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Posts posted by Malphystoh

  1. I actually managed to become one last night, starting from civilian. I tried to get transferred into xenobio but it was a no go, so got transferred into chem. In the interest of not blowing up the area on accident I steered clear of actually attempting chem and focused on my shadowy objective. After about 5 minutes of a Diona giving us new guys hell, we were escorted / darted into xenobio with said Diona (who was a bit perturbed) I asked very nicely for a green slime extract. Head back to Chem and remove the lights. Add plasma, extract, inject. Yey! Wait... My hunger is in the red... Oh damn... How am I gonna make it to the kitchen?!?! Well. Long story short I managed to remove the lights and get out to the general hallway, and stand in a dark corner saying OW if people came too close. Most seemed pretty ok about not igniting me. As i'm contemplating which lights to move rapidly to and remove next, a sec guard comes over and checks out the shadowy corner. While taken aback at first, they were incredibly kind. Turned off their lighting, and helped me acquire food (2 cups of Ramen better than nothing at RED hunger) they offered to help me get more by dragging me in a closet, which seemed very kind at the time. Apparently along our journey he got a call to report to arrivals. We end up in disposals main, where an officer is getting murderlated by a cultist with robes and a sword. Sec officer jumps to action, and I spring from the box and grab the culty things and dive back into my box. You know to keep them from getting them back. In security's haste to deal with the cultist i was left in disposals maint with my box and a cultsword of no worth to me as I was not culted. I did however have the chaps holy sword from earlier, due to him trying to murderbone the paramadic randomly. Figured it would be safer with me, and I was very lucky I had it with me. I yell out over coms that they left me there, and theres a cult sword I'm guarding for them. Enter Cult. They obviously don't like reading that. Suddenly I've got a cultist with me in disposals maint, they try to rock my work with a temperature gun, but I'm  hard to see and heal rapidly in the dark. I manage to icepick em with a water tank, and Juke around to start attacking with the chaplain sword. I felt a little bad, but lord knows their Firegod wasn't going to keep it dark for me and it seemed like a life and death moment. I manage to chase them out with some heavy damage, and even take their temperature gun. At this point I'm begging my sec friend to come back and take this cult gear / temp gun / drag me the hell away from this place. Enter the Slith. Sec buddy shows up and we stare around the darkened disposals maint a bit and decide to head the hell out asap. Just as we decide to a wild Slith appeared. With sword and madness. he flashed me good, and got the drop on sec buddy. I managed to hit em with the icy beam once before he lit me up with his blade. Two good hits and I was down in a hard crit. Then slowly crispifying in the lights. Just before I died from photon exposure I was sharded. You know the rest after that. But I'm proud to say I managed to play a shadowguy and not get light lynched by the crew. 

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  2. I regret this as I type it, but a Combi-Stunrod/Tazer/Disabler. Gentlemen I present to you, the Nano-Sec-Rod. Much like the abductor item, it has three toggles (and you can still attach a flashlight to it.) First toggle would enable its passive stunner system for help intent. Toggling it a second time would also activate its taser function, allowing you to fire it at range, while still being able to stun with a melee help intent from the stunner which is still active. Toggling it a third time would switch it to its disabler mode, while still having the stun feature activated. a fourth toggle would power down the stunner and remove you from the ranged mode. I envision a high tech rod with pointy bits at the tip and maybe glowing fancy nano lights. Mayyyyybe only the warden or hos should have one. But it would take two items out of your inventory (three if they weren't aware they could attach the flashlight to the taser) and combine them into one bad ass multi clown stomper. I mean pacification device. 

  3. its implied. 

    1 hour ago, EvadableMoxie said:

    If you think they are 'definitely not' a traitor you might be in for a surprise when it turns out they are a Changeling.  Or mind-slaved by a traitor.  Or thralled by a vampire. Or Wolololol'd by a Chaplain. Or thralled by a shadowling.  Or converted by a Cultist. Or they just decided to change preferences.  Or they got adminbussed.

    I really don't think this provides as much concrete knowledge as you are implying it does. 



  4. Some picture of my two Kittens one stuck in human form. 

    Kaia Misa is my Kuddle Kat. She likes gettin under blankies and snuggles. She is a Fourth Dimension HyperFloof. 

    James is my husband and also enjoys blankies and snuggles. Perhaps its a re-occurring theme.




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  5. 40 minutes ago, DarkPyrolord said:

    Alright, not going to say names here but this applies to all of you regardless, can we please keep it civil here and talk about all of this in a calm manner, there is no need to throw insults around here.


  6. I REALLY.. Dislike all the nerfs and restrictions advised here. I do however like the embellishments and expanding upon previously established gear / coding ideas. But none of the nerfs and restrictions. It's really focused on this misconception of "make the round interesting" which I've recently read as a means of shaming people into playing a role as someone feels they should. Which is ridiculous. This reminds me of a very specific person... and considering the same usage of verbiage I am highly suspicious. Forcing people to not, for instance be able to drink humanized genetics critters (as vamp) or use transfusions to keep them bleeding because this person specifically feels it doesn't "make the round interesting" because they assume they don't do anything or interact with anyone just sitting and feeding? This concept of "make the round interesting" has a huge potential to ruin new players perception of the game. 




    "Anyone who has holy water inside of them is immune to cult spells"   Not OP at all. yeah. Not like Chap would distribute water tanks of holy water to every corner of the station. Force feeding people water. Requiring all crew to drink the water. Because why wouldn't you? Immunity? CARGO order flasks. Sheezous man. Is it just ground runes or the paper too? Maybe they should be immune to constructs and Nar'sie too. 

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