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Posts posted by Knightedskull


    Any amount of charcoal a doctor carries with them is not going to be enough if the toxin damage was enough to kill.

    Depending on how the person is receiving Resp damage (lungs/heart/choked/blood loss) it most likely has already reached 200 and you'd need something stronger, faster.


    Epinephrine is what would help stop someone from dying instantly after a defrib (depending on the damage).


    Anyway, you assume there will be a borg available or an AI to bolt them open. I don't think an AI is going to stand guard over it to close it on a dime unless called for.

    I don't think ANY doctor minds if anyone shoves a critical patient into a cryopod because that is one less death to deal with.


    During an emergency with no medical doctor around? Just screwed.

    Rogue AI? Much easier to cripple the crew.

    Bomb? Cloner AND cryo taken out in one go.


    I also just noticed there is only one light source behind the cloner console.


    I will say though that the fridge there would helps mitigate some of the issues the door causes but they will still affect patients that need surgery fast.



    I understand the need to keep the rabble away from the cloner and the recently deceased belongings but...those double doors closing off the cryo really irks me. It's going to slow down doctors and get in the way and that is the worst thing to happen during critical moments.

    Could we please try a glass wall/door type of thing in the middle instead?



    *cracks knuckles and neck*

    *Puts on some red shoes*

    In honor of David Bowie, Let's Dance :


    The argument for Science only: They primarily just do research on genes, and cloning is easy enough that the MD's generally just do it themselves.


    Better arguments:


    • Over 95% of their time is spent doing genetic research. They do little if any cloning in a typical round. Giving a clean SE is a 5-second operation that takes less time than a R&D scientist printing someone a console screen from the autolathe. Genetics is a "medical" department in name only. The idea that they're equally split between science and medical is a sham.

    • Doctors are often bored. I've seen entire rounds with almost nobody entering medical. Frankly, doctors could use more to do in most rounds.

    The whole multiple bosses idea just doesn't work in practice. The CMO/RD disagree at times. It would be better if one person (RD) was in charge, and there was clear accountability.




    1. That's only if the CMO tells them to fill up the cloner and to do the process. So that is fault on their part. If geneticist refuses to work cloner? Demoted.

    2. Doctors are bored AFTER prepping up because antags and accidents might take a while. The exceptions are Chemists, Virologists, and Geneticists.

    EVERYONE in the station already have multiple bosses. it is called the Chain of Command. And the thing that which keeps other departments from arguing with each other is something called Standard Operating Procedures. Current arguments arrive because usually someone forgets or doesn't understand it ( understandable because of its current state)


    The argument for Medical only: They're currently the easiest source of monkey cubes for us chemists, and in addition their powers are based off the human body anyways, which may sort of relate to medical somehow? Maybe? In addition, they ARE supposed to provide Clean S.E.'s, and the few geneticists that are good DO hand them out.


    MedChemists should just get a blood pack in their lab by default. It is a basic reagent they need for core healing chems. Failing that, at least give them one of the smaller monkey cubes that can be expanded into a single monkey.


    Mutadone is superior to clean SEs in treating genetic issues. It is fast and easy to make, pills of it are stackable and can be put in pill boxes, you can produce 12+ pills of it at once, rather than clean SEs one at a time on a delay. Even if for some reason, people still want SEs from genetics, the best way to solve that is to have a window in the wall. Not keeping genetics as part of medical in any way.



    1. Ping...come on man, you know it has far more applications than your blood monkey.

    2. A blood pack wont get you far and from the start we already have, I believe, 3 packs of each blood type.

    Mutadone would be lovely if not bugged, sometimes. Other people have mentioned it and even seen it myself not fix a genetic issue and have believed for a while that it fixed only changed genetic issues rather than spawned ones. Also, a CLEAN SE is faster and works 100%. Most genetic issues are a single case issue so a huge batch a mutadone wont see much use.



    The argument for keeping both: The RD should be holding onto the research aspect, but the geneticists are needed when medbay goes to shit and a ton of people need cloning (Blob and similar disaster rounds come to mind). If MD's have to focus on other things, geneticists become a huge help. I can personally attest that the genetics guys make medbays job a lot easier when they're around. Of course, SoP has to be cleared up.



    I fail to see why medbay should be treated differently than every other department.

    If there's a security emergency, sec can, should and sometimes even *gasp* does ask for volunteers to fill out the ranks so they can deal with it.

    If nobody is starting the engine, command asks for volunteers with eng skills to get it done.

    If lots of people need medical treatment, why does nobody ask for volunteer triage docs at medbay?


    "Oh gosh it would could helpful in a major emergency" is not necessarily a good reason for medical to operate that way *all the time*.




      In emergency situations, on the levels of a blob , 80% of the crew will try and stop it before it consumes everyone . There would not be a damn doctor that wont have their hands full fixing people so, yeah, we'll need someone like the geneticist to go through the whole clone process and maintenance of biomass.


      Every department is unique but there is a reason medical is treated "differently".


        IC : We heal your injuries and fix what ails you. Just by being in our job, we tell others that we know what is best for you.

        OOC: We keep you in the game, in the most extremely hostile environment surrounded by people that want to kill you or view you expendable.


    In all seriousness, not everyone is cut out for medical. There is a reason that in RL people have to study for this stuff and it's the same in this game as a doctor. A lot of things are situational and will need experience to know what to do for that situation and their multiple ways of handling it.



      You have to know what each medicine does and when to use them.

      You have to know how to use the medical equipment and machines and when to use them for the situation.

      You have to understand the injury system, the types of damages and their implications, especially Respiratory.

      You have to understand what NOT to do, such as pulling people with fractured ribs or skulls.


    Excludes the knowledge of surgery, virology, and genetics.

    That's just for a general BASIC doctoring, and half of it is can apply to a paramedic ( to help keep alive, not actually treat) which is at most what any willing emergency volunteer will be unless they know this stuff.

    Peoples lives, and their time, are dependent on this.

    This is not to undermine the importance of the other departments, but medical has the most direct influence.




    Having genetics be confined to medical is a terrible idea - the claim they're a "joint department" with science is already a blatent lie given that they spent >95% of their time doing science stuff unrelated to medical. No, genetic research is NOT related to medical, any more then R&D research, chem research, xenobio research, or any other kind of research.


    No-Breath is extremely useful for those that can't breath normal air or not at all with their lungs turned to mush.

    Research exists for Chemistry, R&D, Xeno, Tele, Virology ( yes, 90% of the time is just doing research) for IC reasons the sake of the station's story and whatnot.

    And speaking of VIrology, when a virus is NOT loose, Genetics does FAR more for medical, even when both 100% their research. This is almost like you hadn't read the many things posted about the medical applications Genetics currently hold, not strictly just for cloning.


    I would definitely support the window, however. The wall makes it unnecessarily difficult for medical staff to ask them for things when needed. Every other service-offering sub-department of science has an outward-facing desk (robo, R&D) and I don't see why genetics should be any different.


    There is indeed no good reason why genetics straddles two departments, and it does indeed create a lack of accountability. However, taking an existing lie (that genetics is a 50/50 medical/science department, which it blatently isn't) and doubling it (by making genetics medical-only) doesn't fix anything, it just results in a bigger lie.


    Yes, putting reinforced windows would make it tons nice for genetics for them to what is going on, besides, you know, the fricken radio comms. That thing that I at least use to inform the geneticist what is needed and whatnot?


    What the hell do you mean lack of accountability? If the geneticist doesn't do their job, they aren't doing their job. If anyone abuses their position for powers, that's on them ( more so on geneticist without CMO authorization). As spread out SoP is, common sense can substitute it.


    Incidentally, I would think that every CMO out there would WANT the RD to have basic medbay access, since medbay benefits so hugely from the upgrades that typically the RD provides.


    As much I would like them be able to come through the front doors on their own, it would be too damn scary for ALL OF SCIENCE to have direct access into the main portion of medbay. Though, that is a plus for geneticist, shortcut way to allow them inside and help upgrade the machines or hell just give it to them and let them do it since they are the ones with access to both departments. As an RD, you can just shove the equipment to the geneticist and tell them to upgrade our medical stuff. They'd probably like to try something like that.


    I'd be in favor of giving the RD basic medical access and the paramedic access through the science front door and through genetics.

    Genetics having some responsibility to medical does not, in any way, constitute a good reason for having them be a sub-department of medical. R&D is expected to make items for every department. They're not a joint department with everything else. Robotics is expected to make cleanerbots, secbots, medibots, and all kinds of mechs, yet they're not a joint department either. Cargo is responsible to every other department that exists, because all the stuff they do is in service to another department - yet NOBODY has ever argued that cargo should be shared with any other department.

    There is absolutely no reason that genetics couldn't be a science-only job which has a window+desk facing into the room where the cloner is currently. That way people can still ask them for stuff if they want, but this whole split-department nonsense goes away.


    You can say that genetics has absolutely no reason to be in science for PRACTICALITY reasons because their use and help in medical far outstretches the IC reasons of FOR SCIENCE

    Genetics doesn't effect Science, but it helps Medbay a ton


    Toxins doesn't effect the rest of science, except when it screws up.

    Scichem doesn't effect the rest of science, except when it screws up.

    Xenobio doesn't effect the rest of science, except when it screws up.

    Genetics doesn't effect the rest of science, except when it screws up.


    The first three are strictly sub-departments of science. The fourth one is a joint sub-department. Clearly, the fact that a sub-department is largely left to do its own thing isn't the deciding factor with regards to what is, and what is not, strictly a sub-department of science. What is? Whether that sub-department spends its time doing *research*. Genetics spends >95% of its time doing research. Therefore, by the criteria in actual usage, it should be a sub-department of science. Whether it provides things to other departments is irrelevant.


    As to "helps medbay a ton", you could make that argument about anything. Security shooting spiders with eguns "helps medbay a ton". Cargo ordering medical supplies "helps medbay a ton". Engineering keeping the tesla contained "helps medbay a ton". This argument doesn't work for genetics - because it doesn't work for anything else either.



    1. Genetics, when it even DOES screw up, doesn't affect science in ANY way. It falls to MEDICAL to fix genetic issues. Not once does it fall under science to fix their screw ups because it becomes either a medical issue or a security issue. At most, Science gives security Rapid Syringe guns and medical stocks them with mutadone to hunt the hulk/s.

    2. Xenobiology can help the science department greatly with the resources they could make from the slimes, given enough time and luck. TO say they do NOTHING for science is completely wrong and a waste of their potential.

    By that logic, Virology should go under Science. Without a virus loose, they do even LESS than genetics for medical. Thankfully we use a different logic.

    By "helping a ton" I am sure they mean in a DIRECT manner rather than the ones you present. Please read on the many, and repeated, uses of genetics for medical.


    If they wanted to treat people, why wouldn't they play doctor instead? Doctors, like geneticists, can clone, but they can also treat a bunch of other stuff. If they wanted to treat patients, it would be more logical for them to just select doctor rather than geneticist.


    The fact they're picking geneticist should be treated as evidence they prefer doing genetic research, over treating patients, and expecting them to behave otherwise is not realistic, especially with the wall between them and the rest of medbay.


    Just like the paramedic, virologist, chemist, psychologist, it is NOT THE GENETICISTS JOB OR RESPONSIBILITY to do regular Medical Doctor related things. So, yeah, I agree, no one should expect of them to do such things, even if 100% in the medical department.

    Who cares if they get TK or hulk, so long as they use it responsibly? I've seen many times that hulk was used to stop a malf AI, for example. If on the other hand, someone is misusing hulk/TK, then I don't care whether they've been treating patients too, or not. If they abuse hulk/TK they should be demoted out of genetics, and shot with a mutadone SG/RSG for good measure.


    Perhaps the solution there is simple: make it abundantly clear to geneticists that if they act like jerks with their powers, they will not only be stripped of them, they will be demoted out of genetics entirely.


    Yes. A thousand times yes, no matter what anyone says. When CMO, I always make this clear, for their benefit.


    I'm not going to go into any debate about science being "OP" or "better" than medical or such nonsense. They have an important role like every department. This isn't about "nerfing" science. This is just making things fit.


    Also, yeah Shadey, I've once had to go through an entire monkey box in a round so the need of multiple bodies is important.


    I spent too long on this and several posts had been put up. And I've had no sleep. I'll decide to add or what on the new stuff if no one else posts after this.



    Sorry if I've missed any recent streams. NIce that you finally colored those.

    Though regarding your action one : To be completely honest, it was hard to tell there was any movement at first unless you look at the duster and I see what you were doing with the blur but it just doesn't look like it meshes well.


    Have you tried experimenting with speed lines? I don't mean the manga kind where it's everywhere but I feel like a few subtle lines could add to the speed of the momentum.

    Still overall not bad.



    I like the idea of this race but I'd replace the idea of the botany getting involved with smudging some spores on any surface of something in the dark and after...10-20 minutes dead, can regrow there. Give the ability a 5-10 minute cooldown. You'll be able to spawn but there is always the chance someone will scrape it off the wall for the chemist.


    My other two cents :




      Complete inability to be cloned due to NO brain at all. No Organs

      No bones. If a part gets too damage it falls off, you're just gonna have to "root" ( which I like the idea of) for several minutes to regrow.

      Can't really stitch limbs onto without them eventually just decaying ( as if putting on an IPC) but would be nifty to still attach a shroom limb to another species.

      No blood but if "bleeds" they release a short-term spore/dust in the air that makes it harder for others to breath in ( coughing and very small resp damage?)

      Not feel pain, or just extreme pains.

      Extremely vulnerable to burns and anti-plant chemicals.

      Medicinal and narcotic drugs don't really work well or at all for them.

      Can't wear shoes or gloves.

      That nice root ability everyone is mentioning. Only usable in very dim or complete darkness ( not an excuse to go around breaking lights).

      Karma locked.



    I don't think we should give them vulnerability to brute damage.

    They will be spongy but that's a good thing when blunt force is involved and should have a resistance for that

    Knives and other sharp objects? Ya, that should kill much faster.

    Beware the chef that will wish to turn you into an ultimate dish!


    ( in all serious though I imagine that last one to be a coder nightmare unless objects already split up based on sharp/blunt)



    I'm in favor of the fake hulk, as removing some of the dud blocks to have more disabilities, but, instead of limits, how about after every so and so shots (three or four) a random block is activated, good or bad. I don't think a simple radiation/toxin damage is enough. They really do have some amazing powers but I don't think there should be a limit. And if we go for the min-max route ( a good for a bad one) then they wont be any different than virology and they have much less to offer in terms of beneficial stuff.


    As for geneticists only sitting on their asses all shift stuffing powers into themselves? Those kind tend to get fired when they ignore orders and other responsibilities.



    I've said so much already to the reason genetics has more application and importance to the medical department than science department that I'm just gonna repost this bit.

    It would be nice if genetics was purely medical, due to them having much more use for medical needs than for the science department. I mean they have just the one use for them which is giving the RD powers ( when they bother to actually acknowledge their existence).


    Several times I've seen the RD fire genetics just because they tried to over ride my authority ( as CMO) for power distribution, geneticist saying no because he knows the SoP and I say no because he's trying to go above me, even though they have been doing their research, cloning, and everything else.


    I don't know about you but I try and treasure the few good geneticists out there but its difficult when someone else fires them for petty reasons to the point where I have to fax CC twice ( no IA and captain not getting involved).

    I couldn't count the amount of bad geneticists I had to fire for not doing their jobs, handing out SEs to everyone, or straight up shoving anyone into the death chamber.


    Genetic research is in the same boat as virology : research is involved but serves almost no purpose outside of medical.


    I like the idea of a joint-department job but....geneticists has much more value for medical.



    The worst aspect to being a CMO is that your role is assumed by everyone to babysit the department. Not long ago I had a full staff and most were competent in their department. Everything was seemingly fine and smooth so I decided " hey, I'll arrange a date at the bar cause why not" . As the time rolls by, my staff seems to just...disintegrate for almost no reason through the comms and after ejecting my self from the bar to fix issues...there wasn't anything that was required of me at all except for 2 things that no one knew about.

    Virologist fancied himself an airborne carrier without authorization and the shrink gave me a scare by having a bloody arm in his locker.

    A geneticist may have been fired too, I can't remember.


    Even after solving these issues someone declared that I had abandoned my post, feh.

    You couldn't have me abandon medical with a meteor storm.



    hey, uh, Johannhawk, I do believe you screwed up them quotations.


    Anyway, if a CMO can't doctorate or do surgery, they really should not be a CMO.

    The minimum should be basic knowledge in how genetics/viro/chem works and a good and firm grasp of being a good MD.

    At the rate so far, and luck, I don't think I'll ever end up as an antag CMO that I often see so no worries there.



    Was easy to tell the top two sprites were him but...the side facing ones cast doubt as he doesn't have his...snout/lip flaps?

    It's so I can say it's not Jar Jar Binks to have a better chance of it being added anywhere.


    Clever Girl


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