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Posts posted by Landerlow

  1. Title says it all. This is done in real life with certain animals' and well .. yum? :D


    You used to be able to deep fry organs (Or was this on /tg/ when I played there the first 3 days of my SS13 life?) .. this was actually nice. 



  2. Ryan Xovr -- because well, he is always there for me, either as HoP under my command, HoP not under my command, other position under my command, or not under my command. One moment he's HoP, one moment he's .. I dunno? And he aids me in an adventure to save EMILY-AI from the satelite in secret. Was good sekrit job yas.

    And yeah Ryan, I've saved you quite some times. It feels good though :D

    EMILY -- > A very cheerful person, as AI and as any other job she plays.

    S.T.E.V.E.N : I'm not sure who you are on the forum but I would welcome AI tips from you, because I think you're one of the best AI players out there. (that is not to say other are not great at it! -- though I suck at it (S.I.M) )

    FlattestGuitar (character name =?) Because I like this God person, who spawns me a chem dispenser so I can blow myself up in the toxins test chamber in the name of science.

    Collin Bastille (BYOND name?) -> Is a great blueshield.

    Sarah Crews / SARAH V2 -> First contact was when she was my ... cat maid ... cat ... whatever? When I was HoP and we might have scared the .. whatever their position in command was, I think blueshield? I forgot who that was. But yeah, great companion!!!!!!!

    Other honorable mentions / players who stand out

    Thali Kukeck

    Scruffy Sweeper  - HoP/antag

    Ares - AI IS ROGUE!!!!1! every shift

    Mike Murdock

    Chad Wolf - Awesome Chief Engineer.

    Squishy (squishes) - everyday they're squishing

    Tikiatka / katiki / other vox names I can't spell - because I see them often and well, voxies are special. (PLS NO RACE HATE, EVERYONE IS EQUAL IN MY EYES!)

    • Like 2
  3. The title says it all. Could also apply to cows. Chickens can be bred (hatched from eggs), cows should be able to be bred, too. It would solve the meat shortages, most notably in early rounds, and well, immershun.

    • Like 1
  4. ZN23X I approve of this. The other day I heard the CMO criticizing (and rightly so!) a person by saying  ..."Do you have a degree in medicine now?" " Do you want me to give you an operathing theatre as well?"  (..response from person) .. " Shall I give the the CMO position since we're at it?"  


    I am TIRED of people running into med bay, or a clown telling me what I need to do to cure him, like seriously, why ARE you even in here with me if you can do it all yourself? Might as well put the fridge outside in the corridor with the current attitude of a lot of players.

    Yes I know, much salt but it's the truth.

    • Like 1
  5. I agree with the two posters above me. Also: For medical borgs, add some chem dispenser functionality with the beaker, it can save lives. I do not understand WHY borgs have these senseless limitations. There is the one tradeoff and that is free will. Cyborgs/droids SHOULD be able to replace doctors if necessary. Yes, they are supposed to assist in the first place, and adhere to their laws, but it just makes no sense that borgs do not have hands. They are not OP, they can be taken out easily if you have the tools, they can only harm people when rogue, they have laws in place to prevent free will and they can be blown up in a moment's notice.


    This also is not just the case for medical borgs, engineering borgs face the same problem sometimes. I can understand, for example, maintenance drones not having hands, but cyborgs should have them, or at least some more functionality than what currently exists. A big can of space cleaner for medical borgs to clean up the medical bay which no doctor but the surgeons bother with? Functionality with beakers? 


    Engineering borgs should have a light replacer.

    Janitor borgs could have increased functionality with their trash bag. -> Lots of small items, be it cup ramen or other things cannot be put in there, they just can't be interacted with with the trash bag. It's frustrating.


    Borg are good, don't get me wrong, but there are some senseless limitations on the current borgs.

    • Like 2
  6. I do this already. But it would be nice if the sterilizyne actually worked, perhaps with a special effect of some kind? It would be nice, for example, to have a dispenser of said substance in the OR rooms, similar to the cleaner dispenser in the janitorial closet. Perhaps with an extra strong effect? Removes colors from tiles, or something, which results in white (surgery/medbay) tiles? It's not important, it's well.. roleplay. And I just think sometimes a little thing can be a fine addition, even if it seems insignificant. Though I must admit that I find the game/code brilliant already as is. :)

    • Like 3
  7. This was an awesome round.



    Central command decides to terminate all contracts. ALL OF THEM. We are all abandoned. Left to fend for ourselves.


    As the nations gear up and fortify, the AI and its peacekeepers prepare for the job. It is going to be difficult enfocring the law, specifically the Geneva convention.


    After having barely needed to mediate in any conflicts, aside from killing a few xenos, Nanotrasen decides to show their 'delegation' on the station 'to evacuate command' -- which, by the way, they also cut the contracts of, so that's totally a lie "protecting command" .. sure .. 


    The AI, seeing the threat, the enemy who abandoned not only the crew, but also the AI itself and all its borgs, and not to mention the gem of a station that is the NSS Cyberiad, decides to do one thing: Make peace with the nations, rally them together under the banner of the Cyberiad, to purge the station of the vile enemy that is Nanotrasen. The so called  'ERT' was quickly disposed of, with minor casualties. The nations rejoiced over their small victory. So did the AI, not knowing that the decision to unite the nations against Nanotrasen would eventually lead to its own demise. Nanotrasen responded to the Purge by sending a real Death Squad, full fledged and geared-up Death Commandos, to try and 'solve' the situation. Turns out they went straight to the AI core. How could they not, seeing as the AI was the one to rally the nations against them?


    The AI would be destroyed, but it was for the greater good, or so everyone thought. The Death Commandos failed to eliminate everyone but ... they DID leave an armed nuclear device on the station. And so came an end to the Cyberian Resistance, led by the AI, backed by all the nations who stood united for a short while, where they otherwise would stand against eachother. .



    Except from: The Nanotrasen Economic Crisis and the Cyberian resistance


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