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Posts posted by EvadableMoxie

  1. Science and Supply via mining are the only departments that makes money. They are the reason the station exists, everything else is there to support them.  Of the two, science makes a lot more via research.  Mining brings in the materials but Science is the department that turns them into practical things.

    Sure other departments could make some side scratch, like botany could sell extra products, but it's not the purpose of the station and generally there would be cheaper ways. It's probably cheaper to grow the food you need to feed your workers on station, but it's probably not viable economically to mass produce for sale that way.

    Different departments don't need to be economically independent, that's not really how the station works or is meant to work. Most departments don't create products, they exist to serve the people living on the station. 

    • Like 1
  2. 5 hours ago, Mikierpg said:


    This last one is an item that you can get but I'm wondering why you would get it: Raw Tcrystal. I mean why would you grab one of these? do they do anything maybe like BS crystals? Seems like a weirdly useless class S contraband to me.


    Traitors can turn their TC in their uplink into raw telecrystals, which can then be traded to other traitors.  This lets them pool TC or trade TC for favors for objectives. 

  3. I don't really have a problem with AIs being free to doomsday regardless of objectives.  The doomsday is much different than a crew member with Hijack.  Both doomsday and releasing the engine end the round.  Releasing the engine is easy and almost impossible to stop unless you get really lucky whereas a doomsday takes awhile to build up and alerts the crew.  The crew has a ton of different options for dealing with a malf AI, it's actually incredibly difficult to successfully doomsday a competent crew with competent command, whereas it's trivial for a traitor with hijack to release the engine.

    • Like 2
  4. Adds peacekeeper borgs.

    ....Oh wait.



    • Like 1
  5. It looks a container of Duke purple tea has a 20% chance of having 3 units of mugwort tea in addition to the actual tea:

    	name = "Duke Purple Tea"
    	desc = "An insult to Duke Purple is an insult to the Space Queen! Any proper gentleman will fight you, if you sully this tea."
    	icon_state = "teacup"
    	item_state = "coffee"
    	list_reagents = list("tea" = 30)
    		reagents.add_reagent("mugwort", 3)

    Tea reagent 'tea' does heal 1 toxin damage on a 20% chance per tick:

    	name = "
    	id = "tea"
    	description = "Tasty black tea: It has antioxidants. It's good for you!"
    	color = "#101000" // rgb: 16, 16, 0
    	nutriment_factor = 0
    	adj_dizzy = -2
    	adj_drowsy = -1
    	adj_sleepy = -3
    	adj_temp_hot = 20
    	drink_icon = "glass_brown"
    	drink_name = "Glass of Tea"
    	drink_desc = "A glass of hot tea. Perhaps a cup with a handle would have been smarter?"
    	taste_message = "tea"

    Looks like I missed the other effects, though. 

  6. Noted, thanks.

    That cell charger change is mildly annoying, going to have to move it back to the cryo tubes every round. Not sure why they'd change that. Especially weird since they just added one to that location on Meta. 


    Encyclopedia Medicina


    When I first started playing SS13 the first job I picked up was medical doctor.  Over the years I code dived to learn more about the profession and recording my findings.  I eventually moved on from medical, but the notes remained.  I've reformatted all the data I've mined from looking at the code and placed it into Encyclopedia format, along with my own experiences and advice in medical.

    Because the info was extracted over a period of a few years some info might not still be accurate although I've tried to go back and update everything.  If there is anything you know for sure is inaccurate please let me know.  I've tried to stick mostly to facts and not opinions although a but of editorializing was necessary.  If you disagree with anything herein feel free to reply and give your reasons respectfully.  If anything is inaccurate or incomplete please let me know so a correction can be made.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 4
    • clown 1
    • explodyparrot 1
  8. I have a very different perspective of that round.  

    The AI brought attention to the TK by making a big announcement stating 'NO ONE GO TO GENETICS'  Before this I had no idea what was going on and would not have if the AI hadn't pointed it out.  Telling everyone 'Don't do X' is pretty much the best way to make them 'Do X,' although personally I just saw Ethos and Squishy having fun with it and wanted to join them.

    I was arrested for the break in since I hung around too long hoping to make a second injector.  I was told I'd be charged with 'having illegal powers' which I pointed out was not a crime and security kind of just left me in processing.  The HoS came in and asked why I was arrested, and I told him honestly I committed trespass and resisting arrest and should have 10 minutes. The HoS then left me alone with the clown who uncuffed me.  Security left me my tools so I hacked the door to maintenance so the clown could leave, then returned to my seat as the HoS came back in. He initially said he was going to charge me for escaping but either I talked him out of it or he got bored and he just left again.

    While in the brig I found out the chaplain had refused to make Holy Water for sec as they felt sec should let people keep powers. 

    Eventually another officer came back and charged me. After my sentence was up, I left the brig, still having TK as no one in sec bothered to remove it.  I went to try to talk to the Chaplain to ask him to reconsider his stance and give sec holy water.  At this point sec said they're going to just start killing cultists since they have no holywater and can't deconvert them, a idea that the crewismov AI apparently agreed with. This of course got the crew even more upset, and rightly so, as cultists are innocent brainwashed crew members. I pointed out to sec that Holy Water isn't impossible to make without the Chaplain and even told them it's just Water, Wine, and Mercury, they can mix it themselves.  No one in security bothered to.  After sec tried to remove my powers I slipped them and hid in maintenance for a bit.

    After that I talked to the Chaplain and tried to get him to give sec holy water, pointing out that I think things had gone too far and despite security being not all that great, people could get killed here and this is a bit much.  He still refused so I went to the bar and got a bottle of wine, then broke into MedChem.  I made 3 beakers of 90 u of holy water and delivered them to the brig, along with a coffee mug for them to use.

    At this point the TK explorers wanted to leave the station which I was totally down for.  The CE was handing out suits so I grabbed one and joined them, and we zoomed through space in a locker screaming lyrics to Running in the 90s.  We hit the white ship and hung out there for a bit before we got the control board and flew it back to the station.  I left the ship, hopped on the shuttle when it arrived, and left.  Throughout the whole round I used TK maybe 3 or 4 times.  I never used it to escape security, the only thing I used for that was water spray.

    As near as I can tell, the cult was never a major threat, the round ended without a summon attempt and with no cultists active.

    The problem that round really wasn't crew having TK, it was security and the AI being terrible. Part of the things they did were forgivable. Part of them really wasn't.  Mistakes in how to handle a situation are one thing, but a crewismov AI and security thinking it's okay to just kill captured cultists is something that shouldn't happen. You're expected to know certain things when you play sec or AI.

    Anyway: here is how a competent security team should have handled that round.

    1: Don't draw attention to the fact that rogue genetic powers are up for grabs in the first place.  Let security know and take care of it privately.  Don't leave a monkey with TK sitting in genetics to make it easy for anyone to break in and steal it. This is a classic mistake of an AI inserting themselves into a situation they don't need to be involved in.  The AI's announcement about staying out of genetics made people flock to it.  I don't even know why a crewismov AI cared in the first place. 

    2: Don't make a public ultimatum to the crew. Announcements to the crew saying 'DON'T DO X OR I'LL SPANK YOU' Only encourage crew to do X. This is something we've seen time and time again. Remember Sportsball? All of that because the Captain said baseball bats weren't allowed.  Don't do this. Ignorance of Space Law isn't an excuse so if the law is on your side, no public announcement is needed.  

    3: If you are going to depower people, do it the right way.  Until I left the station towards the end of the round, I never had a hardsuit, and a syringe gun with mutadone would have easily depowered me.  Additionally, I was in security custody for over 20 minutes and could have easily been fed Mutadone. The HoP and Captain also never bothered demoting the Chaplain for refusing to assist security or for keeping a stash of TK injectors. 

    4: Be proactive to solve problems rather than just giving up.  Yea, it sucked the Chaplain wouldn't give security holy water, but there are rounds where it happens. Sometimes the Chaplain is killed, sometimes they go SSD, sometimes they mass driver themselves 5 minutes into the round.  Holy Water is not some rare and unobtainable thing.  I'm sure the CMO or RD would have made them some if they asked. Worse case scenario, you Law 2 the AI to let you into sci or medchem and you make Holy Water. This is honestly good advice for SS13 in general.  Be someone who solves problems, not someone who complains about them and does nothing.

    5: Don't rile the crew up even more by not only disregarding space law but then stating publicly exactly how you've decided to disregard it.  Saying they were going to start executing cultists only further united the crew against them and removed any remaining respect for security the crew might have had.


    I'm not going to argue that people with genetic powers can be shitters, nor that there was no abuse of TK that round.  But the round went to shit due to a combination of that and Security and the AI massively mishandling the situation in more or less the worst possible way they could have.  There is far more to be learned from that round regarding the mistakes security made than any issues with space law or SoP, and I say that as someone who supports the idea of a specific law regarding genetic powers. 


    • Like 3
  9. I don't see how simply having powers is automatically a workplace hazard.  You have to actually commit crimes to commit crimes.

    You're right the charges will stick because you can use force to make them stick but if your argument comes down to "It'll work because I have a taser and they don't" then at that point law and SoP don't matter anyway. You might as well just say you've decided you're above the law and can do whatever you want.

  10. 2 hours ago, tzo said:

    As pt. 4 says, powers cannot be granted to non-command staff without the express permission of the Research Director.

    If a geneticist gives out powers without the RD's permission, they should be demoted for this, and the RD/CMO should see to it that everyone who got unauthorized powers is stripped of them.


    Yes, that's SoP. The OP wants it to be illegal under Space Law. 

    The OP has a point that people aren't supposed to have powers unless authorized but the problem is security doesn't have a law on the books that lets them strip the powers until they're used to commit a crime.  This creates a bizarre scenario where what should be security's job is suddenly expected to be done by the CMO and RD who are really not the people who should be chasing down and subduing fellow crew members. 

    That said, I'd be more in favor of removing the responsibility from the RD/CMO and otherwise keeping the situation as is, which is what happens in practice anyway.  The RD/CMO can fire whoever gave out the powers, but can't do much to those who got them (unless they happen to be in Medical/Science).   But, if the person with powers uses them to commit a crime (including the catch-all 'workplace hazard') then security can arrest them and forcibly remove their powers.

  11. On 9/30/2018 at 5:47 PM, GutTC said:

    you start reading the book "How to No-Hulk professionally 101" carefully

    Step one: Syringe of Ether.

    Step two: Syringe Gun.

    Step three: Clean SE.

    Step Four: Cable cuff.

    Step Five: Confront Hulk.

    Step Six: Shoot the Syringe gun with Syringe of Ether loaded.

    Step Seven: Step Five again.

    Step Eight: Apply clean SE on the neutralized Hulk.

    Step Nine:  Apply Cable cuffs.

    Step Ten: Drag them here.


    Or you can cut out a lot of steps by just putting any amount of Mutadone in the syringe.

    • honk 1
  12. 12 hours ago, Sampaiii said:


    you can indeed transplant vox lungs to be able to breathe nitrogen, likewise for giving a vox human lungs so they can breathe oxygen, the air they breathe is attached to the organ and not the species

    same goes for plasmamen, who have a plasma filter in place of lungs 

    Interesting, although for Plasmamen I assume they still burst into flames without the suit?

    Also, I wonder about the legality as Brig Phys of transplanting shitter Vox with human lungs and then taking away their tank. 

  13. I play AI a good bit as A.N.G.E.L and I think AI is a huge responsibility. It's a role that can have a huge impact on how fun the round is for a lot of people. A bad AI that tries to interpose itself into everything is just suffocating and makes everyone miserable.  You can argue an AI is just following it's laws, but the fact is the AI has a lot of leeway in how it interprets it's laws. A valid hunting AI is choosing to interpret their laws in that way, so 'it's my laws' isn't an excuse.  In short, knowing when NOT to intervene as an AI is just as important if not moreso then knowing when to. 

    As for crew vigilantes, I think a lot of this stems from game modes that are exclusive (in that they exclude people) rather an inclusive (as in they get people involved).

    For example, for all the shit Shadowlings get as a game mode, mostly rightly so, it's a very inclusive mode.  Botanists can help with glowshrooms, science can make gold slime cores, engineering can put down light tiles, medical dethralls, there's something for just about everyone to do if they want to get involved.  Contrast that with, say cult, where pretty much security and chaplain are the only ones who get to be involved at all. This makes people bored and they want to do things.  If there were more ways for people to get involved constructively, I think there would be less of their behavior. 

    • Like 3
  14. To answer the question regarding Kidneys: 

    If damage is 10 or higher and coffee is in the subject’s system, they take 0.1 toxin damage per tick. If damage is 30 or higher and coffee is in the subject’s system, they take 0.3 toxin damage per tick.

    Livers are similar but affected by more reagents. Specifically: Ethanol, toxin, plasma, sulfuric acid, fluorosulfuric Acid, cyanide, amanitin, or carpotoxin. It's all done on the same check so if you have multiple types of those reagents you still only take 0.3 toxin per tick. 

    To quote the notes in the code:

    // This should probably be expanded in some way, but fucked if I know

  15. 1 hour ago, Kryson said:

    Can you give people chainsaw arms on paracode? If so, which other items can you attach as arms?

    I don't believe so.  The Chaplain can do it but that's about it.

    1 hour ago, Kryson said:

    I assume vox pressure immunity is not derived from any vox specific organ? Otherwise it would make an amazing transplant target. Although having vox lungs transplanted so that you can scream about voxygen when brigged might be amusing enough for me to try it.

    That is correct, the only unique Vox organ is the cortical stack which doesn't actually do anything mechanically.

    2 hours ago, Kryson said:

    What does the xenomorph organs actually do, and how do you extract them? Sometimes you see a dead xenobiology xeno that would be a good target for this type of surgery.

    You have to do surgery on them, I believe, or just use surgical tools on them. I'm not sure if you can use Xenobiology Xenos or have to have real ones.   I know there is an organ to let you acid spit and another that lets you hear the Xeno hivemind, not sure about any others.

  16. I hate it when Nukies just blitz the disk in stealth because if they are competent there is no way 2-3 sec armed with tasers because it's green alert is going to stop even one d-sword elite hard-suit nukie on adrenals.  It's an absolute waste of time for everyone involved.

    That said, just because nukies don't war dec doesn't mean they always Blitz, and there is something to be said for the sudden "Oh fuck" factor of nukies charging the bridge.  The problem is it's only fun when the nukies are bad and decide to randomly murderbone the crew, giving the Captain and security time to regroup.

    I think I like Anticept's idea of splitting it into two modes the best.  It gives us both stealth and loud but lets us better control the situation and gear, so stealth nukies get stealth equipment instead of blitz equipment.  

    The problem is that SIT would have to be handled very carefully, lest it become something no one cares about.  What I mean is an SIT should be a pretty big deal, not something where the round ends with a crew transfer and at the end game screen everyone goes "Oh, there was an SIT?" because none of the goals actually impacted anyone.   SIT goals should be things that the crew is going to feel, not just "Steal the hand teleporter." Admins have run space pirate or SIT events before and generally it's pretty boring for everyone but the SIT when the SIT is good and doesn't get caught because no one really much cares if some items go missing. That's a problem that will need to be fixed.

  17. 42 minutes ago, Kryson said:

    Are all the security implants(mindshield, tracking and chemical) cranial implants?

    No, all implants which are injected via an injector are in the chest, regardless of where the person who injected it was aiming. Location doesn't really matter for these implants, but removing them is always done by targeting the chest.

    42 minutes ago, Kryson said:

    How do you actually put implants into the implant cases and implanters created in the protolathe?

    Injected implants come already in a case when printed or spawned.  If you have an implant already inside someone you need to do Implant removal surgery with an empty case in your off-hand.  These implants can never exist on their own outside of a case. 

    42 minutes ago, Kryson said:

    Can you put vulpakanin eyeballs into a human in order to provide them with dark sight and flash vulnerability? Is there any other playable races will similarly interesting organs(Can you put vox lungs into a human, for example)?

    I'm fairly certain you can transplant Vulp eyes.  I'm fairly certain Vox lungs are just lungs and it's the species type that decides oxygen is poison, but I'm not 100% on that.  Plasmamen have a plasma filter instead of lungs, it might be possible to transplant that, I'm not sure.  Slimes can chop off limbs and regrow them to create limbs for transplantation.  If you have a slime limb you can squish, even if you aren't a slime person.

    42 minutes ago, Kryson said:

    If i transplant the hand from a Tarja to a human, will it give them sharp unarmed damage(i suspect that this does not work)?

    I've never tried. Maybe!

    42 minutes ago, Kryson said:

    Is  hivelord remains the only transplantable NPC mob organ that provides some effect or benefit for the receiver?

    There are some others, such as Xeno organs. They are fairly rare for obvious reasons. Some of the fleshy masses the abductors replace a heart with are purely beneficial, but most are bad.

    • Thanks 1
  18. Karma isn't something we can program a computer to handle. If there are actions you can take to get karma then powergamers will find a way to optimize it, leading to the exact type of behavior we're trying to avoid, and reducing the benefit of the type of behavior we're trying to reward.

    Karma is not a perfect system, but it's not one we can improve via automation. 

    • Like 1
  19. I'm not saying this isn't a good idea but I don't really feel it's required per se.

    For broken bones, a standard analyzer will tell you if a limb is broken, so that only leaves head, torso and lower body as locations that aren't specifically listed.  The patient will generally know since moving around will produce a message.  You can also tell by how much brute damage they have and where.

    For internal bleeding, you likewise look at areas with high amounts of brute damage.  Then you try starting surgery on those areas.  If the internal bleeding option comes up, you found it.  If not, cancel the surgery and try another location.

    I don't think toxin damage or whatever is needed.  If it's a code red ERT and above item I don't see a need to balance it, we aren't talking about printing these from RnD. 

  20. There is no such thing as Grand Breaking and entering.  It would be Major Trespass which is up to 15 minutes.  If we throw in Theft that's up to another 15, still half what you'd need to perma someone.  They'll probably resist arrest, that's another 5.  And if we throw +25% at them for not cooperating that's 43 minutes and 45 seconds, still not enough for perma. 

    • Like 1
  21. Salicylic acid is coded to have a 'shock reduction' value of 25 and then to set a 'shock' variable to 0 if that variable is under 100.  I don't really know how 'shock' is calculated. Just from my own experience I know that after recovering from critical damage sometimes you're still slowed, and taking Salicylic acid gets rid of that slowdown.

    2 hours ago, TheClosetMailman said:

    This thread alone has motivated me to ask the brig phys for a pill bottle of salicylic acid every time i`m on warden duty.

    I barely knew half of those effects

    MedChem basically never makes it There's a pill bottle of it that spawns in Medical that the Brig Phys might be able to swipe for you.  Otherwise, you can find a pill of it in Brute and Burn kits and carry a couple around.  You can also try to ask for Hydrocodone, which is far more likely to be made by MedChem and lets you ignore pain completely. Surgeons often carry it to speed up surgery as you can just inject someone with it and then do surgery on them while they're awake.

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