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Posts posted by McRamon

  1. Addiction can never be realistic in ss13. Even if we count our 2h shift as a  12h, nothing, not even hardest of drugs can develop.addiction in such a small period.

    Therefore, addiction here is only a game mechanic meant to counter combat wise strong drugs.

    My suggestions:

    1) drugs have perfect property irl which could be added in game as a counter measure: hangover. Outside of OD, if you take lets say meth, you also become slower after effect is gone, and most importantly, during the hangover period drugs are non effective.

    2) you cant get addicted from anything. To keep the forensic importance of the addiction, make this:scanned blood with forensic scanner will also tell chemical trails (only strong chemicals like drugs or poisons)

    3) keep addictions. Let them be added in character creation. They should not stun you or anything, just messages on screen. Also, you dont need meth each 5 minutes to fight addiction. 1-2 times a shift, so in order to fight it you dont have to work in meth lab and could instead buy 1 or 2 units. For cigs or coffee obviously you have a higher rate of consumption.

  2. My 2 cents:

    1) moving it to reachable space will create outpost/mechanic war each round. I dont think its good idea. Though having it on lavaland is also pointless. Not sure what to do about it, maybe surround it by field simmilar to syndicate space ruin, which can be deactivate/reactivated by syndies inside

    2) monkey cube dispenser

    3) firing range to test ballistic weapons 

    4) holodeck, but with more combat oriented options for syndies to practice

    5) little botany area to practice botany wmd

    6) totally agree with making all they have read only. They should have zero impact on round outside of maybe some help to syndicate agents on cyberiad.

  3. On 6/19/2020 at 11:42 AM, Norwest said:


    -SecHUDs: Ultimately, I don't think you can do the Security role without the HUD. You need in-the-field access to Sec records, the ability to recognize someone on the fly, and so on; while I'd certainly like to make the Constable's HUD a read-only one, that would again require more coding to implement. The simplest compromise I can think of would be a regular SecHUD for Constables, as that'd differentiate them from regular Sec Officers while still providing them the basic necessities to perform their duties.


    Detective is a security role without the HUD

    Hud is needed (outside of magi/iaa job side to easily access records in processing for example) for spotting out certain people in crowd during patrol. Your job as an officer is not only to maintain peace and order on station, but also to find and detain/kill criminals/eocs. HUD is absolutely vital for that.

    However, if i understood it correctly, cadet/constable job is not to hunt down or even try to arrest certain type of wanted criminals, and by certain type i mean: full power vampire, known cultist, desword tator on steroids, suspected changeling, guy who stole captains unique gun, medbay bomber, etc.  Constable should not change security-antag balance, he, in my opinion only, is here to fight "greytide" in some way. Constable is needed for new players to get familiar with security job processes (can even lock sec officer job behind some hours of constable job) and also for already experienced players to give them sort of relaxed friendly security related chatting(something you have no time for as a regular officer  because you need to find and kill some half vampire half syndicate mass murderer with maxcaps and memechems) and for some easy time arrests of drunk civillians who were fighting in bar. I think, if such job was ever implemented, their wiki description and spawning chat message should state something like "you are security cadet/constable. You are here to learn. Your job is to patrol station and upkeep peace and order, you are allowed to use your given tools to detain anyone who commits minor /medium crimes. If you witness someone committing any more serious crime (or you know person is armed), or if you see wanted crewmember,  you are not allowed to engage them alone, however you may assist officer during arrest. Notify security and keep an eye on the criminal. Sop blah blah blah" well, maybe better wording, but anyway. Overall, in my opinion, they should not deal with any criminal who worth more than 15 minutes in brig, and also should not go around looking for already wanted criminals, even if they are petty criminals. Just patrol around, talk with people, report to "real" security and arrest hooligans/vandals. And they certainly need no HUD for that. Thing is, they dont really need sec hud, but need in fact eye protection (Portable flashers in brig, their own flash being used against them, etc). That is my opinion.

    P.s. i really want to see that role implemented

    P.p.s remove sec huds from IAAs

  4. Well this was suggested many times before, in a form of security cadet for example. I dont remember reasons it was rejected though.

    I myself support the idea, but i want to give my corrections:

    Preferably new uniform, right now you suggest constables to wear the exact uniform i wear as security officer. Probably could be good idea to make them more blueish in terms of gear color, easier distinguishable from regular sec.

    Secondly, i would remove court room (aka useless room) and make a constable prep room there. Ideally i would also give them their unique comms channel (hos/magi would have access to it,maybe iaa too), but thats unlikely to happen. 

    No sec huds for constable, just regular sunglasses maybe, sec huds would encourage them to hunt criminals, which, if i understood it correctly, not their job. For me, its more like a universal bouncer/peacekeeper job, person who can solve issues at hop desk line, in bar, or in medbay. Sitting on camera and helping in processing is also good addition to their duties.


    Overall, that role should be encouraged OOCly by staff to be taken by newer players, but also could be a good opportunity for older players to have nice peaceful security RP moments.


    For gear, i recommend:

    Constable uniform (Or gray Sec uniform, but new one is better), constable armor/jacket, constable cap, cuffs, pepper, flash, seclite.

    But here is the problem. 90% of security officer job is using baton and taser, and constables will learn nothing about them. Not only that, without at least baton, avarage greytider will outrobust constable with simple prison trick. How to solve it, i am not sure. Maybe give constables special protected batons that a bound to their dna? I dunno


  5. Greetings. This is not really serious guide, its more of an art project, various "RP" builds for traitoring, not your usual "desword-meth" type of stuff.

    If you have any cool/interesting RP tator build (not necessary Syndi agent), feel free to post them!

    Lets start, shall we?

    1) Junkie


    Job: Civillian
    Gear: Meth and Bath salts pills, Kitchen (or better) knife, cheap lighter, cigs with coffee,
    few bottles of strong booze, some cheap looking clothes, bandana to hide face.
    Uplink: freedom implants so stupid fucking cops don't have easy time arresting you, syndi smokes, smuggler
    satchel, plastic bag.

    Style: a guy of a very low standard of living, usually wasted or even high on drugs. Noone really likes to see him around. Spends a lot of time in brig for theft, battery or other crimes. Syndicate hired him as an expendable material to take out some uncooperative low rank member of NT.

    Traitoring tactic: break into sci/med chem to cook yourself some drugs, intimidate chef, bully clown,
    steal stuff around, when time of assassination comes (randomly stumble upon your target) - bottle to the head,
    light them on fire and run away on meth taking their body with you.

    Chance of success: less than zero.

    2) Dr. Acid

    Job: Scientist/chemist

    Gear: protective bio suit, janitorial backpack water tank (will have to steal it) filled with facid heated up to 1000+ C, thermite in beakers, 
    smoke/foam acid nades (with various support chems).
    Face should be burned with acid obviously.

    Uplink: adrenal implant, noslip shoes, 

    Style: Scientist that is obsessed with acid. Nuff said.

    Uplink: storage implant (more space since acid backpack takes up a backpack slot), agent ID card to give yourself
    proper title, stimulants (as medical/sci).

    Traitoring tactic: spend time in lab practicing your hobby - burning stuff with acid. Prepare necessary tools.
    Use thermite to birn through walls to access places. Throw in acid nade, after detonation charge in spraying any
    resistance with your trusty acid gun. Grab whatever/whoever you need and get out.

    Chance of success: minimal.

    3) Firestarter (highly destructive, danger)

    Job: Atmos tech
    Gear: firefighter suit, fire axe, flamer, spare plasma tanks.
    Uplink: fire nades(hijack only), energy fire axe (if you feel fancy), adrenal implant.

    Style: Psychopath, problems with fire. Covers his evil doings with Life Support Specialist job.

    Traitoring tactic: after a fire that took place in your childhood, in which your *insert relative name here* died, you became obsessed with fire.
    You feel it is not fair that only your *relative name* died, other people must suffer too. You served as a firefighter since you were able to join 
    the team, not to take out fires, but to have an easy time watching people burn to death while you are there standing beside them in a protective suit
    watching it happening. Lucky you, syndicate hired you to take down some guy they don't want to see alive. Well, you will get even more money doing what you love this time.
    Come to your target's workplace (you have an axe to go through the airlock if necessary), start burning down entire place. Wait for your target to burn to death, chop off their leg if necessary (so they dont escape).Watch in their eyes as their soul leaves their body. Laugh. Repeat.

    Chance of success: unlikely.

    4) You are a wizard, harry.

    Job: Shaft Miner
    Gear: , bluespace crystals, trashbag of holding/bag of holding.
    Lavland loot: staff of slipping, staff of lava, deck of tarot cards, spellblade, eye of god, soulstone, etc.
    Uplink: agent ID, Camo set (to look like a proper wizard and a voice changer to sound like one), mindcontrol implant (to make an apprentice).

    Style: Miner that acquired too much power while looting various ruins on the planed called Lavaland.

    Traitoring tactic: after spending a lot of time on lavaland, after finding several artifacts, you have become a true wizard, powerful one.
    Bluespace crystals will allow you to teleport around. Set your agnet ID and voice changer to something like "Gigantus the Nutcracker" and show Nanotrasen scum who is the boss here.

    Chance of success: Dormammu, I've come to bargain.

    5) Soldier 13


    Job: QM/Cargo Tech
    Gear: any possible automatic rifle, starting with WT-550 (try to trade tc on nukie gear like bulldog with admins, i dunno), clothes/armor that fit combat (starting with black gloves, tacticool turtleneck, gas mask,
    and up to hos swat mask, set of combat clothes, etc.), NV hud, first aid kit with diffent medical supplies of your choosing, telescopic shield. Actually, try to rob Delta armory.
    Uplink: traitor belt, prototype bone repair kit, energy sword, compact sniper rifle (good looking but very bad), gloves of the northen star, CQC manual (somehow), stechkin as a secondary weapon.

    Style: Basically a nukie, but traitor. Old school professional, ex military. Loves cigars.

    Traitor tactic: when time comes, open your stash, gear up and strike. Plain and simple. Take down your target, grab them and evacuate. 
    Chance of success: depends on your gun and your skill. 

    6) Power armor


    Job: Engineer
    Gear: Hardsuit (you want it to be upgraded with jetpack, xeno potions), magboots (advanced or ghetto advanced), any other gear that supports theme.
    Uplink: powerfist - main source of damage. Power gloves, emp implant.

    Style: Big man in a suit of armor. Take that away and what are you?

    Traitoring tactic: you were hired by syndicate once again. Equip your trusty power armor and deconstruct station piece by piece.
    Chance of success: Ad Victoriam!

    7) Space ninja


    Race: Human Asian/IPC with Human Asian aesthetics
    Job: Civillian
    Gear: katana(I dont know where you going to get it but its a must), NV glasses, smoke grenades.
    Uplink: Noslip shoes, Agent ID, voice changer, set of camo clothes, chameleon projector, camera bug. Energy sword if you absolutely can not find the katana, but you will have to sacrifice some of your stealth gear. Carp-fu, but its very costly =(

    Style: You and your family is what remains from former glorious Spider Clan. There will be a reborn of Spider Clan, but until then, you are doing contracts with Syndicate. You can use chameleon gear to look like NT crewmember, but dont forget to turn it to a true look sometimes. Stealth is the key. If you need to kill somebody, only that person must die, quietly.  You have all the tools neccessary for that. Your katana is a last resort weapon. While you are not on the mission, there is a cool Chang's dinner room to relax in.

    Traitoring tactic: Sabotage light, sneak around, hide in rooms using chameleon projector, strike when noone expects that. Use smoke grenades to escape.
    Chance of success: actually pretty good.

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