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Posts posted by Malphystoh

  1. On 5/5/2017 at 8:18 PM, EldritchSigma said:

    Describing a characters stats like in Fallout? And its for snowflakes? 

    Well here we go:

    Thali Kukeck the Vulpkanin with that cringy snowflaky shadowling affinity:


    When she is in control:

    S-2 Well she doesnt prefere physical direct confrontation, rather uses poisons and explosives to fight. Also heavy usage of guns preferred. If she needs to actually do direct confrontation (read where the opponent can actually fight back) she uses most of the time an Esword or Dual-Esword. Hates big guns like the combat shotgun.

    P-8 Before that entire mess she got into it was a solid 6. The shadow marks on her seem to make her alot more carefull and aware of her surroundings. Also she actually hits stuff when using guns.

    E-5 Used to run away in case her life is threatened. Due to being hit by mental lances from shadowlings multiple times she got quite resillent to pain and is used to psychoterror.

    C-3 It is alright, some people like her, some dont, some dont have any opinion of her and some just hate her. Only 3 because she looks like a thrall and because she is a vulp and people are racist towards vulps all the time.

    I-10 Well... grenades which have killed the entire security, gasses which knock people out for 10 minutes upwards while masks do nothing... and a bomb being that strong it got nerfed. Also some memesprays for different purposes and shotgun shells which pretty much make energy weapons obsolete (disablers, explosives, single target burn damage, AoE Gibsmoke etc). Not only that... knowing how to use those tools aswell. Also pretty much knows most of the essential things in station like hacking of doors and vendors, location of valueable items (insultated gloves for instance) and even doing some surgeries. She is also fairly eager to learn new things. However RnD gets boring for her to do. ((Not doing RnD most of the time, whenever I do the station is upgraded fully in 20 minutes provided miners brough ores and sec got an arsenal by 30-40 minutes, and every other department got new helpfull toys by 50 minutes at max... takes the fun if its so safe)). Good at manipulation aswell.

    A-4 Occasionally hits herself with her own explosive darts or splashes a beaker of substance on the ground. However still decent at moving through obstacles.

    L-2 A fucking shadowling sorta assimilated her. She is in maint when all the sudden people yell shadowlings/cult/vamps/nuke ops in maint where she is/wizard in maint over comms. And worst of all. Thali moves out of maint directly whenever it is announced and still gets caught. Also the damn teleporter... all the time some idiot greytide came along and yelled about her breaking in requiring her to use the META excuse of the year. Not a person you would consider lucky.


    When the Ascendant controls her:

    S 6 If it is required he pushes Thali to her limit making her fight directly.

    P 10 They know all, they see all, they try to relay all the information into her head ((read as I am actually reading all the comms I got access to and interpretate the course of a round))

    E 1 It is draining to be controlled like that. Really draining. She passes out when under great physical stress while controlled.

    C 1 The Ascendant controlling her is not very nice... he is an asshole to people and tries to manipulate them by threatening and fear. Works sometimes but most of the times he gets yelled at. 

    I 10 Unchanged... everything Thali knows they know.

    A 6  Again the Ascendant pushes Thali to her limit. They do not tolerate insolence and clumsyness.

    L 5 They seem to have some more senses aviable than "lesser creatures". Thali can use them to a certain degree whenever they control her. Mainly some kind of superintuition. Therefor she appears to have more luck whenever they control her.


    Oh well thats about it.

    Murders and unbuckles friendly crabs from chairs. C-0 :/ 

  2. I am also a clicker. I think this is going to make us El Robusto Magnifico la Muerte. I waste alot of time clicking to change intent and other such things. or clicking to throw, then throw it... Streamlined I'm gonna be way more dangerous. and the advanced grab / table / stun? Some situations in the past are starting to make a lot more sense. 


  3. Wow yeah that is a lot of great info. I'm gonna have to actually try me some hotkey mode. 



    On 5/12/2017 at 0:17 AM, GuiltyBeans said:

    Also, for those that do not use hotkey mode and want SOME robustness, but not near as much as hotkey mode will give you. The following buttons help:

    PgUp: Swap hands.
    PgDn: Use item in selected hand.
    End: Toggles throw.
    Home: Drops item. 
    Delete: Cancels pull.
    Insert: Doggles intent as such; Help -> Disarm -> Grab -> Harm -> Help -> Repeat.

    But this was an amazing post! +1

    Thank you for that as well Beans! Good to know the options.

  4. 3 hours ago, PhantasmicDream said:

    I never brought this up because I have a make skrell that is gay
    cough cough cough

    But yes, I find just little things added to different races could help them be a little more different. 

    <3 's

  5. Upon further thought, the death wands would be treated as a relic of Death, they should seek not to spam the wand and be like a surgeon or sniper with it. Careful and precisse and typically as a last resort or to destroy a worthy foe. Possible RP / Spooky oriented interactions that admonish or praise necromancers depending on how they are acting in character. I  had also thought more about the Necromancers themselves, perhaps ones that don't choose the litch stone, would be referred to as Apprentice Necromancers, which would explain why they wouldn't have the Megadeath wand relic and recharge, instead having to rely upon lightning or their skeletons. 



  6. 7 hours ago, saywat_the_15th said:

    Those are fine, when there is a janitor/civilian traitor, chances are high that they have picpocket gloves.

    Those things are hands down (pun intended) easiest way to pull off most of the theft objectives.


    2 hours ago, Sothangel said:

    Pickpocket gloves are amazingly great for general fuckery and when combined with agent IDs.

    Can also be used for assassinate objectives, I guess. Strip that Voxygen and run before they know what happened!

    I've tried them a few times, it takes me a bit to get the click drag timing, and hoping so and so doesn't move. Granted I was trying to steal the CE's boots after taking off his hardsuit at the time sooooo not exactly easy lol

  7. I've been shoved randomly and disarmed by every possible person who could do so. Doctors included. The one time you spare someone they murdergib you with a toolbox. I've seen to many wizards try to stop and talk just to get gunned down. C'est la vie, Doctor. Collateral Damage. 

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