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Posts posted by Denthamos

  1. 15 hours ago, Miraviel said:

    The issue with this is that if someone joins midway-towards the end of the round, and only has the time to play one round, their "vote" becomes meaningless, because people two hours prior decided what the next map will be. Most of those people are unlikely to play what they voted for as well, as, while we have people playing ss13 all day, I think most people only play one round a day.

    Having the map vote occur after the escape shuttle launched is a better compromise I think, most people just spam *spin on their escape pods and do nothing until they arrive at CC anyhow (when they can finally do EORG).

    I mean like, the initial popup at round start for people to begin voting.  Then at round end you could still add your vote in before it actually finalizes the choice?

  2. 29 minutes ago, ArcZelf said:

    While we're on the toping of voting in the more recent replies,


    How about changing it so that the map voting phase begins when the shuttle launches?

    Personally, I forget to map vote at the end of the round because I'm too busy running for my life  or murdering others due to EORG.


    Heck I would say have the vote take place at round start while everyone is waiting there at the lobby.  They have nothing better to do than wait for the round to start, maybe more might do it while they are waiting.

    • Like 1
  3. Siding with Neca on this.  The issue is primarily with the vast majority of people just not even bothering to vote because they do not care, forget about it, or think their vote would do nothing.  Removing the choice entirely from the players and forcing something down their throats is not a good path forward in regards to something which effects every single round.

    From a few days ago, heres when I reminded people to vote in an announcement at round end and surprise surprise


    Delta won the roll.  What is telling about this though is that this is a total of 21 votes when the server had around 80+ people in it at the time on the hub listing.  I cannot sign off on removing the choice from the playerbase as they are the ones who are playing it every round.

  4. Here are some shennagains captured of the players in their natural habitat.



    Yes, the image below is security capturing a changeling and keeping it contained for the entire round.




    • Like 3
  5. Here are some events I give to the crew for them to do during slow rounds, or something to keep things interesting.  This line of things will be the build your own shuttle events I run.


    Had to crew fix up the white ship a few times in the past as an event after docking it at the station.





    I also have the crew build their own shuttles in order to leave the station.








    • Like 4
  6. So, prepare yourselves.  Because here comes Grandpa's dump of screenshots and gifs from over the years.

    Starting with the gifs

    First thing I did getting admin.  Stuck ghosts into the ponies at the lobby screen and made them dance.


    Quiet round with nothing going on.  Decided to frighten the engineers.




    And the days of Fastmos which some of you were not around for.


    Next comes player driven events.

    • Like 3
  7. Given no response back and the previous response, filing this complain under resolved and closing.


    :edit: Forgot to put here that this was closed with Neca's approval since the complaint was resolved and the player had no further questions/input on the topic.

  8. So, going to clarify on the situation a bit as there was some confusion with the notes.

    With the bans that were placed upon you for the jobbans they were spread out by job and not a command wide ban in a single note.   This led to you having a large amount of notes when really you should of only had two with them being your previous full permaban and your command wide jobban.

    Sorry if this created some confusion with when I was talking to you.


    Now on to notes we write down that people are not notified for.  Sometimes when we write down notes on players its maybe something that was noticed after we log dived from a previous round and the player is no longer in the server, the player logged out after we were investigating something, or maybe even its just a heads up to other admins regarding the behavior of a player and their actions.  Some notes may even be a note of good conduct.

  9. @Medi Keep in mind that block and reflection are two completely different stats and that ALL shields and some weapons have a chance for blocking bullets/lasers.  Only energy shields and double energy swords have the laser reflection tied to them instead of block.  So by doing what you propose that would mean you are nerfing both its melee block % chance and its bullet block % chance.

  10. Honestly, we could just take TG's double eswords with how they handled it which works very well.  You still have the same reflection chance for energy projectiles, but it no longer has any melee block chance, however it has in exchange a low reflection on physical bullets.


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