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Posts posted by ConfectionCore

  1. You've just had your 21st birthday. After a night of heavy drinking, you alight the shuttle bound for the NSS Cyberiad, head pounding.

    All hands on deck. Welcome Captain Greytide McToolbox.

    You drop everything you've been given for your captaincy in the arrivals shuttle- yes, even your Captain's Pants(tm), and grab a crowbar. Time to get to work...

  2. aaaa.png.8c819e0a99f0b8563e97ddb0dc5c5a9c.png

    Byond 512 used to randomly make characters naked. I used to wonder where my tail went


    And then I found it. Tailchairs when? *wag



    When observing, these messages aligned in a way that was incredibly satisfying


    Who do you think you are
    Running 'round leaving Skaars

    • fastparrot 1
  3. Honesty is a good start to righting wrongs, and more often than not, what makes a person isn't their mistakes, but how they're willing to go about fixing them. It gives you credit that you're willing to mature, look past wrongs in the face and grow and learn.

    Acknowledging that a line of thought that felt beneficial to you was ultimately unhelpful is hard, but in the end, it'll be worth it. For you, and for others. I look forward to seeing you around.

  4. Well, ya kinda said it yourself- if you used that knowledge, it would have been metagaming.

    I'd say that little circle of vision exists to provide players who are asleep for an extended time (surgery, etc) a view into the game, so they don't get bored. A nice medium between 'your character is knocked out so you can't see anything no matter what' and letting the whole screen be visible. There's always quality control, bringing the hammer down on people who metagame stuff they see while they were supposed to be knocked out, if that's the problem, and besides, who's going to believe a dude who springs up out of a sound sleep and yells "HEY, I SAW (XYZ) JUST NOW!"

    Is your concern the immersion quality? Hearing stuff and seeing that little circle? Perhaps think of it as the way you slip in and out of sleep, and catch little glimpses of what's around you, but don't really recall it afterwards? Really, I just see it as being for the player's sake, but that could be your IC inbetween, or something of the sort

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