach will take air out faster, but even small breaches shouln't be just a minor inconvinience. They should be lethal. While it would indeed no be fun being insta killed by atmos if you just sitting in escape, is not fun to be insta killed by the engine, and its not fun to be killed by a plasma fire in escape, but we allow it in some circunstances.


  10. Don't get me wrong Allfd, I know a lot of work went into fastmos, and that it's a hard problem. I also know that's very expensive computationaly to make tile atmos faster. And I also know there are trade-offs between area x tile atmos. As I said I think tile atmos probably deal with gases under ~same pressure mixing better, but there a probably other issues I didn’t think about, mainly for lack of experience in area atmos systems. 

    I'm not very familiar with SS13 coding and the differences between code bases, I was just trying to figure out the differences and their consequences and pointing out we really have a problem simulating explosive decompression and why it would be better to simulate it better for gameplay and realism reasons because people raised doubt it was a problem. 

    About the 24 min thing, it will eventually reach an equilibrium where the air that goes in is the same as the air going out because I turned the vent back on. So a fast system just lead to lower equilibrium pressure and more different pressure areas in the room. 

    But as someone who mainly play atmos, I love fastmos even with its flaws, thank you for your work!

  11. Cook can just serve burned messes, bartender can give people wrong drinks, or drinks with plasma/radium/uranium, janitor can dirty the station, botany can plant only meme plants and no food.

    Paradoxily greytides would have to help the station.

  12. Well I just showed through examples and some math of how explosive depressurization works IRL that it's more realistic. As I said under some plausible assumptions on the size of a tile old escape would vent in 2-5 seconds with a one tile breach. 

    But gameplay wise I think it would be better to have rooms depressurizing quickly for lots of reasons. It would make so we lose more air, making  air more valuable, witch can create some interesting choices on what to pressurize as atmos and command. It would make people working in breaches work much more carefully so as not to vent another room. It would make so breaches actually need to be fixed. 

    Right now breaches are a joke to be honest, people just open firelocks and go around them. If you don’t stand one or two tiles away from the breach you are ok. Just as an example I made a breach in escape in a private server, turned atmos back on, went to eat and came back to see how the breach was:

    24 minutes with the room breached, and you can breathe ok in 2/3 of the room, and can go through the other 1/3 with no problems if you don't stay there and avoid the tiles right next to the breach. That keeps engies lazy, breaches in maint stay there forever, and even in some other parts sometimes. That makes people breach without regard for consequence. People breach perma all the times, never thinking they will suffocate their prisionmates. I sometimes breach into/out of the station so I don't go through a slow external airlock in places where the station is not reinforced. People have no discipline regarding firelocks, because there's no consequence to opening firelocks to areas with atmos alarms. This room is roughly 208 tiles, IRL it would vent in 5-10s with a one tile breach assuming tiles being 2x2x2m.

  13. Quote


    P = Po exp[-(A/V)t*(200m/s)]

    This gives you a quick rule of thumb, the one-one-ten-hundred rule: 
    A one square-centimeter hole in a one cubic-meter volume will cause the pressure to drop by a factor of ten in roughly a hundred seconds. 
    (for quick approximations; only roughly accurate). This time scales up proportionately to the volume, and scales down proportionately to the size of the hole. So, for example, a three-thousand cubic meter volume will decompress from 1 atmosphere to .01 atmosphere through a ten square centimeter hole on a time scale of a sixty thousand seconds, or seventeen hours. (it's actually 19 hours by a more accurate calculation).

    The seminal paper on the subject is by Demetriades in 1954: "On the Decompression of a Punctured Pressurized Cabin in Vacuum Flight."


    From a random site  I found on the internet, but it makes sense, has formulas and citations.

    If we assume one tile to be 2x2m, and the room height to be 2m, and trow this formula in Wolfram Alpha, then a one tile breach would vent (to 0,1atmos) one tile in 0.02s, 100 tiles in 2.3s and 1000 tiles in 23s (by my rough estimates the whole station is in this order of magnitude). It would them go from 0,1 atmos to 0,01 atmos in the same time. Looking at our old map, escape had 98 tiles so one window breach in it would vent it in ~2.3-4.6s depending on how low the pressure has to be for you to consider it vented.

    Note the the same site says:


    For reference, when the pressure drops to about 50% of atmospheric, the subject will be entering the region of "critical hypoxia"; when the pressure drops to about 15% of atmospheric, the remaining time of useful consciousness will have decreased to the 9-12 seconds characteristic of vacuum.

    It would also work in reverse. If you opened a vented room to a full room it would fill it in the same time it takes to empty it, as long as the other room is big enough for the change in total volume of air to be negligible. Could also be done this quick with a can with enough flow rate, actually even quicker I think, but not in a practical way, and not quicker than the speed of sound. Of course a big wave of air hitting you at the speed of sound might not be very healthy, my guess is that it would also be noisy as fuck, but a good way to find the room's resonances. 

  14. So instead of atmos being handled by tiles it's handled by rooms? I'd like some more violent depressurizing instead of big rooms being able to be open to space sometimes even indefinitely without much problem (except of course poor folks being fastmos if they get close enough to the breach), but I think handling atmos with tiles makes that pretty much resource intensive, and handling by rooms may have some other problems. 


    Doesn't make sense for the room to fill up or empty instantly if its large 

    This depends on the flow rate from the can. I'm pretty sure IRL you could fill a big room instantly with enough air flowrate. The time it takes for pressure to normalize is pretty much negligible. Imagine filling a pool with water. The time it takes for the water to flow from one place to the other, so the surface is even is irrelevant, the only constrain is how much water are you pumping in it. (althou actually water is a bad example cuz its uncompressible I think you get the idea). 

    Assume you have a kind of balloon, filled with air, it fits in your hand, but it has enough air to fill a 10mx10mx2m room (200kl) with one atmos pressure. The balloon bursts, how much time you think it takes for air to distribute evenly in the room so we have one atmos pressure everywhere?

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