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Posts posted by TyOmaha

  1. Grey HoS




    Prisoner in a cell asking me (warden. i let him out a minute early)




    Drask ate too much and..gibbed..so I did the only logical thing to do which was re-attatch his everything to a monkey







    Half (there were 13 i think) of the peacekeeper borgs at the end of the 1st shift they were merged




    Clown's "artwork"



    Funny brig phys rage



    Funny Slith response



    OOC funny question




    Captain being spam tased in AI upload as the NT rep declares a hostage situation


    • fastparrot 2
  2. 8 hours ago, Enginseer-42 said:

    The issue is, our rounds are not long enough for a baystation esque paperwork and chain of command system. 


    I have been in plenty of rounds where it has lasted much longer than 30-60 min and from my experience most of the rounds do last longer than that. 

    No one said a "baystation esque paperwork system" and I can't imagine the round was terribly busy if you were focused on cargo

    It would have taken you less than 5 minutes to do this, mind you:

    Step 1.
    Copy and paste one of the job request forms on a piece of paper

    Step 2.
    Have applicant fill out their portion 

    Step 3.
    Fill out your portion

    Step 4.

    Step 5.
    Take piece of paper and put it in a filing cabinet 

    Step 6.
    When CC asked about the paperwork, retrieve paperwork from cabinet and fax to CC and bask in glorious "I did do paperwork. Take THAT, CC!"




    Once again, I' m not saying that you should have done this, but your reasoning behind it seemed like a poor excuse in my opinion.


  3. If you seriously want to nitpick the definition of a "sentence" you can look online to see that probation/parole is included, in addition to meaning "A judgment or judicial declaration made by a judge". In the context of space station; anyone imposing brig time or parole on a criminal would be considered the "judge" in that definition.

    Paperwork for job changes is fairly common, sure it's not all the time but this is a highly sensitive job. The place you could have submitted could have been CC via the fax machine. 

    If cargo was an issue I personally would have recruited more Cargo Techs or fired the QM and recruit a new one rather than an HoP. 

    People get chastised for recruiting from the manifest for sensitive jobs such as security all the time. HoP has the ability to get all access and to easily give all access out so I can see why people complained. Should CC have told you that you were in the wrong? That's up in the air. But if you recruit a sensitive job such as the HoP from non mind-shielded crew member i.e. Chaplain expect people to pout about it, especially how you basically described the process for choosing an HoP was "oh he was just standing there so might as well make him HoP".

    The Captain directs the heads, the heads direct their departments. The Captain isn't supposed to be micro managing. The captain doesn't need to know every little thing that happens. Similar to how CoC works in the military. Security catches some greytider? Great. Captain doesn't need to know. Security catches an EoC? "Hey cap we've got a confirmed syndicate agent here" Great.

    Captain says "CE you are to get engineering to construct a BSA in the old bar" Guess what a large chunk of a department is now doing? given that the CE doesn't hog it to himself  

    Now if the heads are ignoring you for extended periods of time I find it perfectly reasonable to demote them, given if they are ignoring non-silly things or were not pre-occupied.


  4. Pretty certain that the blood-red hardsuit has travel/combat mode as well, which is available to any syndicate, or through the wild west. And even with direction: "Put this thing in that thing, donate all of it and keep it in there.", it was a struggle.

    I would suggest X amount of hours working as security or as certain antags before getting thrown into nukeops but that's not realistic.

     But yes now that some more opinions have been shared I do see that it's not an issue that can be fixed by throwing requirements at it.

    Somewhere to practice would be nice and would give ghosts something to do if nothing was going on, but then, what about practice for all the other antag types?

    also @McRamon I think it's a different one unless you were nukeop right before this was posted

  5. Currently, you have to have 10 hours of playtime minimum to be a nuclear operative.

    After having operatives who:

    • did not know syndicate hardsuits had a combat / travel mode (and went into space with it on combat, asking why he's taking pressure damage) 
    • "lose" their uplink and tell the rest us to go on without them (it was in his box)
    • are unable to put their uplink inside the uplink terminal
    • are unable to keep their uplink inside the uplink terminal
    • are unaware that you spawn with a box with an oxygen tank in it

    I feel like the playtime requirement should be increased. What that number should be? I don't know. 30 hours?

    Nukeops involves 5 people going up against the entire station (especially if they declare war) and if those people haven't got a clue then it's going to be a pretty shitty nuclear operation.


    What are your opinions about this?


    Disclaimer: This post contains a fully loaded salt quarry truck

  6. 2 minutes ago, Buford said:

    You weren't there when it happened also sorry I usually type out things and don't reread them.

    What I meant to say was that he was in one of the cells and attempted to escape while the timer was being set so an officer stunned him with the baton instead of re-cuffing him and buckling him back on the Bed he continued to hit him over and over again (Non lethally of course). I only pepper sprayed the person once.

    Right, but his reason to do so was to prevent the guy from escaping. Why did you pepper spray the guy?

  7. 9 hours ago, Buford said:

    Another officer non lethally stunsticked someone like 6 times during that same shift in processing but nothing was done about him.

    If I recall correctly the guy in the chair was attempting to unbuckle/uncuff which was why the officer was stunbatonning them

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