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Everything posted by Threeinone

  1. Man, I remember drinking engorge's blood. crazy stuff.
  2. Well now people have made this thread useful again. Ideas on a new name for it?
  3. you can climb into crates, but can't close it without lying down and someone else closing it for you
  4. this is getting increasingly more relevant people go on about cluwnes and not the idea of the gamemode so i'm just gonna leave this here.
  5. I agree with the thought that convict could be used as antag alot, but I think the fact that it is behind a karma wall helps nullify that a bit. That is what, I think, karma is used for.
  6. Some departments have an EFTPOS scanner that extracts credits from IDs. This is never used because everyone expects things to be free for them, the self entitled greytiders.
  7. I don't understand what you mean by "gimme greentext", being good is the exact opposite of completing your goal as a tator. And @Rurik I dunno man, there could be some fun interactions with people if you're obviously a traitor but being genuinely helpful. A full range from "No I want to kill that guy" to "You saved my life, i trust you". maybe i just don't know how people actually react to this because it doesn't happen.
  8. That sounds awesome! Assuming they aren't immediately lynched by spiders or the crew themselves. Medium RP, baybee
  9. this is a very specific complaint, but yeah they should probably change it to needing a wrench for that.
  10. Sounds fun. I think, though, that the terror spiders could use some more polish before they're put in a full on game-mode, but that's just me.
  11. Aha! so we should change the welding action to DISARM intent! Fixed!
  12. Seems like a good optimization. I can't really see many of the downsides besides lagging games could inconvenience you for a couple seconds. Are there any more things that need to be taken into account here?
  13. But then you don't have your squeeky shoes anymore :'(
  14. Isn't this also a thing with Diona?
  15. Oh boy, three whole pages of my very own topic. Does this mean i'm 'hip'?
  16. you can tie wire to coins so when you put them in machines, you have a slight chance of getting them back after paying for stuff with it.
  17. Pretty interesting, I would add that security could earn more points if the convicts complete job details, adding more of an incentive to get convicts working for more points and more windows for escape.
  18. Chaplain has some rings to enact weddings, but it's just ONE SHIFT, NOBODY GETS MARRIED IN THAT TIME-SPAN.
  19. I retitled it to "useful secret tips" for a laugh, but it's time to go back again! Every PDA has a little notekeeper box where you can put in whatever you need, like a diary, a shopping list, or incriminating information about your traitorous lifestyle. Has anyone ever seriously used those before?
  20. if you have and aggressive grab or higher, click on a urinal/toilet to slam the person's head into said appliance. If the toilet seat is up, you'll give the person a swirlie, suffocating them.
  21. Not useless, but badass if a bit unusual in shift-to-shift life. You can light cigarettes and cigars on burning people. The perfect end to both a dramatic speech and your target's life.
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