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Posts posted by Landerlow

  1. As the title says.


    Right now, janitors have to either order a whole new janitorial supplies crate which has one or more space cleaners in it, or ask chemistry for it, who are sometimes


    1) too busy
    2) don't make nearly enough
    3) Not there at all


    Perhaps an unlimited space cleaner tank mounted on the wall (similar to the welder fuel tank in the medchem office) in the janitorial  closet would be nice?

  2. Not much of a story but well .. after a disastrous play as tator drone (tator cause I forgot to disable it in preferences) I decided to respawn as drone and figure out more about engineering and making stuff.


    Result? Maintenance drone made the cantina great again.




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  3. Ine one day .. (ONE DAY YAY !!!) I'll be able to play cpatain/AI for the first time. I am looking forward to AI the most. However, I would like to know if there's some tips, guide, or anything for the AI/Captain jobs(s)?


    I have experience with a lot of jobs, including the HoP job.

  4. Hi.


    Yes, yes, I know, another suggestion for a non-human thing. But really, maintenance drones are cool! Not to mention they CAN be a big help for a station, if played well. I've been tinkering around in a drone. I like it, I really do. Several things, be it small, could be, improved.


    1. You as a drone, can understand human speech, and borg chat (:b). I know drones have :d, but shouldn't drones be able to communicate with borgs directly? Or with the AI? I know drones aren't bound by its laws but they DO help to improve/repair the station in various ways. So: :b access for drones.


    -- I know, drones are not supposed to mingle with affairs of human beings. However, as a drone, I have, one time, sent a PM to the AI via the PM server in the server room, or via a requests console. What I told the AI was that, if it was necessary, I could help improve the station or help weld the bots (since drones have an integrated welding tool) if the bots were in dire need. Bots and the AI are not human beings, and as such can be helped, if I understand/interpret the law(s) correctly.


    2. A small gripper. 

    Drones have a magnetic gripper. Cool, some functionality, just like a hand! Except not quite. 98% of the objects can't be dragged. Either because they are too big, or because the MAGNETIC gripper can't pick it up. Could a drone not get an additional normal (small) gripper? Or replace the magnetic gripper with a small gripper?


    3. Make the space cleaner spray can volume bigger, or make the space cleaner synthesize without having to recharge. 

    This is pretty straightforward. I look towards the service borg's ' Synthesized '  space beer (or other thing you put in the glass with dropper, etc). Currently, the drone ahs a can with a mere 50 units of space cleaner. This can be recharged by going to a (cyborg) recharge station. I cannot get space cleaner ANY other way. I cannot talk to chemists, to get me some. I cannot refill it somewhere else. Water tanks do not have space cleaner in them. Even if they did, the can would only be able to hold 50 units.

    Another option would be to make certain items refill the space cleaner by using the already present matter decompiler.


    4. A small storage where picked up items could be stored in. 

    I'm looking at /tg/ as an example, if I remember correctly. 

    A small space, where you could store something in. For example if you were to find an empty bottle, you could just bring it to chemistry, for them to pick up and perhaps use. As a small example. Or to clean up items which aren't able to be consumed by the matter decompiler. You can only drag one item at a time, and if there's multiple items such as cigarette buts are on the ground, you could pick them up, and drop them off at the disposals. The space wouldn't be far-fetched either, since the drone has a multitude of items. How can such a small drone store 20 or more steel plating, glass plating, etc? It's kind of .. strange.


    5. Ability to dump small things into disposals? Since drones can already use the disposals to climb in for transport. (kind of in combination with no. 4 here).





  5. On 12/25/2015 at 10:53 AM, Stephanov said:



    Welcome to the Netherlands.




    Home of windmills, tulips, Delfts blauw and bicycle lanes.


    I'm from The Netherlands, too.


    Don't forget the marijuana and coffeeshops. And Amsterdam, but I wouldn't for the life of me want to live there.

  6. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to be known as someone who AHELP's for the smallest things. It was just all new. And well the mess! I should make a screenshot next time. My office was a battlefield. The best thing were the pictures of someone's ass spread over my whole office because a disposals reroute.

  7. So, before everyone starts hating me for not managing things 100% like you wanted that round, remember in the end this is a game, and please don't hold any grudges.



    It was my second time as HoP, I was trying to do things by the book, to keep at least a bit track of paperwork, job transfers, borges, etc, etc, etc. 


    It all started when someone rerouted the disposals to my office. And it didn't get fixed. And if it did, it got rerouted to me again. I had a good laugh over that, it made things fucking hectic! I had pictures of someone's ass on my front desk. 


    At some point, someone broke through a window, snatched my ID out of the computer while it was in, and I was in progress of assigning a job or something, and ran off with it.


    I got a spare ID made by the captain. So far so good. Paramedic asked for access to my office to clean up. He cleaned up. Apparently someone put a bomb in my office. Bomb was disposed of.

    Later, someone pulled the same trick on the PC with the ID, sine the window didn't get fixed, or if it did, it got broken again. I kept trying to manage things but well, I think the crew didn't have proper food from the chef or something, because everyone was salty, which made me more nervous and well, it drove me to suicide! 


    Things I learned:

    Do not try to eat pizza IRL while playing HoP

    Have at least one officer watch your line whenever possible

    No one cares about the paperwork except you (The HoP)

    It's a very interesting job, and I WILL get better at it, I promise you that. It's not actually hard, the only thing which is hard is making judgement calls, and keeping the crew happy while you have to follow procedures which involve rules and paperwork. 


    Once again, it was a hell of a shift, but thanks everyone for this great experience!


    Eddit: Let's not forget the space drug cloud gas grenade someone detonated near me. It made me high and walk uncontrollably at times, for over 15 minutes.

    • Like 3
  8. Hello everyone,



    As you may have noticed, (or not) I recently have found a love for (harmless) pranks. I had some harmful pranks which I didn't know weren't allowed or were against a rule in one way or another, which I ceased to execute immediately after, so that was all good. Some other things, such as low dosages of space drugs in food, toilet water in food, or a small dose of Lithium (that's non-lethal and all it does is cause short drooling/not walking straight, etc) are all good. And think of a lube bomb with beakers (though that is a pain in the ass if the creator hasn't got galoshes because you'll fuck yourself over with that) or some colorful reagent, or some space drugs smoke cloud, etc, you name it.


    What I want to suggest, or would like to know, is, how would people look against some new harmless prank items? Fartonium is ridiculously hard to make for example, and it would be nice if you had some harmless things which would cause mild inconveniences. Other than that I miss the fart sound and I recently said in OOC once that  we should perhaps have poop in the server, but that apparently was immediately assosciated with fetishism. (ew). We do have green vomit, however.


    Question: Is there a liquid which we can use to knock someone out for like, 2 seconds as a prank? 


    Any other prank ideas?
    General opinions?



  9. I was a secborg again myself, yesterday during a round. I was easily disabled. Because I wasn't playing very well that round. It's also the competence of the person playing a character/borg that determines their strength.I'm against removing the secborg, perhaps impose a limit of 3-5 borgs indeed, but removing it would just be ... well, I just don't like removing it. 

  10. Oh wow, that is awesome. I did not know that the DROPPER was the key to changing the sythesized drink. As for the food: If I pick up a random piece of food, can I put an other random drink on it? (not in a pile/related to the pile of the other item)?????    Some functionality with the dispensers would be nice indeed, this would give more purpose to the shaker in the inventory.

  11. I have tested an earlier posted theory here, and can confirm that refilling the space beer can with something else (in this case, water) does NOT make it synthesize water instead. This is why we need these improvements. Actual service!


    Furthermore, here is an example of the plate problem and glasses.  

  12. This is true. However, the Janiborgs have a trash bag already, and you could argue the same point. It is true, however. 


    Let's say we don't give the service borg a trash bag, as long as the items which are dispensed, are also able to be put on a plate (as is currently not the case with the drinking glasses, whether full or empty), the items could just be binned in a regular disposal bin.


    I would like to hear opinions of coders here (if possible) as to if this would be able to be implemented. I think it would open a lot of possibilities. And it wouldn't harm anyone. 

  13. 2 minutes ago, Fox McCloud said:
    2 minutes ago, Fox McCloud said:




    Empty out your beer bottle and refill it with something else; I believe it will start reproducing that reagent, instead.

    Empty out your beer bottle and refill it with something else; I believe it will start reproducing that reagent, instead.

    Not sure what I did wrong here ^^    (post quoting) but .. what I wanted to say is: This would be nice if it were possible. The thing is, I could, I think, only fill it with water. I cannot fill it with space cola or anything else, since I do not have access to that, as bots have no arms, or any other way to access the booze/soft drink dispensers. Other than that I find this a tad bit unrealistic and I don't see why we couldn't have a seperate water/soft drink synthesizer item. Other modules have a plethora of items in their storage, so we could get a few more in my opinion. But I am going to try what you said.

  14. This is true, however, the janitorial bot also has a trash bag, and we, as borgs, couldn't do anything harmful on purpose, lest we be blown up. Most we could do is give the ID's to the HoP, original owner, it goes against our laws to harm any human. And, in my book, tampering with an ID in any form is harming the crew member, albeit not physically. Other than that, borgs have all-access, we have no need for an ID. I do however, see your point.

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