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Fox McCloud

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Everything posted by Fox McCloud

  1. Interesting, in theory....but.. Our organ code+bay's literal shit surgery code+that---oh gosh, I pity the coder who would attempt to port this.
  2. pretty much the same as Regens "cut out someone's tongue" idea and suggestion---not particularly fond of it, to be honest.
  3. Sorry. No, introducing randomness for the sake of making something more "difficult" or take longer is about the worst way to make something harder--it just introduces frustration and time consumption with no other reason than to do so. There's also really no reason for it mechanically or from a realism standpoint...having black powder ignite at -23K one shift and 0K the next would not only be retarded, but also induce HUGE amounts of frustration to players (and admins)---"oops, I just caused a max size explosion because it rolled for 0K black powder this shift.." The purpose of scientists experimenting with chemistry is to test out reagents as they already exist---not to test out how to get those reagents. The vast bulk of Goonchem is largely the same; with the exception of a veryyyyyy small subset of chems, most of the recipes are posted and publicly available---most "wombo combo's" don't even involve secret chems; it's just run of the mill stuff that usually ends up being the most deadly. Gameplay mechanics aside--from a realism standpoint...random activation temperatures make literally no sense what-so-ever; you don't wake up one day and the freezing point of water is suddenly 95C and the next it's -1000C.
  4. Give the mode a chance to be played first instead of theorycrafting it to death; while concerns are warranted, this isn't a single gear being turned to change something (like say instant stuns, dismemberment, etc), it's a machine with a lot of interlocking gears--literally no one knows how they play out yet--not to mention that this is understood to be a WIP. I will say this though, calling it a "marginal" improvement over Rev's conversion method is hilariously laughable. Revs convert with a single click and it can be done in the hall on, on the fly, and you're instantly in their control; no resource cost, not cooldown, no time to convert----it's just bam, done. It takes time and there's a cooldown for shadowlings--to even REMOTELY compare it to lolflash is a torture of logic. It requires 10 cultists to summon Nar-Sie--and that's debatably worse than dealing with an ascended shadowling---not to mention every single cultist has a lot of powers at their disposal where as enthralls are literally just regular people.
  5. No. Ok, I'm kidding. It could be interesting; I"ll have to look into it--I fully admit most of my energies and time have been focused on refining and polishing Goonchem to an absolute shine.
  6. My larger point was there's a lot of "pointless" things in SS13--some are there for gimmicks, some for gags, others to relieve stress, and others yet, fun--suiciding generally falls in multiple places here: a lot of suicides with particular items are deliberately melodramatic, unrealistic, and intentionally hilarious "John McPubbie stamps his head with 'DENIED' and promptly falls dead!") . I don't speak for them, but I'm familiar enough with our policy and the general server direction that I feel confident to speak about this matter. The chance of suicide being bannable is quite low. It's not explicitly stated anywhere is why; IAA is largely an RP job, so they're going to ding people for not following things to a T because they have nothing--mechanically, to do, IC--ie cargo techs ordering stuff for themselves that isn't illegal (like pizza) may not be punishable by space law or against the server rules, but it's still technically something they could pursue if they really wanted to.
  7. That's already the case; same with medical staff--if you're chopping your head off in medbay lobby the doctors are under NO obligation to treat you. Security DOES have to treat you from any harm they may have done or encountered that's not self-inflicted, however. And it's not going to be; this isn't something that's ever really been brought up as a "problem", and you're literally the first person in over 8 months to be appalled/disgusted/dislike the rule. If they're attacking other people in their quest to achieve peace with the universe, then that IS something you can report for---but ending their own life? Again, sorry, no. The doctors can refuse to treat them, they CAN be taken to the morgue when they are finally dead, etc. The lengthy suicides can be dealt with ICly--but that's not what you originally brought up (you specifically mentioned lightbulbs, glass shards, and Bible gibbings). The point is it gives players a way to relieve stress, exit the game, or otherwise inflict harm without breaking the server rules. You're also conflating two separate issues here; if people are attacking the people trying to heal them (beyond disarming), then that IS an issue that can be reported (the attacking). Those who just attack themselves to be attacking themselves (for whatever reason) and don't hurt others? That's more than fine. What's the point of end of round grief? It serves no purpose, creates havoc, chaos, etc----and ICly--it doesn't really have a purpose and IS completely illogical. It's meant as a a fun little way to relieve stress and let some players have an outlet for more violent behaviors legitimately. Probably because you're literally the only person to ever complain about this in over 8 months and no one explicitly takes issue with it. The few times it came up prior to that it was mostly security being upset about people "evading sentences" rather than the cleanup of the suicide itself.
  8. Armor already mitigates both taser and disabler shots, just putting that out there. And yeah, combat really isn't that RNG--hand to hand combat is, but if you're engaging in hand to hand, you're willingly going into a fight with the full knowledge that it's less effective than toolboxing/null rodding/knifing/etc someone....it's a very very small subset of combat in SS13.
  9. Forcing someone to exit the round (or stay in the room they're in forever) isn't much better--not to mention they could/can/will just come back and do the same thing they originally were going to do if they're bound and determined to do it. Insanity with self-harm is completely allowed here--if it results in self-harm, that's fine--it's when you start attacking other players that the issue comes in. Under this same logic, someone who's drunk could be put under this same category because it's "awful to watch" and there's virtually no way of preventing them from engaging in it as well--likewise with emoting vaguely mean things--the list goes on. All of these have been and will be continued to be acceptable here---even if your view is that we're now "light RP" these were still allowed back in the day when we were medium RP and even when we were modeate-heavy RP when we *very* first started. Again, if the idea/concept of suicide personally bothers you, or you don't like it, I more than understand, but from a rule-based perspective, it's 100% FULLY legal/within the rules and has almost always been. Some people don't like clowns or , and that's fine, but within the context of server rules... No,i t doesn't. They're killing themselves, and you can deliver them to the morgue or chaplain--just like you deliver people to cryodorms who go SSD. No one's round is ruined, no one is hurt, no one is insulted, no one is damaging the station, etc--they're ending their own life; if that bothers you on some personal, that's fine, but it's not something we've banned for in the past, and aside from a summer stint, we haven't banned prisoners for either---if people want to do it, they're free to do so, but they're most definitely NOT griefing.
  10. And the same can be done with suicide; autopsy reports will make it quite clear how they died and at what time--not to mention that sec officers generally aren't known for beating players to death (and if they do, that's an administrative matter, not really an IC one that player should be handling). If players want to end their life spectacularly instead of going SSD, there's really no problem with this--going SSD is just as "bad" as committing suicide; they're abruptly removing themselves from the round---both create additional "work" for the players that are still in the game, and both have clearly defined paths of what to do (morgue/cryodorms). Yes, especially the clever traitors who will eventually come to abuse this; just hide some of your stuff beforehand, and if you get caught, then just cryo, come back, grab your old gear and pick up where you left off. Don't underestimate the cleverness of players. We're not Bay, we never will be--this isn't a heavy RP server. As such, we have to design certain experiences to be a bit different because if it can be abused it will be abused. Attempted suicide = permabrig? Sorry, no.
  11. Problem with this is people will specifically use cyrodorms as a way to cap sentences to 15 minutes. Got brigged for longer than 15 minutes? No problem; just cryodorm yourself and respawn as something else--especially if you're Pubbie McAssistant.
  12. Who the hell is that? Long time player---at one time known for picking some new creative suicide method every single shift. Her flavortext, for a while, was "She is susceptible to suicide"
  13. Most of our wiki was wholesale copy-pasted from Bay, which is why some things are worded the way they are--in any event, it's been removed. In either event, I still don't content killing yourself with a bulb, the Bible, or any other form is "grief" or "being an asshole"---"suicide by security" (ie: forcing them to kill you because of how hostile you are)? Yeah, that's griefing, but gibbing yourself/holding your breath, or burn your hands off with a light is just another way of taking yourself out of the round---again--if it's command staff doing this, report them as they ARE held to a higher standard--if not, then that's their own choice. I'd also rather not set the precedent for "well, he's killing himself, he's a traitor", as well, since that'll end up being the only people who are allowed to do it under a "suicide is bannable" regime. Just leave the Alissa Bennet's of the station alone =p
  14. Heads of Staff shouldn't be doing this, but it's acceptable for other roles to do so. Prisoner's suiciding when caught has never been codified, officially, in the rule; it was enforced by a few admins a while back, but when Para first started up until May-June of 2014, it was perfectly allowed. Making suiciding "bannable" won't even resolve the issue--people will just go SSD instead--and if that becomes bannable, they'll just minimize SS13 and go do something else so it looks like they're there---there's really no way around it--as long as they're not breaking the server rules, I really don't see the big deal about prisoner's suiciding. I'd much rather see players kill themselves spectacularly (Bible gibbing will always be the absolute best) when bored than to grief the station/start going around beating people.
  15. I'd like to make a few sprite requests related to chemistry. I'll be adding reagent decals (scooping up of decals and getting reagents from them) soon enough---one of the ones that will be added is space fungus--brown fuzzy mold that will grow on space station walls----unfortunately, we don't have anything that really works for this.....and there's a few more effects I'd like sprited/animated): - Brown space fungus patches - An a small animated reaction for sorium that resembles waves of energy radiating outwards, quickly - A small animated reaction for liquid dark matter that resembles waves of energy sucking things inward, again quickly. Can't think of anything else at the moment---but it would be a big help!
  16. LRN2WZRD(LZRD) =p https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradis ... and.dm#L89 You can; it doesn't even care if you have any charges left; you can always heal yourself to full with a single zap. ...you can target yourself with the staff? Yeah; just make sure you're on harm intent.
  17. The staff of rejuvination and his mugwort tea already kinda fill this niche.
  18. This is similar to what I'll probably do--both sides are happy; those who want to hear it can, and those who don't won't have to put up with it; everyone wins.
  19. I have an idea for this that will remove the controversy and make both sides happy.
  20. ahh. I guess I was more leading into buzz/ping/beep/squish has the same CD and doesn't typically get used, non-stop--and slap out and out doesn't have a CD and usually doesn't get used as such (except for the rare occasional slap-fest).
  21. *slap Oh, for reference, this would have the same cooldown as buzz, ping, squish, etc.
  22. Ok, have a PR up: https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/737 To add the fart sound to the emote itself--this was added back in November for a few days--an admin at the time hated it so it was quickly removed. The Community's opinion was far less clear--a good portion were upset that it was removed, some didn't care one way or another, and some were happy to see it go. Either case, I'd love to hear your input and opinions on this being added---farting has undergone a lot of changes since then; hugging no longer makes others fart, and the only way to fart is if the emote is used intentionally---there's one exception: eating eggs has a small probability of making you fart. There's also a medical drug you can give people that out and out stops them from farting as well. This would have a cooldown just like Buzz, Beep, Ping, and Squish---you will NOT be able to use it constantly like *slap or other emotes. Feel free to post your opinions, comments, and feedback; I still consider this highly controversial and still in need of both community and admin input.
  23. Don't think it's a good idea to be karma locking a race that has always been freely available to the community since day 1 (and is this way on just about every other server that allows Tajarans to be played)---not to mention that the race is pretty close to just a reskinned human. This is akin to karama locking humans to encourage "human players" to play other races.
  24. Mentors are there to help players out with IC mechanics and game related questions, not how to interpret rules, if something is "valid" or "legit", etc--that's administrative. If it's rule related, then mentors aren't supposed to be a part of it--they're there to help players with how to play the game, mechanically, itself. This also allows us to be a bit more liberal with the hiring process since the threat of metabuddying or using admin powers to gain and advantage over players is virtually non-existent.
  25. The only counter is excessive beating? That doesn't even make any sense; stunbaton->cuff and they're done like any other instance. Also the fact you always wind up in the same spot whenever you get flushed is really only buying you time; you're still trapped in cargo once you flush yourself.
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