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Posts posted by Knightedskull


    Even though I don't play them, I would love to see a race be more unique.

    My Two Cents :


    Slime Cores - Do Not Move Them.

    Shouldn't need bone surgery - It just doesn't make sense.


    Limbs could act like IPC/Robotic limbs. Falling off after too much damage and, instead of "decaying" they slowly "melt" away. Slime limb goes septic it's just a puddle on the floor.


    A regrowth option would be nice but have it so they have to have the connected region ( upper and lower body) need full health and full nutrition. Takes much concentration so no moving for, idunno, five minutes?


    Complete strip and no items: ability to go through shutters and going through vents hurts them over time.


    I don't think they should increase in burn damage, depending on the type of material of slime anyway, nor do I think they should take additional brute damage.

    BUT I do believe they should take damage, or fall into unconsciousness after a while in zero gravity and without a suit. That's just going by entirely on the wiki saying they are not completely like their slime ancestry and that they are highly water based.


    Freely able to change hair/cosmetics on the fly after standing for several seconds.


    MUCH more susceptible to chemicals that are in liquid form. Like the Skrell with alcohol. Am thinking lowered OD Threshold between 25-50% and, maybe, increasing efficiency of drugs ( good and bad).


    All I got for now.



    Wow, great job on updating these, especially medical. Now I hope other doctors will note the changes.


    Also, had no idea the stasis bag can be ID locked. Though, can you add that they are one-time use? They become useless once a body has been put inside and opened (much to my constant annoyances)



    *Puts on a most dapper hat*

    Hello to all I say with a smile and glee.

    I'm here to announce an addition to the family.


    A thing composed of body parts from many a creature.

    A thing made of stitches and madness that defy nature.


    I bring to you a creature made of unknown desire brought forth to life.

    The thing that which is now happy but was not without strife.


    I implore you, do not mock and call a monster,

    the creature for which I foster.


    An abomination to many, and "son" to few,

    Von Bon Presents to you : Louie Staggs



    You got lucky I was being extra generous. With Trip's brain being completely useless, I was desperate, and you were drunk. After getting you to sign the paper, there was no going back.


    Am probably going to need to get Von Bon to a therapist. "sculpting people into art" sounds like it warrants a visit. Not the first not the last, surely there will be more.



    Aye that was fun but lemme clarified what the hell you were.

    Head of Unathi, body of vulpkanin (not wolpin) and limbs of human and skrell.

    You can blame its existence on Trip Fuzzball for design but I was going to make some abomination either way.


    Now go forth my child and prosper!



    Aww to the couple.


    As for that that round....you pretty much captured it. Could not get a break and threw out the no-smoking rules and eventually my headset.

    I also didn't want to interrupt you two for long so I tried not to intrude.



    Best Blueshield ever.

    Can't count the amount of times my ass has been saved. And one time completely random out of the blue no where in the maintenance while not being a head.


    Also, nice avatar.



    Maybe have the fax auto-return when not properly signed and stamped?

    Anyways in regards to faxes : I only use them as I believe they should, when absolutely needed. Primarily when the chain of command seems screwed or one of the heads has gone completely insane and the others have no fucks to give.

    Only twice have I had to do that and twice did I get a proper response that settled a few issues.


    Creating extra reply options for some types of faxes? Not really needed with a copy-paste.





    The Geneticist is not permitted to grant Powers to non-Command Staff without express verbal consent from the Research Director.




    The Geneticist is not permitted to grant Powers to non-Command Staff without express verbal consent from the Research Director. The Chief Medical Officer still detains full authority to forcefully remove these Powers if they are abused

    In the instance of abuse, what are the measures that a CMO can take if it is more than one person?



    That's what I was meaning. Anyone with the access can use and print out a guest pass to anyone, in the respective department, but departments like security and medical don't have time to wait around doors, and I mean that genuinely. Both types of jobs involve time sensitivity whether it is someone dying horribly in xeno or a decaying evidence and a detective being ignored.


    A head uses terminal to request so-so, the other head/captain approves it with terminal/pda, out pops 5 minute guest pass on other side, head gives person the pass, people go about doing their job.

    This also reduces the stress for AI Players, I'd imagine.



    Mutadone does act like a clean SE, it's just bugged and awaiting the fix to be patched in. That said, all of the above, especially the new bodies part. It's kinda a requirement to pump out at least one, for chemistry to make synth and biomass.


    And honestly, if instead of a wall there was a window in genetics, I bet we'd see them a lot more involved in the cloning thing. If the issue is that windows are easily broken into, make it an electrified grille.




    Also, is it really bugged? I thought the intentions behind it was that mutadone fixes just changes while an SE is dead set change (guaranteed everything off)


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