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Posts posted by Malphystoh

  1. What if instead of green text, the traitor / whatever gets some sort of IG reward when they achieve their objectives? and then adding more difficult / scaling objective to see if they can really make the cut. For instance I was tasked with stealing cash recently, and even tho I got the amount and carried it with me ( should I have deposited it? not sure how it scans for the obj) It red text me for it, but that was a unique and interesting escalation. I found myself breaking into the morgue to liquidate dead peoples accounts. Or stealing ID's from drunk people in the bar, emptying their account, and coming back to re attach their ID (thats DRUNK not SSD) 

  2. 30 minutes ago, FlattestGuitar said:

    As other admins have said, us admins are generally really bad at telling whether someone is pushing the limits of greytide, as we can't just follow a single person on their exploits throughout a whole shift. Adminhelp if you think someone's being an abusive greytide and not contributing to others' enjoyment of the game.

    As for the antagonists - I don't think there's an easy solution available to us. People have always powergamed to some extent and will always do so. It's not hard to come up with the names of a few people who have been around lately who do exactly that. Going blindly after objectives and stocking up on weapons, reagents and tools that will help them be the most robust in any situation. I think we should do our best to convince them somehow that even a defeat can be enjoyable and help them realize the wonders of making others enjoy the game.

    I'm personally not sure how to go about this. One of the ideas pitched some time ago would be to remove greentext. Leave objectives as a way to direct people towards specific antaggy actions and draw lines around what is allowed and what isn't, but not reward actual objective completion. We'd be able to add a lot more non-specific, RP-motivating objectives if we didn't bother checking for the green.

    Love this Flat. for instance ~ Assuming powergaming because yes its happening. Hell its step 1 to collect as many tools / insulated / atleast no fingerprint gloves ASAP as any antag. Now any partially smart person yes tools if you know you are highly likely to encounter doors (who isn't tho) that will give you trouble duh doi you are going to want them. Insulated can be hit and miss, and if you are a real good hacker, or if people have announced colors (as they do 67% of the time ((repeating of course)). ) You can sometimes get away without but thats not the point. It would be unique if the concept of  " Just because you can get it and you're Antag, doesn't mean you need to get it (or would get it)" This is where ANTAG rp courses may be worthwhile. You don't necessarily / wouldn't by default gear yourself out from each department cherry picking what you may need. I certainly tend to work on a need basis. That can escalate very quickly, but at I am going through the process of acting my roll, then escalating when I'am pushed beyond my capacity, as opposed to going and looting what I need indiscriminately. This ended up kinda rambley sorry..

  3. Malphystoh is a play on words for Mephisto, It's my modeling / go go dancing name. I used to go by Paradox but apparently thats to basic. Alot of people end up calling me Malphy or Mal. I like Malphy cause it's cute :3 

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  4. On 6/18/2017 at 8:53 AM, PhantasmicDream said:

    PhantasmicDream is what I use for everything... I first used it for my Deviantart account, where my old one was iLovezTucker cause I was Red vs. Blue fan.  So I took Phantasmic because during my time of making comics and stories of different worlds, HereticChurch named one Phantasmic Utopia. And I liked that so I took Phantasmic threw Dream at the end of it, and here we are.


    I got a nickname on here which is Dreamy, I believe Adr started it and other followed along.  Cause you know I'm super dreamy *cough, cough, cough* 

    When I got Slimepeople I named my first one Dreamy because of the nickname.

    Is super dreamy *Swooooooon*

  5. Thank you. I've always enjoyed Anthropomorphised art. Back in the 90's on 56k dialup I remember spending a lot of time looking at incredible artwork by very talented people. I've always felt a resonance with both Canine and Feline spirits. I've always seen the eyes of a predator in the mirror. I may not live the life as many others do, but I do in fact feel a deep connection to the Furry culture. Though I don't play any on the station at this point. Not sure if I would label myself as such completely however for the purpose of this poll I will say yes.

  6. Not that I was implying that playing a Taj makes you a furry, was just trying to get a specific response one way or another in regards of is this about CHARACTERS or PERSONAL LIFE and once again I'm sensing that its a little bit of both, at least from the replies I am receiving. I am by no way or means trying to imply that if someone plays anything on SS13 that it reflects upon their personal choices in life. Once again, simply for clarification purposes. are you asking if people are Furry in real life OR on the Station???

  7. 2 minutes ago, FPK said:


    @Malphystoh Sorry, thought the post below yours cleared it up. I mean the culture of it, not just playing the race. I know plenty of players who are not furries, but they play Tajarans and Unanthi and the like.

    No I specifically said I was asking them(I.E. You the Poll creator) , and they answered my question as if I was asking about both to them directly? This still doesn't quite answer my question, though however I feel like you are implying that the question is more aimed at peoples personal lives and choices, rather than the persona(s) they play on this server. 

  8. 11 hours ago, necaladun said:

    The suggestion to remove kill objectives I don't really understand - no reasoning has been given as to why they're a bad objective, or why there would be an improvement for removing them, it's just being suggested it be removed. The risk of being assassinated - and not just so they can steal your hyperspray - adds a huge amount of fear and atmosphere to the game, and I find is an interesting and fun objective, which can be quite challenging depending on your target, or your preferred style(s).

    I agree here. Also what about the betrayal objectives when your target is another operative? That would totally be lost. I would infact like to see the kill objectives expanded, and perhaps even have a new type of Antag that is specifically an Assassin who has several targets and more unique gear. Can be communicated with to assist operatives, or get rid of loud operatives who compromise the operation...

  9. 12 hours ago, ruskivodka said:

    So, what race are you saving up karma for guys? Mine's for the plasmaman, mostly because purple skeletons are cool.

    Purple Skeletons are teh Kewlest!!! Totally the same reason I'm saving for em. Hovering at 88 right now. Thats after getting grey. I play pretty casually at times, and took a few months off. So it's taken me 5-6 months or so I'd guess. 

  10. On 6/10/2017 at 11:28 AM, Keroman said:

    I've had a few good stories from playing Security.  (BRAG)Like the several times I've discovered cultists super early on by checking for falsewalls in maint.(/BRAG)

    But my absolute favorite story from playing Security, the one that I share even with friends who aren't familiar with SS13, is from a round where I was playing Detective.

    Playing as my character, Maxwell Edison, I decided to hit the bar and try to outdrink my "sober" gene.  As I downed more and more alcohol I noticed that the drunk speech effect, where it randomly capitalizes and misspells words in your speech, is coming and going with everything I say.  Eventually I get called to the brig for something and on my way over I get that hazy screen overlay that happens when you're super drunk.  The Captain, HoS, and Warden are all there, and they take note of my strange speech patterns.  The HoS asks, "Detective Edison, are you drunk?"  To which I reply, "No," and then immediately pass out drunk.

    For reals, it couldn't have been timed more perfectly if I had planned it.

    Checking for false walls when there's no statement they have been used. </3

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