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Posts posted by Rurik

  1. Well, could you be a tad more specific? What do you consider too loose with the memes? What do you mean by the chuckle fucking? Do you consider a clown lubing up a entire shuttle too loose with the memes? What about assistants attempting to break into the bridge? Some examples would help me to understand whats going on.

    I'm not the most serious player, but I do enjoy the roleplay and attempt too with others most rounds. Eight out of ten times, when I attempt to roleplay with others, they also go along with it.

  2. 34 minutes ago, chimpychimp said:

    1) Getting rid of DNA absorption sting. Its a pussified mechanic and serves no real purpose other than wracking up your absorption count for greentexting.

    2) Start with fewer evolution, give more evolutions with each victim you absorb. Results in clings balancing being stealthy and weak, or hunted but strong. 

    3) Introduce blood testing ala goonstation/the thing. Allows the crew to get involved, allows more interaction between people accusing each other of being changelings and demanding blood tests. Will really ramp up the sense of paranoia involved which is currently missing. 

    There was a thread talking of changes like this a couple months back (or was it last year?) I think. Nothing became of it however.

  3. 3 hours ago, swaggaboy112 said:

    We could port the Biodegrade power from tgstation, costs 2 DNA points, 30 chemicals per use and lets you spit acid to melt cuffs, break out of lockers and straightjackets

    Sounds pretty neat, if someone where to attempt to port it over


    2 hours ago, EvadableMoxie said:

    Wouldn't security just never cuff any changelings and always use lethal force immediately? 

    They already do use lethal force immediately, assuming they know its a changeling. They would also still cuff, as not every changeling chooses Armblade. This also would make adrenaline sacs not such a requirement.

    Stun + cuff followed by harmbaton while being dragged to crematorium would be more of a dangerous strategy if not followed with support, if this was implemented. It's on the changeling if they let a officer stun + cuff, and not have a sting to stop the lone officer before being cremated. Nevertheless I feel it would be good mechanic to have at least one way to break out of cuffs without changing your complete physical form.

  4. Ive been thinking about this here and there for a while now. I believe the changeling needs some sort of ability to escape cuffs. Which, please correct me if I am wrong, only way to escape from cuffs is last resort/turn into a monkey or sting the officer escorting you and hope to escape. What I propose is to allow the armblade to break cuffs when formed. I don't believe this would become overpowered or overused if this was implemented, but some may differ. Because of that a slight lowering of damage for greater utility would be a decent compromise. Alternatively, allowing the armblade to only break out of zip ties instead of cuffs would also work well.

    Please post what you think of this, and if the ability to escape cuffs is even needed in the first place.

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  5. 4 hours ago, FPK said:

    Trading/selling/giving away job specific weapons, gear, equipment, and supplies should count as theft. The bartender trading away his shotgun, engineers letting people take circuit boards from tech storage, officers giving away weapons, ect. 

    This would definitely help with people giving their clique friends things from their department that they shouldn't have, which I see all to often. However I could see it getting annoying at times, if there is a legitimate reason, etc.

  6. Through playing clown more often then not, I came to notice a couple things, and I figured Id talk about em.

    The worst thing you can do to a clown you dislike is simply ignore them. If they talk to you, do not reply. If run in the lobby of security, ignore em. If they try to break in further to more sensitive areas, taze and brig for B&E or trespass without asking them a word. 

    As a clown, being ignored whenever you trespass onto bridge or sec lobby is rather boring. After all, whats the fun if they purposefully pretend you don't exist? Its different if they be nice and let you in, as they still pay attention to you. Half the fun is talking to sec or command if your there, the other half is attempting to make your case on why you should be able to stay as your chain stunned outside. 

    This makes me wonder, if a clown is being annoying, do any of ya peeps purposefully ignore them like mentioned above? Can ya think of a worse way to annoy/anger a clown?

  7. 3 hours ago, SomeGuy9283 said:

    Rather than remove, say, clowns and aliums, we would ask them to be actually funny and alien, respectively.

    Issue is with asking, or enforcing, clowns to be funny is that funny is extremely subjective. I find lubing the shuttle entrance to be funny, not because I like watching people slip, but the anger that follows suit. You could argue that its simply fun for the clown, not the others, but the most karma I ever got in one round came all at once from me doing that which I mentioned. Are terrible puns funny? Robusting security and escaping from officers funny? So on and so forth. 

  8. I know a couple tests of a faster version of linda have been done here and there on the server. I don't know if it has any fundamental issues, or if its ever going to permanently implemented. If it were however, it alone would probably double the amount of action a atmos tech gets.

  9. 2 hours ago, SomeGuy9283 said:

    Definitely do not like the implication by CC that the non-existent NT Representative needs to be inspecting departments, devoid of any command complaints, with a fully staffed legal crew specializing in SOP available. This contradicts the nature of IA and the representative.


    I find myself thinking pretty much the same thing.

    To be fair to the CMO at the time, if I were ever a head (which I wouldn't be) and two IAA agents came to me, one of which wearing a chicken suit, I wouldn't take them seriously either. That does not make CMO's attitude anymore justified however.

  10. 8 hours ago, Birdtalon said:

    My issue with a singular, more powerful antagonist is that you just replicate the Wizard scenario where the round becomes fun for only a few people. The main reason I dislike Wizard rounds is because they tend to only be interesting for the Wizard and for Security. Everyone else just has to muddle along until the round ends. I wouldn't want to see a replication here of one lucky person being a strong antagonist and everyone else's round may as well be extended.

    Don't get me wrong I would love to play as a super strong changeling and go on a murdering spree and be unstoppable but it's not exactly fair and or interesting for anyone else.

    Understandable, especially since I hate wizards for that exact reason.

    5 hours ago, Birdtalon said:

    I don't mind stealth gameplay I just find that Changeling's ability set, combined with existing meta and suspicion makes stealth nearly impossible.

    That's why I think singular more powerful antag would work better then a whole bunch of weak stealthy changelings, as I don't see a feasible way to accomplish the latter. As of the moment changelings are in a limbo between the two, but perhaps that is for the best.

  11. I think the issue is the vision of a changeling is rather split between stealthy kills and outright open murder. Also there is the question, are we trying to make changelings their own genre of monster, or are we simply going for a replication of The Thing? I find both sides of stealthy kills/terror in co-workers and murderboning to be tempting, as they both have their merits. But If I had to chose, Id like changelings to be molded for head on fights and murderbone, but I know many would dislike that notion.

    The idea of the changeling resembling "The Thing" more in all aspects it interesting to think about, even if highly unlikely to ever happen. Imagine quicker revive speed when "dead," ported over horror form (Not sure what code base its from, but I know I saw it!), changeling being able to move about unhindered without a head, all abilities being unlocked from the start, doing away with the whole stealthy DNA steal thingy (So they actually have to kill people to change into their form), and increased damage from being lit aflame (400% increase would do the trick) and so on. Would be a sight to see, for sure.

  12. On 4/11/2017 at 8:49 AM, Shadeykins said:

    Once again, it's in the rules that Security is beholden to their departmental SoP and breaching it can result in job bans. People do not need to be job banned over checking a headset that they can CLEARLY hear intercepting traffic or taking extra time when they've got an EoC.

    They can only hear that if they are standing on the same tile as you, yeah?

  13. 3 hours ago, Wheatley29 said:

    Place increased scrutiny on security, and extend their ability to punish those who intentionally try to disrupt them. Make throwing prisoners who refuse to cooperate into solitary a standard thing, properly cordon off prisoners who continue to harm themselves in a straight jacket naked, for their own good.

    As others have mentioned, increased scrutiny would only worsen the problem, as we only have mostly newer (and therefore worse) sec members because it burns out experienced members extremely quickly. The solution to this problem is a bit of a hazy one, since there is no way to please all sides. If one lowers scrutiny on sec that will cause more legit shitty security members which many will complain about, even if they are uprooted and fired quickly. To which Id argue "Its not ss13 without some shitty security", and to which they'd argue "That's not a valid argument." Its bit of a back and forth problem really. 

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