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Everything posted by Threeinone

  1. That's what i think went wrong, I don't have an idea of traitors who don't greentext. (I come from Yogstation, you see.) so i don't have a good example of traitors interacting with crew in an interesting way. all my memories of "hey follow me into an alleyway!" (i do, then get shot in the face 5 times)
  2. It's more of a "agh, shit. I'm wrong." I'm still pretty new, so i'm bound to make mistakes.
  3. it seems i have a different idea of antags and karma. I don't have any good examples of wholesome interaction with antags, and karma seemed like an iffy "rely on other people so you have more options to roleplay." i agree with all your opinions though and am sorry for attempting to adversly affect the ins and outs of the game. goodnight.
  4. I think to add a bit of incentive to win as an antag, you should get a number of Karma points. I personally don't know if this is already a thing, since i'm an unlucky, unrobust noodle, but i think this would add a reason to win and strive for one's objective. let me know if you aggree!
  5. This is my first story on forum, so let's see how this goes. About a month ago, I started my shift as botanist with a couple co-workers. I introduce myself, and we get to work. Now, usually I choose to play the stoner bum botanist, but this time, i decided to be a frugal, vegetarian hippie/vegan character. Some fast forwarding, and we have blumpkins giving us mutagen, a surplus of plant matter, and gaia trays lining the walls. Now, I was very new to the amenities of Paradise botany, so I had little to no knowledge of the blumpkins and DNA modification. So being the naive little hippie botanist I was, sank my teeth into a blumpkin full of mutagen. Thankfully, the only dissability I got was red horns shooting out of my pastel head. This totally threw off my style, and I loved it. Flowers decorating satan horns just appealed so much. After some more shenanigans, (tripping balls) I decided to take a look at the biomatter constructor. Again, I didn't know a lot of what was what, but there was a lot of stored biomatter, so I was free to experiment. Rice hats, Belts, and OOH! a leather coat! So I made this coat. This... Was not what i was expecting. In my mind, i thought something like the detective's coat. No, this wasn't the detectives coat. It was Black, and long, and really good looking. I don't remember where i put the screenshot of me, but with my red devil horns and black leather trenchcoat, i looked like a total edgelord, despite my loving, hippie demeanor. Not a lot happened else, but i was just an edgy hippie, tending to my flowers. And I loved it so very much I wanted to share. Stay tuned when I potentially find the screenshot.
  6. If i recall how i got my first few karma points, a good, easy way to get karma fast is to choreograph a performance as mime when people are in the bar. The best conclusion i can get from that is be in front of people as much as possible with the other guidelines in mind.
  7. Drinks on the server (In my opinion) are way too potent right now. You can have one drink that has practically no booze in it (e.g. Bahama Mama) and you need a kidney transplant. and even if it's not transplant worthy, you're still walking around like an idiot for 2 minutes. tweaking to the potency would greatly help the experience overall since you can focus more on roleplay and not on waiting to finish surgery/waiting until you can walk straight.
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