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Posts posted by Rurik

  1. 3 hours ago, tzo said:

    Greys also do massive damage to anyone caught in a web. Any web - not just webs created by the greys. Thus, they work very well at both solo and team ambushes. In addition, they regenerate health quickly, making them excellent for hit-and-run. You can still argue that they're weaker than greens and reds, but still, they do have some advantages.

    I was unaware of the latter ability to heal health quickly. With that included, I can see some merit to greys, and reason to favor them.

  2. Terrors, from what I've experienced, feels to be a very balanced matchup when both the crew and spiders (mostly the queen) are competent. The only issues I see are as follows:

    - Gray Terrors lack the breeding aspect of the greens, and the raw strength of their red brethren. This puts them in a odd position, as they cannot chase down prey either; their speed cannot outrun a human. This pushes them into a ambusher that must have the victim run into a web, or enclose them so they cannot otherwise run away. I know this is intended, but it should be noted that every spider can ambush with extreme effectiveness, thus making grays the least powerful caste by a considerable amount as a consequence.

    - Since Greens cannot produce any spiders outside of tier one, and it takes two bodies just to make one small cluster of eggs, greens cannot sustain a hive on their own. They either need a queen to back them up, or several competent whites to help out and pull their weight. Once again, I believe this is intended, but it should be noted for if there are no whites and the queen dies a early death/not spawned at all.

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  3. As sampaii mentioned, I notice a lot of people taking IC far to seriously. As command or sec, trying to bend the normal playstyle into something more unique and interesting will usually net you nothing but insults and grudges.

    Its a shame, but if I have anything to say on the matter, it would be to do your best to ignore the negativity. Don't let others force you to play in a narrow style that makes them happy. If you see a way to make your character interesting and without overstepping the rules, then do so.

  4. I echo @davidchan points for the most part, which beat me to the post. Adding three major nerfs that all deserve discussion on their own at once is a mistake. Even if such a nerf is needed, it is always better to implement it slowly, one change at a time, to see how the community responds. I've seen other games fall into this trap as well. Seems the knee jerk reaction of a outraged populace to a overpowered mechanic is to nerf it into the ground, all at once, so it sinks into irrelevancy. Thus shifting overpowered mechanics into pointless/useless ones. It is disappointing, really.

  5. The furry reason is a scapegoat, otherwise you would hear equal bitching about citadel station. But you don't because its not very popular. The reason people hate para is because it is the second most played sever DESPITE all the hate. It enrages people who hate paradise, to know that all their bitching does nothing to diminish the servers popularity. In the end, that's all it is.

    Also, remember that the minority always speaks the loudest, to cover for the lack of numbers behind their opinions. Its clear that most people don't hate para, since most people are playing on it. But, most of the people who love sharing ill informed opinions do. Therefore, it does seem like most do hate para, but its simply not the case.


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  6. Just now, ZN23X said:

    Alright I'll add either the authority issue I previously mentioned or they are too young and dumb to think of anything interesting or entertaining to do than act like assholes. I get it. I was once a stupid teenager who thought it was funny as hell. Decade+ later I also realize how much of an idiot I was.

    I'm not even saying this needs to be corrected. It literally can't be. Its part of being that age. Still doesn't take away from the fact that they lead to sec being more stressful.


  7. On 5/6/2018 at 5:21 PM, Norwest said:

    B. An "Inspect" arrest status: The current standard arrest statuses are *Arrest*, Incarcerated, Paroled, or Released. This is all well and good for antag-hunting, but when dealing with Code Green-level issues like "Grey McTide might have made a stunprod, please check his pack," there's no way to mark someone for arrest without also sic'ing the bots on them. I'd like to bring someone in quietly like SOP demands, but if they go by Beepsky or an ED-209 with an *Arrest* status active, they're heading to the Brig in cuffs whether I want it or not. A yellow "Inspect" status would mean "arrest this person, but do it nicely," and work in conjunction with the standard one.

    I don't agree with many of these ideas put forth for various reasons, mostly ones already stated. Some of said ideas also would also adversely affect dynamic balance between sec and antags, which currently is, at best, finicky. That being said, this idea really stuck me as brilliant, and definitely deserving of some thought for it. It would increase rp between sec and crew on green instead of just a instant taze from bot/sec officer. This would increase quality of life for both the crew and sec together.  That, in my book, is a instant plus, and I fail to see a downside to it.

    Also giving a alt title of 'security cadet' or something of the sort to sec officer is worth trying, at least. It would give fellow officers a heads up on who is new, while still retaining the same amount of access and responsibility. Once again, I fail to see a downside to that.

    12 minutes ago, ZN23X said:

    Also the general attitude of the community that authority sucks and bad guys are cool because half our players are teenagers who already have severe issues with the authority figures in thier lives (parents, teachers, boss) and want to vent thier frustration here because its a game and they are too young and dumb or just don't give a shit that sec players are also players as well so they treat them like crap and make thier jobs difficult as much as possible.

    Or the 'greytide' just might be bored and forget that sec are players as well. : /

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  8. 20 minutes ago, EvadableMoxie said:

    It doesn't sound like the problem here is choosing not to hire from the manifest.  The specific issue is choosing if they should hire off the manifest based on if the person joined at the start of the round or mid-round. I can understand how that is a problem. The solution, to me, is to simply not hire off the manifest at all.  There are RP reasons given for not doing it. 

    I haven't thought about that point, thanks for bringing it up. That being said, I feel the solution would do more harm than good.

  9. I never really considered not hiring from manifest meta, I just thought of it as the anti-fun thing to do. Of course there is a element of meta to it, but there is also IC reasoning backing it. That being said, I'm curious why this has become a subject of debate whether or not its against rules. I mean, pretty much everyone has a 50/50 chance of joining sec depending on the HoS, its not like it is never happening. Perhaps its my own experience, but I can manage to get hired fairly often. 

    Only time I ever saw there was a issue is when it is lowpop, and the HoS decides not to hire from manifest even when there are NO officers (with no officers and still refusing sec hires generally oversteps into paranoia imo, but hey, if people wana dig their own graves by not having officers, whatever).

  10. Quote

    If sleeping carp has to remain in the game:

    It should not be possible to use carp as a vampire. The combination is too strong. It forces everyone else to engage the vamp in melee range, where they are strongest, it negates the vamp's main weakness (ranged weapons), and its 'tradeoff' (inability to use ranged weapons) is irrelevant to vamps as they don't need ranged weapons anyway.

    It should not confer 100% invincibility to ranged weapons. Even 90% is probably too much. At most, it could give you total immunity to a narrow class of ranged attacks, like tasers. Or it could give you 75% immunity to all ranged attacks. Or it could give you the ability to dodge 1 projectile per second, but NOT more then that. Or it could only function against attacks from more than 3 tiles away. There should be *some* limit such that a full squadron of guys shooting you at point-blank range with assault weapons CAN kill you. Otherwise it just produces insane results like a full squad of ERT emptying their guns at one guy, three tiles away, and missing every single shot. That's just flat-out impossible, overpowered, and it breaks suspension of disbelief.

    If carps anti range capabilties are nerfed to less than 70% or outright removed, the TC price will need to be adjusted to allow a single buy of adrenals (Aka 12 TC). Otherwise you risk letting it fall into irrelevancy, since almost everyone only buys carp for anti range, and nothing more.

  11. 7 hours ago, Vivalas said:

    1. Over 90% winrate. I mean, really. It has to be way up there. It's above 70% at least. Unless security and command are hot shit and botany gets shrooms growing right away, it almost ends in a shadowling victory. Are there actual stats pertaining to shadowling winrate?

    Perhaps in the past it was, when sling thralls still had glare. As of late I have noticed more and more sling failures (due to a shit ton of glowshrooms or sling incompetence, usually a mix of both) and I would judge it more of 50/50 to 60/40. Of course I have no way to prove that, its just my experience as of late.


    7 hours ago, Vivalas said:

    Make thralls permanent. This would mean becoming a thrall (or being thralled) is a significant event in your round, only escapable through death. This would encourage people not to become a thrall unless they are really into it, and also stops people who want to become thrall from being thrall again right after being converted. This would also allow security to fight back against the thralls much more effectively, since they would be able to kill them on sight. In exchange, thralls no longer are visible from their facial features. They would have to be specifically tested if suspected of thralldom. Perhaps with an advanced medical scanner. Currently security is very handicapped in fighting back against lings. It is hard to find a competent surgeon, and if you are deep in maint, it is even harder to get out with the thrall and not get thralled yourself.

    I will always be in favor of this, as I prefer death matches over the catch and release. That makes me biased however, especially since I would prefer the same for cult as well.


    7 hours ago, Vivalas said:

    Remove ascension. Becoming a literal ascended shitter is fun for nobody but the thrall. No other gamemode gives you the same amount of room to just be a dick to everyone. Sometimes shadowlings are even dicks to their own thralls after being ascended. While I don't want to seem like this one is out of salt (although it somewhat is, although I think others have similar sentiments), in a recent example I was a thralled roboticist helping rescue thralls in an odysseus. The ascended ling then proceeds to destroy my mech and then kill me when I call him an idiot for doing that.

    Can't say I am a fan of this either, but fixing it would take a lot of work for not much payoff for something that lasts no longer than five to ten mins at the end of the round.


    7 hours ago, Coldflame said:

    reconsider being able to thrall through mindshields, slings are already the strongest conversion antag without it. maybe make it a limited ability

    This I feel would be a good fix, at least something to ponder about. The only reason slings tend to steamroll once the train really starts moving is because thralling a member of sec/command early is extremely potent and will almost guarantee success should the thralls/slings not be incompetent. Making the ability to do this limited, or removing it all together would even things out as it is.


    5 hours ago, SkeletalElite said:

    Its not that indifferent from slaughter, slaughter demons are practically invulnverable. and kill almost anyone

    To be fair, slaughter demons DO have counterplay around them, even while being extremely powerful. They also don't instagib/convert you, which helps.

  12. 32 minutes ago, Miraviel said:

    Maintenances are for engineering to get from A to B, it shouldn't be the first place to go when you are a security guard at the start of the shift. You said you believed there are plenty of shifts when nothing goes wrong - this applies to the maintenance-crawler security guards. Why would they go to somewhere that is unlikely to have problems when officers are needed elsewhere? There are 40+ crewmembers working in their respective departments, they might and they usually do need security to perform basic security duties - throw out people who trespass or commit petty theft for example. I cannot count how often security was called to cargo or medical because people trespassed but the officers were busy with hunting ghosts on green in the maintenances. They usually don't even respond to these calls because trespassing, eh, who cares? They should care, this is their job on green and blue.

    Ah, that makes bit more sense as to why people seem irritated over it. To be fair though, if a officer is patrolling maint on green while there are active calls for help from departments, that's the fault of the officer being deficient in prioritizing. On the other hand, if no active calls are out, said officer already did a sweep of the main station, and then begins to sweep maint, that's not so bad is it?

  13. 5 hours ago, Zciwomad said:

    Security bragging about "there is always more antagonists" without evidence ? Force (literally FORCE) them to visit Psychiatrist. Their paranoid behaviour might be a first symptom of their inability to work there.

    As rb303 mentioned, sec is tough and busy enough, they don't need to be forced into that.


    4 hours ago, rb303 said:

    And about the more antags thing, I believe that it's unreasonable to always know that there's gonna be more, but think that it's completely fine to stay on code blue- after all, why would the syndicate hire only one agent? it wouldn't make much sense.

    I always assumed lore wise, that while sabotage is commonish in the corporate space world, there are still plenty of shifts were nothing goes wrong. In this line of thinking, perhaps the Syndicate didn't want to hire ten agents on a single station and create a big ruckus, drawing heat and raising the alert in nearby airspaces.  Perhaps they wanted it go quietly, discretely, and hired one agent to do a specific action on a specific day, while keeping the rest on ice till the perfect moment. Makes sense to me imo, but that's just how I treat that situation.


    On 4/17/2018 at 3:03 PM, Benjaminfallout said:

    Why did the suit sensors message talk about finding are mangled bodies?

    All the more reason to shame it IC and not set your suit sensors, (And then have someone say your likely a antag since no sensors, had that happen a few times, was great)


    On 4/17/2018 at 3:03 PM, Benjaminfallout said:

    Why is Security going around maintenance on green at 12:02?

    I was under the impression patrolling the station is their job, whats the issue with this?


    8 hours ago, Sk1Tz said:

    I mean, you're going to have this shit happen continuously. I cannot count how many times when a non-antag civilian goes into maintenance and starts gathering unneeded shit like grenade casings. Unless you're like a roboticist and need supplies for your bots, or something similar in that matter, basic civilians shouldn't be entering the damn tunnels...

    They even go into the tools storage shed and start robbing the place of its tools. Why? You don't have a job in engineering. Why the hell are you equiping yourself a full set of tools that someone useful would need later down the road? Why you taking shit from the engineers' personal tool closet? You're not an engineer, why you in here? Why you taking shit from the closets, civs?

    Perhaps they want to fix up a place in maint, and make it look nice, like old bar, and they don't want to wait two years for the HoP to get around to them. Or perhaps the HoP refuses to let them have access, so they want to fix it up anyways. Or maybe they want tools to be prepared for the gateway, or to go space exploring. Or, perhaps they just want more tools to break into places easier/be prepared. Even if it is the latter for the reasoning, I fail to see the issue with it. Its not HRP, and assistants stealing things is about all the action sec will get on extended rounds or when all the antags are wiped out (which happens more than I would like to admit). If anything, giving sec something to do on slow rounds is a good thing.

  14. 11 hours ago, Ty Omaha said:

    Honestly this is more of a myth than reality, we are very lenient with Security and a majority of ahelps regarding Security is essentially them just being upset, while Security did nothing wrong. Most of the times we contact Security is just to get a better understanding of what happened.

    Ah, I see. I suppose its a first impression some get when they play once or twice as sec and then never again. Nevertheless, mistakes and accidents as security carry much more weight than in other departments.

  15. I can't say why most people don't play sec, since I am not most people. But I can say the reason I do not play sec commonly, is because the ungodly amount of stress over something that is supposed to be for fun. Not only is everyone watching your every move and ready to yell "shitsec!" over one mistake, but there is also heavy OOCly admin scrutiny over said mistakes. Of course not everyone does that, but in the moment, it sure feels like it. Easing up a little on officers, and giving more leeway on when sec is allowed to lethal threats could go a long way. On the other hand, if we could just import a bunch of masochists onto the sever, sec would suit them quite nicely.

  16. Afraid mine isn't too elaborate. The bottle and the lighter is the most satisfying thing I can think of. Costs no TC, effective against all but officers, and the victim will tend to run towards bystanders for help, thus lighting them on fire too. It is a roller coaster of emotions.

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  17. I don't play AI, so I will never know how it feels to have a second AI made when you're the original. However, I do know how it feels for someone to make someone else the same role as you without asking even though your role is solo. For example when HoP's make a second chef without asking the first and then acting surprised when the first one gets angry. For that reason alone, I could definitely see how multiple AI's popping up every round is a serious issue, and how much that would suck if you're the original. 

    As BottomQuark said, I would say if it should remain a IC issue. At the same time however, that doesn't really solve or fix anything. I am torn, really.

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