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Fox McCloud

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Everything posted by Fox McCloud

  1. A big big part of the problem is how emags impacts doors, currently; the literally break the doors and make people have to repair them---it also leads to the stupid welding tool+emag = only RCD can remove it. Once reworked it'll function more like a door being actually hacked (and the lame emag+weld strat will be hugely nerfed) The emag was always meant to be and was unlimited until Bay brought along its limited use mechanic for some reason; likely something to do with roleplay (especially since TG and Goon are both good at powergaming smashing and Bay...isn't). It allows nuke ops to actually get to places they need without spending a good portion of their TC on C4 and it allows for traitors to also be able to break into the places they need to go; a chaplain is not going to accomplish a "steal the Head of Security's Jumpsuit" without an emag that has quite a few uses (or buying multiple ones and having no TC to spend on anything else) .
  2. This isn't his job; his job is to investigate crimes and report on them TO security for them to deal with it; he's not meant to identify, arrest, track down, and otherwise validhunt suspects--he's there to gather evidence---that's why he has a telebaton instead of a stun baton and a revolver instead of a taser (which stuns for less time and is more difficult to "recharge"). Detective is a supportive role, like chemist--not a catch-all (that's HoS!) You're quite literally the first person to ever complain about it--I talked with players for porting over TG's detective system and they generally liked the idea of the new styled scanner; once it was fully ported over, it got nothing but positive feedback for being so much easier to use, less confusing, and more intuitive (plus the range boost was universally loved). TG used to use the same exact code as Bay did for their forensics scanners--but TG went with a easier to use and more streamlined system. There IS less console organization with the current scanner (more printing out papers and putting data points together yourself), but aside from that it's generally a better experience for most players.
  3. Anyone else want to take a crack at this or, Nien, are you willing to continue work on this? Would still like to resolve this so it's not a sore spot between communities.
  4. Cue the rise of the egotistical (but hyper intelligent) asshole in medbay who asks for Hydrocodone every single round.
  5. This pretty much negates the point of a lock to begin with.
  6. wait so what are skrell good at? can you give me a full list of advantages and disadvantages please, so I can update the wiki. They get drunk quickly. That's it.
  7. They're just as weak to viruses as everyone else, and they appear on every viruses' species list by default.
  8. please know that the grones soda has RnG, instead of spaceacillin it can be mercury, lithium, atropine or charcoal...maybe more Yeah, Grones Soda comes in ~10 different flavors.
  9. I suspected utilizing Venom would 'cause things to get messy quickly. Oops.
  10. Absolutely not, especially with the tide strongly in favor of re-adding near total damage immunity to IPCs. Yes, they can't self-heal---but humans don't exactly have an easy time of this either unless they have chemistry access. Any IPC could self-heal if this wasn't a limitation, as wire and welders are universally available to literally everyone.
  11. Not to mention mechs are one of the very few ways to accomplish hijack objectives while the shuttle is actually in-flight.
  12. There's a distinctive difference between switching out bulbs manually with your hands and having an a device that does it for you on the fly.
  13. This is also another valid point; if Syndi's literally speed-purchase things and bum-rush the bridge at the very start of the shift, there's not a whole lot anyone can do about it---though it's investing a lot of resources into a plan that could also potentially blow up in their face.
  14. Additional storage capacity should come at a premium---in this case in the form of engineering duffelbags, of which every engineer has access to.
  15. Janitor is already encroached upon enough by the janiborg, already--he doesn't need another module to whack him up side the head. This additionally means one module (engineering) is encroaching on another module (janitorial).
  16. Lemme get out my microscope.... In all seriousness though, it's hard to judge a sprite that's super tiny like that--can't really make a judgement at that size, I'm afraid.
  17. Not a fan of the chem dispenser or the fungus.
  18. lings not taking fire damage. Welcome to clever chemist lings with fleshmend literally never dying unless they're gibbed.
  19. Probably wouldn't be a half bad idea--sprite would have to be done just right or else it'll look really chinsy.
  20. And on the opposite end of the spectrum, it's just as frustrating and annoying that Nukes show up on the station and everything instantly gets bolted+shocked and the nukies can only advance at a snails pace because literally every single lawset fully allows it against nuke ops. It's a no win situation no matter what is done--but I'd rather error on the side of maximizing enjoyment of the mode for the most amount of players possible over a single role. I'm not saying it's perfect, by any stretch, but the alternative is just a bout as bad--if not worse.
  21. ZAS induces far more lag than LINDA could ever hope to.
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