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Posts posted by ConfectionCore

  1. Personally, I really enjoy building the BSA when the chance rolls around. The shield is tiresome, but doable, and the DNA vault usually feels all but impossible unless an engineer is relegated to botany, which isn't something an engineer  should be doing, so... if anything, maybe a DNA vault rework would make it more enjoyable for engineers? 

  2. Botanists who don't give two shits about the chef. Either they spawn in, forget botany exists and make their merry way off to greytide with their botany tools, or they DO know how to botany, and decide that weed is ever so much more important than feeding the station,  despite my repeated pleas for even just low yield wheat.

    I'll lay down my life for good botanists I kid you not.

    • Like 2
  3. I'm not a big fan on putting obvious curves on the female (having male and female look bodily alike is one of those subtle things that make it stand apart a little more from the human race), but the other changes look fantastic. That subtle clarity is very pleasing to look at in a side to side comparison

  4. engineering: a tale of building stuff in space instead of actually, uh, doing my job

    first up, making a glass space case, then filling it with plasma for a plasmeme buddy:



    then, building stuff east of the engineering outpost because someone else was doing the same thing so clearly it must be the In Thing:




    • fastparrot 1
  5. after several shifts of being interrupted by shuttle calls, S.A.M. (pictured on the couch) finally managed to set up the DJ post as he wanted to, and it was hella fancy.


    the sec pod pilot dragged in the BODA for us, I helped bring stuff from the abandoned teleporter to set it up there, and SAM did the rest. also, I forgot that pAI's name, but they were adorable

    • Like 3
  6. gonna use my favourite IPC for this. 

    STRENGTH: 4/10; has no problem robusting spiders with a kitchen knife, for one, but up against even a slightly experienced sentient assailant, she's, uh, toast.
    PERCEPTION: 5/10. Not as silly as she comes across, but not incredibly perceptive.
    ENDURANCE: 3/10; despite being able to self repair, being a machine is not brute damage friendly. (On the other hand, this probably gains a few points if you count her ability to self repair and the fact that she's easy to repair back to full health in general.)
    CHARISMA: 8/10; this is her strong point. Charming, sweet, and full of cheer for everyone she meets.
    INTELLIGENCE: 5/10. Average. Only sometimes knows better.
    AGILITY: 4/10; whilst uninjured, can avoid an assailant for a slightly decent amount of time, but hit her so much as once and she's a sitting duck.
    LUCK: NT: 7/10; the kitchen is generally safe for a chef even in times of station-wide crisis, but even as an assistant, she escapes most situations somehow unscathed. SYNDICATE: 3/10; one of the most unrobust bots they've ever had the misfortune of contracting.

  7. As someone who enjoys playing mute characters, sign language as a secondary language addition would be a great thing to have - I'd like to see it added in favour of extending RP elements for mute and deaf characters (not mimes, obviously; that'd be a bad cop out). 

    If we implement it, so as for not pre-emptively punishing those who'd enjoy it for the sake of the shitters, it'd probably be best to just have a no nonsense policy regarding anyone who would abuse it despite knowing better. 

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